Capital CampaignMay 2018
The Board of Directors saysThank you to all that have donated to our capital campaignand reminds others to please donate.
Capital CampaignMay 2018
Jim & Mary Beth BasilJeff & Linda Belling
Mark & Nancy Bergum
Bonnie Brusk & Martha Boutet
Jackson & Loraine Bowling
Mrs. Patricia Brown
Joan Cole
Colleen & James Connors
Roger & Peggy Davison
Vince & JudyDeJohn
Francis & Peggy Delach
Joe & Pam DiCesare
Tony & Sheila Duggan
Dory Evans
Cheryl & Bob Evans
Dave & Gail Farrugia
Betty K. Fierle
Pat & JoAnne Gorman
Nancy A. Haggerty
Peggy & Mike Hall
The Hargrave Family
Terry Herbeck& KimDoty
Emily & Carl Kogler
Paul & Terry Kucinski
Dave & Marilyn Kurzawa
Dick & Jessica Lapp
McCrone & Ingles Families
James McGowan
John & Beverly McGowan
Jean McGowan
George Meyerhofer
The Miller Family
Douglas & Suzanne Newman
Jack & Pat Novak
Mary O'Connell
Leslie Powell
Peter Quermback
William & Emilie Quigley
Marc & Judy Randazzo
Bill & Linda Savage
Greg & Nancy Schenk
Sean & Geralyn Spiesz
Ed & Linda Spiesz
Gerry JulieStegmeier
Sandy & Dave Tiedemann
John & Mary Jo Treanor
Mark & Connie Wattles
Phil & Ann Wilkerson
Wendy Woodall
Sandy Young
5 Anonymous Donors
Capital CampaignMay 2018
Many people, when donating, took the opportunity to comment on how Hanford Bay and our Club have influencedlasting wonderful memories and in some cases for generations.
We are also reminding others to consider donating, so we can continue improving our Club.
A total of $27,410 has been collected thus far towards our $75,000 goal. Of the current donations, nearly $14,000 was designated by donors to be applied towards tennis court rehabilitation. As the tennis court rehabilitation requires approximately $33,000, the membership at last year’s final meeting agreed to apply that $14,000 and proceed with the project. This May the two tennis courts were milled, and a new top was applied. The courts must cure for a month, at which point painting and lines will be applied. We are having the courts lined for both Tennis and Pickle ball.
Thus, portions of the donations received are already bearing fruit and the Club is now maintaining capital reserves. But to best secure the Club’s future and quality experiences, we are still in need of broad participation in the capital campaign to do other improvementsand allow us to refill our bank account for inevitable emergencies. The price of everything is going up and, as you know, maintaining a property is a 365-day-a-year obligation.
Some commemorative growlers remain for donations of $1,000 or more. But, regardless of the degree of your participation, won’t you join your neighbors and preserve this precious resource in our Heavenly Bay? Thank you for your consideration.
Please Consider a Capital Campaign Donation
On a scale of 0 (hate it) to 5 (love it) please rank the following possible improvements for the Club by circling a number:
Air conditioning: 0 1 2 3 4 5 Better chairs:0 1 2 3 4 5 Horseshoe pits:0 1 2 3 4 5
Acoustic Ceiling:0 1 2 3 4 5 Kitchen updates:0 1 2 3 4 5A picnic pavilion: 0 1 2 3 4 5
I have the following suggestions for the Club:
Enclosed is a check, made out to “Hanford Bay Community Club Capital Campaign.”
_____ Please keep my donation anonymous.
_____ Please reserve a Limited-Edition Growler for my $1,000.00 or more paid donation. *
_____ Please earmark my donation towards the tennis courts.
Donor’s name and contact: ______
Mail or drop off your contribution withJean McGowan, HBCC Treasurer, 1212 Dixie Ave., Silver Creek NY 14136