Students will have necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical fitness, participate in physical activity and maintain personal health.
Grade Level K-3
Students will perform basic motor and manipulative skills. They will attain a minimal level of competency in a variety of physical activities.
Performance Indicators / Performance Tasks / Suggested Activities / AssessmentDevelop basic physical fitness skills. / Improve physical fitness:
upper body strength
lower body strength
cardiorespiratory / cardiovascular
sustain physical activity for short periods of time.
Identify changes in body during vigorous physical activity (i.e., increased heart rate, heavy breathing). / Activities
Fitness jump roping, jogging, stretching, relays, games, tumbling, climbing
Physical fitness test
Observational record
Explain to teacher what body changes occur during exercise (i.e., increased pulse rate, heavier breathing, heavy sweating)
Illustrated journals
Demonstrate a fundamental understanding of locomotor, non-locomotor, manipulative skills, and rhythms. / Perform basic locomotor skills (i.e., run, hop, skip, gallop).
Demonstrate non-locomotor skills (i.e., balance, twist, stretch, bend, weight transfer).
Be able to throw, catch, strike, kick, and dribble at an acceptable level.
From body into various shapes, i.e., angular, twisted, curved
Perform basic concepts of rhythms and creative movement i.e., pathways, space concepts / Activities
Tumbling, gymnastics, games, creative movement, manipulatives (balls, wands, plastic bats), relays, stations
Check list
PEQ folder (portfolio)
Routines - tumbling, rhythms
Student Projects
Peer observation
Collect pictures of various skills - label them
Understand the relationship between physical activity and individual well-being. / Engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity inside and outside of class.
Experience and express pleasure from participating in physical activity.
Recognize the relationship between increased heart rate, improved fitness and well-being.
Age-related physical fitness test. / Activities
Gross motor games, participation in physically active clubs, active dances, roller blading
Warm-up and cool-down exercises
Individual and group activities outside of school (i.e., bowling, soccer, gymnastics)
Teacher observational record (observe on playground and in class)
Teacher-designed picture test using examples of positive and negative activity (happy and sad faces)
Fitness levels as per standardized test
Student Projects
Homework assignment using pictures or written examples of activities outside of school for 1 day
Drawings of how you feel during activity and after
STANDARD #2 / A Safe and Healthy Environment
Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment.
Grade Level K-3
Students will demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior in physically active settings. They will understand that physical activity provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self expression and communication. Students will be able to identify safety hazards and react effectively to ensure a safe and positive experience for all participants.
Performance Indicators / Performance Tasks / Suggested Activities / AssessmentContribute to a safe and healthy environment by observing safe conditions during games, recreation, and outdoor activities. / Handle equipment safely.
Be aware of and pay attention to safety hazards.
Recognize and demonstrate practices necessary to ensure safe conditions. / Activities
Put equipment in assigned area when not in use
Practice safety rules when using or on equipment
Practice spatial awareness
Know number of people allowed in order to be safe (i.e., swings, tumbling mats, gymnastics equipment)
Teacher observation
Demonstrate basic spotting techniques (i.e., gymnastics, tumbling)
Recognize and practice appropriate participant and spectator behaviors to produce a safe and positive environment. / Demonstrate self control in all situations (i.e., success and failure, exhibit acceptable body language).
Accept activity outcome with a proper attitude.
/ Activities
Hand shakes or congratulations after competition
Use of positive statements, signs/verbal (nice try, good job, terrific) during class
Model appropriate spectator/participant behavior
Cooperative games
Teacher observation
Point system
Work constructively with others to accomplish a variety of goals and tasks. / Invite others to take a turn.
Assist others with a skill during practice.
Play various roles in a game. / Activities
Station activities
Group rotation (i.e., relays)
Cooperative games/activities
Point system
Student/group self evaluation ( i.e., debriefing)
Demonstrate care, consideration, and respect of self and others during physical activity. / Demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior during physical activity.
Demonstrate self control and the ability to cope with success and failure.
Accept teammates regardless of ability and treat others with respect and courtesy. / Activities
Hand shakes
Supportive/positive comments
Assisting others moving small classroom materials (i.e., balls, bean bags)
Peer mediation (role-playing activities)
Discuss differences between working alone or in groups
Ability to accept win or loss
Awareness of personal space and others
Cooperative activities
Observation chart: i.e., positive responses
Debriefing - wrap-up session
Recognize how injuries from physical activity can be prevented. / Wear proper attire.
Demonstrate appropriate skill in fundamental moving tasks (i.e., lifting, carrying, climbing).
Properly use facilities with attention to safety hazards.
Follow directions for safe and correct performance.
Understand the basics of how and why the body works in order to avoid injuries.
Recognize and demonstrate practices necessary to insure safe conditions for physical activity. / Activities
Stretching - warm-up / cool-down
Rope climbing, obstacle course
Lifetime activities: proper gear, biking, roller blading
Spatial awareness: how the body works, i.e., bone & muscle puzzles
STANDARD #3 / Resource Management
Students will understand and be able to recognize their personal and community resources.
