Harmston Matters

Your monthly HMH update……

Issue 39: Oct/Nov 2016

Holy Moly and the Crackers

We had been trying to get Holy Moly for Harmston Memorial Hall for a little while and they did not disappoint. They crackled with talent and energy. Seven extremely talented musicians entertained a full audience for two hours. A wonderful mixture of music ranging from Gypsy bohemian folk to gentle and thoughtful ballads all marked with their own unique style. Great fun and intelligent music fused into an absolutely marvellous evening enjoyed by all.

Next up is Snowed In - Jez Lowe and the Bad Pennies,well known at national festivals and particularly for their Christmas show. Thursday 8th December. 7.45 Bar opens at 7.00. Tickets £9
It will sell out so get your tickets booked with Keith 01522 722462 or Jo 01522 722919 or collect at the Thorold Arms. If you have not been before treat yourself you will not be disappointed!

Your village needs you!.....

At the Annual General Meeting on 24th November 2016, 6pm, some important positions will become vacant on the Harmston Memorial Hall Committee. We really need some of you to ‘step-up’!

In addition to specific positions we always need general committee members who manage the ongoing running of the Hall and the events it offers. Don’t worry if you cannot offer much time, or if you might struggle to attend meetings – every little helps and the roles can be as flexible as necessary.

If you are not able to attend the AGM but are interested in helping, please let our Chairman, David Robertson know on 01522 721420.

Please do consider ‘doing your bit’ for your community and volunteering to join us!

Christmas Bingo Night – Friday 9th December

eyes down 7.30pm, excellent prizes, raffle, refreshments – all proceeds go to funding the Harmston Children’s Christmas Party. As we do every year, we will be collecting contributions for the bingo night around the village in week or so prior – please do give generously as always – it is for a very good cause.

Still a few copies available!

‘Harmston Cooks’ - HMH Recipe Book

Harmston Cooks available to purchase at just £6 a copy. 154 recipes in 10 categories and all in aid of the Hall. They make perfect Christmas gifts - if you’d like a copy just contact any of the HMH committee, pop into The Thorold Arms or email

Editor’s Note

Wow where has this year gone! Our Christmas events are just around the corner – don’t miss the Craft Fair on 27th Nov and pick up some interesting and original Christmas presents, bring the kids along to our annual kids Christmas party and have some fun yourselves at the Christmas Bingo! We look forward to seeing you all at HMH.

Jo Oldham


Harmston Matters
