West Malling Group Practice
Patient Participation Report 2014
Requirement 1 Provide a description of the profile of the members of the PPG
Requirement 2 The steps taken by the Contractor to ensure that the PPG is representative of its registered patients and where a category of patients is not represented, the steps the contractor took in an attempt to engage that category
We openly recruit into the PPG at every opportunity
We have held open evenings every quarter to which everyone was invited and the PPG committee were there to chat & give out joining packs.
We advertise the PPG on our websites, on our plasma screen, in our newsletters and in our New Patient pack. All are welcome.
We state that all patients are members of the PPG and some can elect to be more active and interested parties and some can stand for a position on the committee.
The PPG has a notice board in each surgery with the PPG information leaflet available and interest slips for patients to express interest in joining.
The PPG attend our open flu clinics mornings and talk about the PPG and try to swell the numbers.
Members of the PPG committee attend surgery at appropriate times such as during survey time and also to promote the PPG. On the whole the profile of the PPG fits that of the practice.
Requirement 3 Details of the steps taken to determine and reach agreement on the issues which had priority and were included in the local practice survey
We used information we had from complaints, from feedback received via the PPG during the year
and from the previous years survey and action plan. The PPG designed the survey questions based
on this and the practice agreed it.
Requirement 4 The manner in which the contractor sought to obtain the views of its registered patients
The survey was available to complete via survey monkey and in paper version
We handed it out in all 3 surgeries over a period of 2 months
We emailed and text all of patients about it & gave them the link to the web
We advertised it on our website and on the plasma screen and in the newsletters
We posted it to those members how can’t get in & request postal information
Requirement 5 Details of the steps taken by the Contractor to provide an opportunity for the PPG to discuss the contents of the action plan
The PPG informed us of the results as they were given to them first. Between us we re-formatted them and they were shared again with the PPG committee, the partners and team leaders of the practice.
Then we began to formulate the action plan based on the findings and this was shown to the PPG on 26/2/14 where a draft action plan was agreed
The partners then agreed the plan on 7 March and the plan shared with the PPG committee by email.
The outline of the survey findings & plan were then put into the newsletter which was published on the 17th March and the full version is now here in this report and will be published to the web by 31 March 2014.
Requirement 6 Details of the action plan setting out how the findings or proposals arising out of the local practice survey can be implemented and if appropriate, reasons why any such findings or proposals should not be implemented
Requirement 7 A summary of the evidence including any statistical evidence relating to the findings or basis of proposals arising out of the local practice survey
Requirement 8 Details of the action which the Contractor
· And, if relevant, NHS England (or other appropriate organisation where such functions may have been delegated), intend to take as a consequence of discussions with the PPG in respect of the results, findings and proposals arising out of the local practice survey;
· Where it has participated in the DES for a year (1st April – 31st March), or any part thereof, ending 31st March 2013, has taken on issues and priorities as set out in the Local Patient Participation Report
Requirement 9 The opening hours of the practice premises and the method of obtaining access to services throughout core hours
T 815 TO 6.30
W 815 TO 630
T 815 TO 630
F 815 TO 630
S 9-12
We can be accessed via the telephone between 8 and 6.30pm or by coming into the surgery between the hours above. Appointments can also be booked online.
Requirement 10 Where the contractor has entered into arrangements under an extended hours scheme, the times at which individual healthcare professionals are accessible to registered patients
Nurses, HCAs, NP and GPs are available during extended hours as follows:
GPs Sat 9-12 and Monday 6.30 to 8pm
NPS, HCAs, PNS are available 7-8 am Monday and 6.30-8pm Monday
When Monday is a bank holiday we offer EH on a Tuesday
Name of person completing this form: Ruth Wells
Surgery Name:West Malling Group Practice
G Number of Surgery:G82135