Grade Level K-3
Students will recognize the opportunities available to them within their community to engage in physical activity. Students will demonstrate some knowledge of career options in the field of physical education and sport.
Performance Indicators / Performance Tasks / Suggested Activities / AssessmentDemonstrate the effect of the family on the decision making process as it relates to physical activity. / Describe how the family influences one’s physical activity. / Activities
Family nights
Field day (fun day)
Family recreational activities, i.e., camping, walks, picnics, etc.
Collage of family use of physically active leisure time
Create a home exercise/activity schedule for one day
Family activity chart
Recognize that resources available at home and in the community offer opportunities to participate in and enjoy a variety of physical activities in their leisure time. / Discuss available community resources, both at home and in school. / Activities
Family-developed list of available activities
Provide a school-generated list of all available community resources
Collage of family use of physically active leisure time
Create a home exercise/activity schedule for one day
Family activity chart
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STANDARD #1 / Health and FitnessStudents will perform basic motor and manipulative skills. They will attain competency in a variety of physical activities and proficiency in a few select complex motor and sports activities. Students will design a personal fitness program to improve cardiorespiratory and cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular strength, endurance, and body composition.
Grade Level 4-5
Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical fitness, participate in physical activity, and maintain personal health.
Performance Indicators / Performance Tasks / Suggested Activities / AssessmentParticipate in physical activities which develop physical fitness skills through practice and effort and provide conditioning in each fitness area. / Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity in a variety of settings.
Do additional push-ups each day to improve upper body strength, additional stretches to improve flexibility.
Run increased distances in given time periods to develop cardiorespiratory/ cardiovascular fitness. / Activities
Jump rope, circuit training, aerobics, obstacle course
Vocabulary: flexibility, endurance, strength, speed, etc.
aerobic routine
written test
jump rope for heart
Demonstrate outstanding level of fundamental locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills, and understand the fundamental principles of movement. / Demonstrate basic locomotor skills, manipulative skills, and non-locomotor skills using mature movement patterns.
Apply the concepts and principles of human movement to the development of new skills, i.e., opposition, weight transfer, follow through, etc.
/ Activities
Games: lead up games (see Appendix for Resources)
Manipulative games, i.e., tag games, target games, etc.
Language: Movement vocabulary, spatial awareness
Team sports, individual sports, i.e., soccer, tennis, track, etc.
PEQ folder (portfolio)
Performance, routine
Understand the effects of activity on the body, the risks associated with inactivity, and the basic components of health-related fitness, i.e., cardiovascular, muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility and body composition. / Engage in physical activity and be able to monitor pulse rate in order to understand the concept of cardiovascular functions.
Set a personal physical activity goal and track progress toward its achievement.
Identify community recreational facilities, i.e., parks, pool, trails, YMCA, etc. / Activities
Wellness Unit: Fitness/conditioning, i.e., monitoring heart rate, proper nutrition
Lifetime activities, i.e., golf, bowling, swimming, hiking, biking, canoeing, etc.
Utilize community resources
Student project, i.e., wall charts, journals
Class discussion
Collage, i.e., four basic food groups
Assignments, i.e., identify available community resources
Demonstrate and assess fitness by performing exercises or activities related to each health-related fitness component and establish personal goals to improve fitness. / Do additional repetitions or activities to improve upper body strength, flexibility, cardiovascular and respiratory fitness, i.e., push ups, stretches, running.
Set a personal physical activity goal and track progress toward its achievement. / Activities
Wellness unit: fitness/conditioning unit, i.e., circuit training, obstacle course
Jump Rope for Heart, Run for the Gold, etc.
Student project, i.e., track distance between school and a destination
Perform rhythmic/aerobic activity
Participation in special events
Continual progress on project
Recognize the relationship between physical activity and individual well-being. / Identify the benefits derived from regular physical activity.
Perform appropriate warm-up and cool-down exercises or activities to avoid muscle injury.
Identify several moderate to vigorous physical activities that promote personal fitness/wellness. / Activities
Wellness Unit, i.e., nutrition, exercise, stress management, etc.
Appropriate warm-up and cool-down activities
Lifetime activities, i.e., orienteering, golf, hiking, biking, etc.
Student project, i.e., identify in writing or verbally lifetime activities
Written report
STANDARD #2 / A Safe and Healthy Environment
Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment.
Grade Level 4-5
Students will demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior while engaged in physical activity. They will understand that physical activity provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and communication. Students will be able to identify safety hazards and react effectively to insure a safe and positive experience for all participants.
Performance Indicators / Performance Tasks / Suggested Activities / AssessmentContribute to a safe and healthy environment by observing safe conditions during games, recreation, and outdoor activities. / Help to establish rules, procedures, and etiquette that lead to safe activity situations.
Handle equipment safely.
Follow directions.
