FEBRUARY 28, 2007
The meeting of the Environmental Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by John Brotherton, Chairman. The Opening Statement was made. Roll call was taken.
Present:J. Brotherton
D. Daehnke
S. Golz
J. Spiech
D. Wenger
J. DeWan (secretary)
Anthony Coleman, Watershed Ambassador
Absent:K. LaGreca
C. Phiefer
The Minutes of the meeting held on January 24, 2007 were accepted as submitted.
There was no meeting held on February 14, 2007 due to weather conditions.
Anthony Coleman attended the meeting to further discuss his project plans. John Brotherton has discussed possible projects with Brian Campion, Business Administrator. Indications are the best suited project would be a revegetation (planting project)on a bank near the bridge at LakeHenry. Details of the project must be approved first by the township. Planting does not require any special DEP permits, but excavating would. Anthony has support from Mrs. Bouchard and her son Scott, a member of Mahwah Boy Scout Troop 50. Hopefully, the entire Troop will work on this project. Dave Daehnke suggested different plants which Anthony could try to obtain. These plants are water tolerant, not too small, but small enough to be easy to transport and plant.
Anthony will draw plans and get a list of available plants. He hopes to finish the project by June, July at the latest.
John Spiech will be the Environmental Commission contact with Anthony while John Brotherton is out of town. Anthony will get his plans to John S. prior to the next Environmental Commission meeting on March 14th.
The following tenant applications were reviewed and approved.
- Accelerated Service Enterprise LLC, 777 Corporate Drive – marketing.
- RBH, USA, Inc., 60 Whitney Road, Unit 14 – electronics.
- The ValleyFitness & WellnessCenter, LLC, 82 McKee Drive – fitness and health.
- Quality Carton, Inc., 1 International Blvd, 6th floor – executive office.
- Aquatic Distributors, Inc., 60 Whitney Road, Units 3 & 4 – robotic pool cleaners.
InternationalMotorPlaza, Dkt. 1183
Not approved. Comments to Board of Adjustment:
“See previous comments from 3/8/06.”
Comments from 3/8/06 listed below:
- We request an EIS due to installation of the car wash. We know there are test wells in the vicinity. What is their status?
- We object to the use of town property. They are currently using South Houvenkopf Rd.
We object to the concrete barrier on South Houvenkopf Rd. and encroachment on town property.
- The owner should install fencing along the western and southern property lines to contain trash and debris.”
17 Franklin LLC, Dkt. 509
Not approved. Comments to Planning Board:
“All DEP approvals must be obtained.
We reviewed the landscaping plan. The trees between the road and parking may be too big for the actual space. We suggest a smaller specimen, 8 – 10 ft., for easier planting and a better chance of survival.”
Received preliminary soil movement permit application. No comment at this time.
The Valley Fitness and WellnessCenter, LLC, Dkt. 1217-07
Received letters and plot plans from Township Engineer concerning tree counts on two building lots at Campgaw Construction. Information will be kept on file.
RamapoRiver Day – June 9, 9:30 – 12:45 sponsored by Trout Unlimited.
GeesePeace 2007 – training workshop on Wednesday, March 21st at The Stable in Ridgewood. A copy of the notice will be sent to Stanley Spiech. The original notice will be passed on to Susan Golz.
We received the invoice for 2007 Municipal Membership in the NJ Shade Tree Federation in the amount of $85.00. This invoice was approved for payment. Five persons can be listed to receive mailings. 2007 members will be Carol Phiefer, Donald Wenger, David Daehnke, Karin LaGreca and Stanley Spiech.
We received an information packet from the Cable Advisory Committee concerning getting events listed on the cable station.
John Spiech inquired about obtaining a DEP list of open case files in Mahwah, including the locations. John Brotherton reviewed the monthly DEP bulletin, but that just shows permit applications to DEP.
An effort will be made to determine if the information can be obtained through the DEP web site.
The next meeting of the Environmental Commission will be held on Wednesday, March 14, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. at the MunicipalBuilding, 475 Corporate Drive, Mahwah, N.J.
John Brotherton and David Daehnke stated that they will be absent from the next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
J. DeWan