Minutes of the

Mid-MO Amateur Radio Club, Inc.

Jefferson City, MO

Meeting of: August 9, 2012

Called to order by: President, Rich Kreiser, NØJBF

In attendance: ACØSA – Richard Manning; K9ZTV – Kent Trimble; KBØQHZ – Joe Betros; KDØDSJ – Randall Rolle; KDØFAS – Roger Conway; KDØGRM – Steve Hick; KDØGRS – Brian Tordoff; KDØGRU – Bryan Norman; KDØGRV – Laura Teske; KDØMRJ – Bill Anderson; KDØNPF – Jerry Sill; KDØQFN – Mike Betros; KIØY – Mark Eberle; KMØS – Mike Thayer; NØJBF – Richard Kreiser; NØKSF – Jack Boswell; NØZH – Mike Dolson; NNØB – Steve Harvey; NMØC – Nancie McAnaugh; WA2KBZ – Karl Schulte; W4RK – Bill Gerth; WØQBX – J. Gattermeir; WØXII – Bob Heald; WBØAQV – Greg Abbott; WBØKXP – Gene Wilson; WDØECO – Mitch Odneal; WNØI – Andy Adams

Previous Meeting Minutes (presented & approved as submitted):

Secretary-Treasurer’s Report:

Previous Bank Balance: $21,206.36

Electric Bill - $12.73

Phone Bill - $36.37

Checks - $527.32 (FD Food & Propane, Gifts for Jeri & Rev. Buchholz)

Deposits $60.00

Current Bank Balance: $20,689.94

Old business

2-Meter Net Report: Mike, NØZH, reported a total of 54 check-ins in June.

Net Results: Upcoming Net Controllers:

Jul 18 KDØGRM 16 Aug 15 KDØNPF

Jul 25 KDØGRV 12 Aug 22 KDØGRM

Aug 1 NMØC 15 Aug 29 KBØQHZ

Aug 8 KDØNPF 21 Sep 5 KDØQFN


Please contact Mike at or by phone at (573) 491-0119, if you will not be able to call the net you are scheduled for so other arrangements can be made.

2-Meter Repeater report: Rich, NØJBF, reported on behalf of Jim, NØTKN, that things are still working well. The repeater upgrades will be put off until the weather cools off some more.

Digipeater report: Rich, NØJBF, reported no changes as the digipeater is still at Rick’s house.

Missouri Emergency Packet Network (MEPN): Rich, NØJBF, reported no changes. If anyone knows the whereabouts of the club’s APRS tracker, please let him know. A possibility may be that Rich, WNØX, has it.

Local Emergency Coordinator's report: Rich, NØJBF, reported no updates.

District Emergency Coordinator’s report: Joe, KBØQHZ, reported no updates.

VE Liaison’s report: Nancie, NMØC, reported that at the test session held after breakfast a few weeks prior, there was one person that passed the Extra exam and two people that passed the General exam. No tests currently are scheduled.

CW Classes: Kent, K9ZTV, reported that Roger, KDØFAS, has joined the beginning class. Bill, W4RK, provided an oscillator and key. Kent also announced that the 10M net on Monday nights has been revived with a few folks checking in. The net is held on 28.100Mhz at 7pm local time. Any speeds are welcome.

The advanced class meets at Mel’s Country Café at 6:45am on Saturday mornings. The intermediate class meets at Mel’s after breakfast on Saturday mornings at 9am. The beginning class meets at 10am.

Training Committee: Mike, KMØS, reported that the Technician class will begin around mid-September. Instructors will be needed. Locations and times will be determined shortly. The class will run up through late November tentatively.

Club Shirts/Jackets/Patches: Bryan, KDØGRU, reported, that the jackets and hats will be added to the order form. Bryan will take pictures of these items so they can be put on the website. Bryan noted that in lieu of the silkscreen logo such as on the prior order of T-shirts, if we wanted to go with a large patch (ex. 12” diameter or so), this could be done for somewhere in the range of $40-$50 in addition to the jacket price.

Mid-Mo Emergency Radio Service: Rich, NØJBF, reported that the board members need to meet soon to finalize plans for the 501(c)(3) status.

New business

MS-150: This year’s bike ride will be held on September 8 & 9 in Columbia. A training class is scheduled for August 17th at 6pm in Columbia at the MS Society office. If you plan to participate, please make sure to attend this training.

Zonta 5k: This year’s Zonta 5k will be held on September 22nd. As in previous years, it figures to be a fairly short event finishing up around 10am. To volunteer please get with Kent, K9ZTV.


Randall, KDØDSJ, announced that he has a book for sale for $15. RF Amplifier Classics

Rich, NØJBF, announced that over the past weekend, several members went out to operate the Flight of the Bumblebees QRP event. The next event called the Skeeter Hunt will take place on 8/12


Slide show about the Elecraft KX3 and QRP operation by Bill, W4RK; Kent, K9ZTV; and Andy, WNØI

Respectfully submitted: Mark Eberle (KIØY), Secretary-Treasurer.

Visit the MMARC web page at: http://www.mmccs.com/mmarc