Minutes – NTG Steering Committee Meeting

Thursday August 13, 2015 – 8:00- 9:00pm EST

·  Present: Seth Keller, Matt Janicki, Jadene Ransdell, Kathie Bishop, Nancy Jokinen, Kathy Service, Kathleen Srsic-Stoehr

/ Item / Details / Next Steps /
1 / Review of Annual Meeting in LA / ·  NTG track day was Tuesday, July 28th
·  About 250 people attended the meeting
·  The meeting space and reception was great; sessions were very interesting
·  There were not a lot of opportunities for NTG members to meet; Didn’t talk any long-term strategy
·  Received 6-7 interest forms for sponsoring NTG Dementia Capable Care trainings
·  Ann Costello announced 25 million dollar award to Special Olympics—things will move in the next several months about a forming about more of a consolidated effort between AADMD and Golisano; dementia and aging may be involved. Seth has had conversations about looking at the aging athlete, using EDSD to look at functional decline
2 / June 13-15th, 2016 Next Annual Meeting / ·  Working with Tamar Heller; will be on UIC campus
·  Inclusive NTG meeting; cost will be low
·  Draw from Chicago area
·  Strategic planning / Develop and organize program planning committee; get call out early
3 / Curriculum/ Training Updates / ·  4-5 Go-to-Meetings scheduled next week
·  Scheduled 3-4 trainings over fall
·  Seth works at NJ State ICF with about 400 aging people living there. Seth wants training for nursing staff on IDD/ Dementia, including using EDSD.
·  Push the Dementia Capable Care training as specialized training for State ID community through GWEPs / Meet Aug. 20 about streamlining the registration process, etc.
Kathie Bishop will send dates and marketing materials for fall planned sessions
Continue discussion on having a nursing staff training; logistics of training for large facility
Work with GWEPs on IDD/Dementia trainings
4 / NDSS/ Alzheimer’s Association project / ·  Conversation about phase 2 publication targeting caregivers for individuals with Down’s Syndrome and AD
·  Julie Moran heading up effort
·  Will disseminate flyer announcing booklet in March / Need to think about administrative need and support; getting $ to carry the function
5 / Group Updates / Group A-
·  Jadene had conversations with Mary Hogan and Kathy Srsic-Stoehr; were working on fact sheets but NDSS/AA booklet has taken over; need to make sure voice of caregiver and family member is shared; need practical advise
·  Mary gave testimony at NAPA conference in July
Group C
·  Nancy and Tom working on guidelines for organizations and agencies for creating community homes and guidelines for family home settings for people with ID and Dementia
Groups H&S-
·  Was submitted as part of Florida ACS grant to use EDSD to evaluate and expand use; don’t know if it went into the State grant that ended up going in
·  Winnipeg revised original proposal using EDSD; will submit to another funder; won’t know until November
·  Seth using EDSD in NJ; wants to test SAFD use for post-diagnosis / Nina will post Mary’s NAPA testimony to website
6 / NAPA / ·  Next meeting In Washington October 26th
·  Matt Janicki will be there
·  Kathy Srsic-Stoehr may go
7 / AIDD Fact Sheets / ·  on hold; no word on funding / Nina will turn to this soon
8 / Other Stuff / ·  Mary has been invited to be on a plenary panel for Alzheimer’s Association September 1 in Washington DC
·  United Health Care—September 2nd Matt Janicki, Mary Hogan, and Rachel Dyer will be on a panel talking about dementia and ID in Washington DC
·  Nancy and Seth giving 2 day aging summit on September 2nd and 3rd; 2-day program sponsored by Special Olympics Alaska; looking to put together holistic, community-based, state-based program to support folks with IDD and dementia
·  Nina will be on maternity leave mid-September for 4 weeks

Next meeting: September 24th, 2015