ING DIRECT Financial Wellbeing Index (FWI) – Q4 2012


·  Household Financial Wellbeing Index is 107.4 (down from 109 in Q3), mainly due to a ‘Christmas/ New Year’ effect

·  All dimensions have decreased in Q4 except for comfort with long term assets

·  For one third of Australian families the financial priority in 2013 is to Avoid/pay down debt (37%) or to save more than last year (32%).

·  41% say their financial position is unchanged from 12 months ago, 35% feel better off (vs 24% who feel worse off)

Credit cards (personal debt)

·  Australian households have 1.9 credit cards on average (up from 1.8)

·  Approximately one in ten households (12%) have no credit card

·  The median outstanding balance on credits cards is $2,002 (up from $1,470 in Q3)

·  61% say that they typically pay off their credit cards each month

·  13% of households currently owe nothing on their credit cards (down from 17% in Q3)


·  Across all Australian households the median savings level is $11,798, the highest level since tracking commenced in Q1 2010 (up from $9,735 in Q3)

·  More than 50% of Australian households have more than $5,000 or more in savings

·  51% of savers are doing so to have a bigger safety cushion in the bank

·  Setting a budget and spending less will aid savings with 29% wanting to put a set amount away each pay day

·  15% of households have no savings at all

·  One third of households (36%) would like more than 3 months income in case of an emergency


·  The proportion of mortgage free households in Australia is 28% this quarter (up from 24% in Q3)

·  Comfort in long term debt such as mortgages maintains its high level

·  A further one in three 28% are renting; 39% own their home with a mortgage

·  Among households with a mortgage half (49%) are paying down ahead of time, the highest proportion since tracking began

·  48% are paying as due; while 3% are getting behind in their mortgage.

·  The median outstanding mortgage balance is $214,415 (up from $203,155 in Q3)

Household income and bills

·  The median annual household income is $70,365 (up from $69,051 in Q3)

·  Eight per cent of households say that their household income is not enough to cover immediate bills (up from 6%)

·  Seven per cent of households say that it is almost impossible to pay all the monthly bills on time


·  One in four (27%) of households have share-market investments

·  51% of households have no assets or investments outside of the family home

·  The median value of total assets in each household (including equity in the family home) is $231,710

·  22% of households have an investment property

·  One in five (20%) of households say that they don’t have any investments/ assets at all

For a full copy of the report, please visit the ING DIRECT Online Newsroom

Contact: Caroline Thomas, PR Manager, ING DIRECT, 02 9018 5160 or 0413 317 225.