*These have also been posted on the MSC website:
Indiana University School of Medicine Medical Student Council
Minutes: 2005 Session: March 22, 2005
Submitted: April 18, 2005
Please direct any comments/corrections to Manika Bhateja ().
A.Call to Order: Anthony (MSC President) started the meeting by welcoming everyone.
B.Roll Call:
All voting members present except the following: Toni Lin, Dan Nahrwold, Julianne Goad, Rachel Miller, Suzie Inchauste, Michael Rerko, Sam Araujo.
Campuses present: Fort Wayne, Evansville, South Bend, Northwest, Lafayette
Guests: Mary Alice Bell; Advisor from OMSL (I apologize for not getting the name).
C.Community Forum:
D.Officer Reports:
1.Match Day Congratulations—round of applause was given to congratulate all the 4th years who matched.
2.Travel with Deans update:
i.Prashant (MSC Treasurer)—traveled to the Terre Haute IUSOM campus with the Deans. Students are mainly happy. General concerns seem to be the following: worried about transitioning to the Indy campus for 3-4th years during the time of the boards. Students may need help moving into their apartments for rotations as well.
1.Scott (Center Liaison): agrees with Prashant’s findings and states that similar concerns exist for students on the other campuses as well.
ii.Mike (MSC VP)—visited Lafayette campus: they have a system setup where some 3rd year students pair up with 1st year students to guide them through the process. Similar to “Vertical Mentoring” on the Indy campus.
3.Leadership Day Update—Volunteers Needed (Anthony—Pres):
i.Will take place this summer/August. Will have a morning with the Deans and faculty and student leaders discussing the roles of each position. Will discuss issues for the fall. This should be mandatory for all the students who have filled the new MSC & Dean Appointed positions. In future, this day will be mandatory for all the new officers and will be included in the “Rules and Procedure” section.
4.MSC Website/Bulletin Board Update: Manika (MSC Sec.): Website is updated. Please send any further changes to . It is the responsibility of the leaders of different groups to provide the updated contact information for the website. A “calendar of events” for different SIGs is present on the MSA webpage and this information will not be duplicated on the MSC website. A link to the MSA webpage has been added to the MSC website. A calendar of events can be posted on the MSC Bulletin board located in the hallway in the basement. Please contact Manika to get things posted on the board as well.
E.Committee Minutes:
EOTA (Micah Bhatti):
oSaturday, April 2nd at 6pm in the University Conference Center Hotel. Will have an Art Auction followed by a show. Tickets are $10 students and $15 for adults. Will have tickets are the door.
Academic Standards Committee (Samson Chan):
oNo meeting.
CCCC: (Emily Liffick):
oDiscussed the following issues: clerkships and electives; Hematology elective in University Hospital; PDA issues—log-ins and ways to cross reference. Any comments or suggestions regarding any of these issues, please E-mail Emily.
OSR: (Anthony Harris):
o“Humanism Award” nominations due in April to the National Office. Also, National Student Research Committee nominations due at the end of this week.
oNo meeting.
Admission Ambassadors:
oNo report.
oCongrats on a good issue!
oOut of money; collecting pictures for last issue.
Peer Advising Project:
oNo report.
Student Promotions Committee:
oNo report.
F.Organization Announcements:
1.Spring House Calls: April 12th @ noon; April 16th calls; Added a house this year. Event will take place rain or shine.
2.AMA: Sponsoring an Obesity Walk on April 9th in Eagle Creek; Registration by mailboxes.
3.International Medicine: Rising 3rd years with books for sale. Contact Jodie: . Date of sale: TBA.
4.OMSL: Nicaragua trip was a success!
G.Old Business:
1.Comprehensive Integration Committee (Evaluation of 3rd year transition to Indy): (Kristen Spisak & Nicole Davis): Tabled until next meeting b/c presenters not present.
2.Volunteer coordinator position—Missy Spurr: problem resolved. No discussion needed.
3.RCC MSC Student Liaison Position: (Jodie Skiles): Will send out information after the MSC and Dean Appt. Positions have been filled.
4.Evaluation of student activity fees with GSO:
i.Money is going towards undergraduate facilities
ii.Scott and Anthony are working to get this resolved
iii.Still need to know where exactly the money is going.
iv.Resident’s use of the MS Recreational Room: (Dan Sines): Low key usage on average. Motion to allow residents to use the room, but only a small group. Compensation: since in a budget crunch, charge $25-$50 for usage to the Residents. Since Dan Sines is graduating, will need someone to take over responsibility for the Rec. room. Please contact .
H.New Business:
1.PDA Committee Issues (Claire Uebbing, 2nd year Center Rep from South Bend): only 82/500 students replied to the survey on Angel. This is not representative of the student body and thus, the software package deal will be laid down (unless, in the recent future, more surveys are completed). Still trying to get discounts from software companies for PDAs.
Constitution revisions are underway. Please let Anthony, Mike, Prashant know if you can help out. Also, the Asian Pacific Conference is taking place on April 15-16th. Contact Anthony Harris for information if interested. Thank you for attending this meeting. Please feel free to contact any of the MSC officers with any questions or comments.