Redwood City, California


September 22, 2008

1. Call to Order

Trustee Diaz-Slocum called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. at the Community Room of the Redwood City Public Library, 1044 Middlefield Road, Redwood City.

Present at the Board Meeting:

President Shelly Masur, Trustees Maria Diaz-Slocum, Alisa MacAvoy, Hilary Paulson and Superintendent Jan Christensen

Absent: Trustee Dennis McBride (excused)

SUHSD: President Lorraine Rumley, Trustees Don Gibson, Olivia Martinez, Gordon Lewin, and Sarah Stewart

Absent: Superintendent Pat Gemma

San Mateo County Board of Supervisors: Supervisors Rich Gordon and Rose Jacobs Gibson

Absent: Supervisors Adrienne Tissier, Mark Church, and Jerry Hill, and County Manager John Maltbie

Redwood City Council: Mayor Rosanne Foust, Council members Diane Howard, Alicia Aguirre, Jim Hartnett, Jeff Ira, Barbara Pierce and City Manager Peter Ingram

Absent: Council member Ian Bain

Sequoia Healthcare: Katie Kane and Dev Mahadevan

John W. Gardner Center: Milbrey McLaughlin

Others present: John Baker, Raul Parungao, Patricia McRae, Patricia Brown, Judy Romero, Maria Fernandez, Sandra Portasio, Francesca Miranda, Craig Baker, Tom Mohr

2. Statement of Purpose of the Meeting

Pat Brown, Director of Redwood City 2020 (RC 2020), explained the purpose of the Joint Policy Board of RC 2020 partners. She explained the role of RC 2020 as a forum for organizations to work together to address complex issues of concern and to promote health and success for children, youth and families.

3. Introductions/Review of Planned Agenda

Trustee Diaz-Slocum reviewed the agenda and explained the process for handling the meeting.

4. Brief Overview of RC 2020

Mrs. Brown reported on the history of Redwood City 2020. She explained why and how RC 2020 was formed, current strategic plan priorities, structure, funding and evaluations.

Council member Aguirre requested data on RC 2020’s impact on the community.

Mrs. Brown reported on the evolution of RC 2020, the creation of the collaborative’s shared interest, and a listing of priorities for the next 3 years. Mrs. Brown provided information on programs, RC 2020’s structure, coordinating council, cabinet and staff. Mrs. Brown reported on how RC 2020 is funded.

5. Updates from Programs

5.1 Community Schools

Sandra Portasio, Director of Community Schools, updated the members on the community schools program.

Mrs. Portasio shared a video which showcased the community school program in the district.

5.2 Sequoia Teen Resource Center

Judy Romero, Director, Sequoia Teen Resource Center, provided information on the background of the Sequoia Teen Resource Center. She explained that the Center was established in 2003 to provide health services to students in the Sequoia Union High School District.

5.3  Community Youth Development Initiative

Maria Fernandez from the John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities, provided information on the Community Youth Development Initiative. She reported that Priority 4 of the community youth development initiative is to coordinate and expand community-based efforts to support youth and intergenerational partnerships. She reported on what is being done and who is being affected by this support.

Mrs. Brown expressed appreciation to the John W. Gardner Center for creating the Youth Data Archives which provides a wealth of information on youth

6. Public Comments


7.  Policy Leaders: Questions/Comments

Councilwoman Howard asked if the City could have access to youth information in order to develop the City’s budget.

In answer to Trustee Stewart’s question, Ms. Romero explained how the Teen Resource Center and Wellness Center help at risk students.

In answer to Ms. Kane’s question, Ms. Romero explained how “case management” works under the Teen Resource Center.

Councilwoman Aguirre expressed concern about students at the Teen Summit expressing that they are under a great deal of stress.

In answer to Trustee Rumley’s question, Ms. Romero explained that the Sequoia Center works closely with the elementary district to transition students into high school.

8.  Consensus Approval of RC 2020 Priorities

Members present expressed consensus approval of the RC 2020 priorities.

Members shared issues of concern which were relevant to RC 2020, such as after school programs, coordinated community service, use of parks.

Ms. Kane, Sequoia Healthcare, asked for assistance identifying illnesses not being addressed in the community.

Mayor Foust suggested that RC 2020 consider adding business community representatives to participate with the RC 2020 coordinating council.

9. Adjournment

On motion by Trustee Paulson, seconded by Trustee MacAvoy, and by unanimous vote, the board adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m.

Shelly Masur, President


Board Minutes September 22, 2008