Energy Expo PowerPoint


Checklist: Did you include the following?

□ Explanation of what your energy source is.

□ Renewable or nonrenewable

□ When was your energy source discovered and who discovered it?

□ How your source has evolved (changed) since it was first discovered?

□ Any important people or events related to your energy source.

□ Where is your energy source found? If found everywhere, tell where it is most commonly recovered.

□ How is your energy source recovered?

□ Who uses your energy source and for what purpose?

□ How is your energy stored once it is recovered or generated?

□ Where is your energy stored once it is recovered or generated?

□ How do we get it from its stored state? (How do we make it usable?)

□ What is your energy source used for today?

□ Are we using more or less of your energy source now than we did in the past?

□ 4 advantages & 4 disadvantages. Included the effect of your source on the environment under either category.

□ Will your energy source even be a part of the future?

□ Is new technology currently being created?

□ What will your energy source look like in 30 years?

□ At least 5 resources

□ One animation/picture on each page.

□ One link to a video.

CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / SCORE
Layout & Formatting
(8pts total) / Font formats and layout have been carefully planned to enhance readability and content / Font formats and layout have been planned to enhance readability / Font formats and layout have been carefully planned to complement the content. It may be hard to read. / Font formats and layout makes it very difficult to read the material. / X2= _____
Content Accuracy
(16pts total) / All content throughout the presentation is accurate. There are no factual errors. / Most of the content is accurate, but there is one piece of information that is inaccurate. / The content is generally accurate, but there is more than one piece of information that is inaccurate. / Content is confusing or contains 4 or more factual errors. It is difficult to understand the energy source. / X4= _____
(16pts total) / Project includes all material needed to gain an understanding of the energy source. / Project includes most of the material needed to gain an understanding of the energy source. / Project is missing more than two key elements / Project is lacking several key components. / X4= _____
Spelling and grammar
(4pts total) / Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors. / Presentation has 1-2 misspellings or grammatical errors. / Presentation has 2-3 misspellings or grammatical errors. / Presentation has 4+ misspellings or grammatical errors.
Use of Graphics, Animations & Video
(4pts total) / Project included necessary graphics/ animations & a video / Project included most necessary graphics/ animations & a video / Project included half graphics/ animations or did not include a video / Project included few graphics/ animations & no video
(4pts total) / Includes a minimum of 5 references / Includes only 4 references / Includes only 3 references / Includes 1 or 2 references
Peer Evaluation Form & Participation
(8pts total) / Completed with seriousness and was an active group member daily. / Completed with seriousness had to be encouraged to participate / Completed with minimal effort or participated minimally in project. / Completed with minimal effort and did not participate at all. / X2= _____