Exhibit proper behavior towards teacher, classmates and self. / Activities
Distinguishes between acts of “courage” and reckless acts, i.e., climbs a rope to a safe height and comes down correctly
Helps to plan a safe environment for activities, i.e., gymnastics, striking activities
Wears proper attire and protective gear as necessary
Manipulative activities, i.e., hockey stick handling, golf - proper grip
Tumbling/Gymnastics -- proper safety techniques, spotting
Games: tag games, relays
Outdoor activities: orienteering, cross country skiing, hiking, biking
Observational record, i.e., students stay on task, help others, resolve conflicts, support group members
Monitor on/off task activities in physically active situations
Written test: i.e., procedures, safety rules
Demonstrate appropriate participant and spectator behaviors to produce a safe and positive environment. / Demonstrate self-control and the ability to cope with success and failure in all situations.
Demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior while engaged in physical activities and as a spectator.
Accept activity outcomes with proper attitudes. / Activities
Works cooperatively and productively with a partner or small group, i.e., cooperative activities, design a routine/dance, group games
Practice positive vocabulary in all situations (win-lose), i.e., good try, nice job, keep it up, terrific
Teachable moment - i.e., student acknowledgment
Practice being a good spectator, i.e., clap, cheer or sit quietly
Accept decisions of officials, leaders, or teachers
Written test matching or fill-in the blank for appropriate/inappropriate behaviors
Teacher observational record
Student Project
Record examples seen in class, in play group or at games - positive behaviors
Point system, i.e., behavior
Peer observation
Demonstrate understanding and respect for differences among people in physical activity settings / Develop multicultural awareness through participation in physical activity.
Cooperate with physically- or developmentally-challenged peers and those of different gender or ethnicity. / Activities
Performance of multicultural dances
Participation in games of other cultures
Play a wheelchair basketball game
Work with a partner in trust situations, i.e., cooperative activities
Peer evaluation/class debriefing
Role playing
Demonstrate care, consideration and respect for self and others during physical activity for the spirit of the game. / Demonstrate self-control during physical activity.
Accept teammates regardless of ability or gender, and treat others with respect and courtesy. / Activities
Constructive/positive comments
Sportsmanship, playing by the rules
Playing for fun and enjoyment
Coed teams
Observation by teacher and peers
Demonstrate how injuries from physical activity can be prevented and treated. / Wear proper attire and gear pertaining to activity.
Demonstrate appropriate skill in fundamental movement activity or task, i.e., spotting, lifting, carrying, climbing.
Follow directions to perform safely and correctly.
Proper use of facilities with attention to safety hazards. / Activities
Tumbling, i.e., spotting, proper equipment (shin guards, goggles, face mask, helmets)
Proper technique while using equipment, i.e., hockey softball
Written test (gymnastics, sports)
Check list
STANDARD #3 / Resource Management
Students will understand and be able to manage personal and community resources.
Grade Level 4-5
Students will be aware of and able to access opportunities available to them within their community in order to engage in physical activity. They will begin to develop the ability to evaluate community facilities and programs. Students will be exposed to some career options in the field of physical education and sport.
Performance Indicators / Performance Tasks / Suggested Activities / AssessmentRecognize that resources are available at home and within the community for participation in physical activities during leisure time. / Identify community facilities for recreational activities, i.e., parks, swimming pools, recreational centers, skating rinks, hiking trails and skiing resources.
Encourage families to become physically active as a unit, i.e., walks, bike rides, and hiking. / Activities
Take walking trips to community facilities designed for physical activity
Bring in guest speakers to explain their programs
Have a family night which is both participatory and informationally directed, i.e., games, dances, community displays and/or speakers
Introduce inline skating, orienteering, canoeing, hiking, biking, skating, cross-country skiing as possible family activities
Student journals recording information gained from field trips
Parent questionnaire at family night, i.e., what physical activities family participates in, awareness of community resources
Brochure library
Drawings of activities most enjoyed by students
Bring in copies of community programs attended
Chart activities in which they participated
Become discriminating individuals concerning fitness information and health-related fitness activities in their communities. / Identify community programs such as YMCA/YWCA, Boys/Girls Clubs, sport camps, youth sports leagues.
Identify community agencies that advocate wellness / Activities
Visit community centers, i.e., Y’s, climbing wall centers, skating rinks
Hold an activity awareness fair, i.e., bring in representatives from Y, sports camps, youth leagues, etc.
Take a class to a Y pool.
Fitness nutrition workshop
Newspaper articles relating to available community facilities
Student Project
After-school fitness plan
Class bar graphs of available facilities
Mural of community activities students most enjoy
Family journal of community activities
Demonstrate the ability to apply the decision-making process to physical activity. / Make positive choices that will encourage lifelong fitness, i.e., proper nutrition, sleep, benefits of regular exercise.
Understands that physical activity provides opportunities for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and social interaction.
Participates in activities according to skill level. / Activities
Fitness fair of community agencies, i.e., orienteering, inline skating, rock climbing
Prepare nutritional snacks/lunches
Intramurals, clubs, Boy/Girl Scouts
Participation and attendance
Written test on nutrition
List physical activities most enjoyed by students
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