Oconto Utility Meeting minutes held April 27, 2016
1)Meeting called to order by Mayor Heier at 8 a.m.
2)Roll Call: Members Present: Jim Lacourciere, Al Schreiber, Ron Filz, Steve VanCampenhout. Member Excused: Earl Uhl. Others Present: Mayor Heier, Jeremy Wusterbarth, Adam Filz & Ross Stenstrup.
3)Nominations for Utility Commission President: Mayor Heier asked for nominations for Utility Commission President, Lacourciere made the nomination for Al Schreiber, Schreiber accepted. Mayor called for a second & third nominations: there was none. Motion by VanCampenhout second by Filz to close the nominations. 4 ayes M/C.
4)Vote for Utility Commission President: Motion by Filz second by Lacourciere to vote Al Schreiber for the Utility Commission President. 4 ayes M/C.
5)Nominations for Utility Commission Vice-President: Mayor Heier asked for nominations for Utility Commission Vice-President, Lacourciere made the nomination for Steve VanCampenhout, VanCampenhout accepted. Mayor called for a second & third nominations: there was none. Motion by Lacourciere second by Filz to close nominations. 4 ayes. M/C
6)Vote for Utility Commission Vice-President: Motion by Schreiber second by Filz to approve of Steve VanCampenhout as the Utility Commission Vice-President.
7)Approval of Agenda: Motion by Lacourciere second by VanCampenhout to approve of agenda as presented. 4 ayes M/C.
8)Approval of meeting minutes from 2/22/2016: Motion by Filz second by VanCampenhout to approve of the meeting minutes from 2/22/2016 as presented. 4 ayes M/C.
9)Public Input: When get to #11a if could go to #11d for Ross Stenstrup.
a) Electrical Costs: Having a mild winter help with costs.
b) WWTP Monthly Flow: Excess rain makes a difference for some of these Sanitary Districts. Pensaukee’s is a lot. Pensaukee is aware that there is a problem on their end. Eventually the DNR will make them fix the problem.
c) Septic Hauler Comparison: Informational.
d) Utility Report: Did install a meter for the new Law Enforcement Center.
e) Rural Water News: Jeremy had talked to Council regarding lead pipes in the City of Oconto; maybe a couple joints that would need to get replaced but have been doing that with the projects. If there is any lead it would be from the curb stop into the house and that is not the utilities responsibility to fix, it is the home owners responsiiltiy.
f) Well #7 Update: Have two samples below the average; which is 4.50. Had sample taken a week ago still waiting the results to come back.
g) Water tower lease fee collected for 2015 $50,261.57: The revenues have gone up approximately $8,000.00 more than what Jeremy had budgeted for. A new company had inquired about putting an antenna on the water tower and Jeremy sent them to Utility Service Group.
11) Discussion/possible recommendations/updates on the following: Moved to item d.
d) Request from Ross Stenstrup to forgive utility invoice: Ross purchased the house December of 2014 and the house was winterized and meter removed 10 months prior to him purchasing the property. Couldn’t find the meter anywhere. Doesn’t want the whole amount forgiven just the amount from when the water was shut off and the meter was removed will pay for the public fire protection $38.70. The company had a sticker saying the house was winterized and meter removed prior to Ross’s purchase. When the utility would go out to read the handheld was picking up a reading, so the meter had to be on the property. The utility went to the propertyto check to see if the meter was gone or still on the property. Ross believes it is no longer on the property but the utility clerk recalls Matt a utility worker giving her a white slip with meter numbers on it. The Utility doesn’t just leave a meter disconnected and leave onsite we take the meter back to the shop. Jeremy had called Matt in to answer a couple questions. Committee member Filz feels that if the meter was not there than maybe should forgive some of the bill. Was a title search done? Ross thought there was and there was nothing owed. Matt stated that when he went to the house he found the meter on a rock wall in the basement. Committee member Filz – should look into and get back to Ross, see what the State Statutes are for the responsibility of the utility bill and person purchasing the home. Would think the previous owner is who goes after them to pay? The Commission asked the utility clerk to call the City Attorney and see what the Utilities responsibility is on this issue. The Commission asked Matt to see if the meter is still at the shop and bring to Jeremy with all documentation on it. Motion by VanCampenhout second by Lacourciere to table until next meeting. 4 ayes (M/C).
a) Approve additions & changes to Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances Sec 9-2-11 & Sec 9-2-12: Adam, Steve & Jeremy working Sems that is due in August. Added new additions #14 this will help with the ink from Graphic Management. 9-2-12 is for fats & grease. These addition & changes will help us being able to get into a business to look around for the annual inspections. Motion by VanCampenhout second by Lacourciere to recommend to Council to approve of the additions & changes to Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances Sec 9-2-11 & Sec 9-2-12. 4 ayes M/C.
b) Approve Invoice from FSO Management in the amount of $5,100 for spring bio solids hauling: Amount due for the spring sludge hauling. Motion by Lacourciere second by Filz to recommend to Finance Committee to approve of the Invoice from FSO Management in the amount of $5,100 for spring bio solids hauling. 4 ayes M/C.
c) Approve contract from FSO Management & MAR-OCO Landfill to accept leachate from MAR-OCO Landfill: Jeremy handed out an updated agreement, MAR-OCO Landfill agreement; MAR-OCO wanted a separate agreement from FSO Management. They were going to Green Bay Met. Will be approximately $14,000 to $18,000 more in revenue. Bad timing, the sludge hauler that empties the lagoon water for Saputo Cheese, they were not able to dump by us. FSO was dumping at the manhole on S. Katch Drive, had a couple people call up and asked what was going on. With FSO dumping on S. Katch Drive helps with flushing the system out with that being a dead-end. Motion by Lacourciere second by VanCampenhout to approve the contract for FSO Management & the agreement for MAR-OCO Landfill to accept leachate from MAR-OCO Landfill. 4 ayes M/C.
e) Sewer use credit standard practice policy: The last policy was from 2000, the utility clerk came up with a more current policy, did get information from other utilities on their policies. Motion by VanCampenhout second by Filz to approve of the Sewer use credit standard practice policy. 4 ayes M/C.
12) Approval of Accounts Payable for February 1st, thru February 29th, 2016 in the amount of $99,216.38; March 1st thru March 31st, 2016 in the amount of $122,288.67: No longer with Cintas with G&K. Motion by VanCampenhout second by Lacourciere to approve the Accounts Payable for February 1st, thru February 29th, 2016 in the amount of $99,216.38; March 1st thru March 31st, 2016 in the amount of $122,288.67. 4 ayes M/C.
13) Revenue & Expenditure Guidelines for February 2016 & March 2016: The utility report is done;waiting for the new audit report, Jeremy found a couple mistakes and having the auditors correct them. Hope to have for the next meeting. Would like to do some upgrade to the Wastwater Treatment Plant. An upgrade would cost approximately $3 to $4 million. The aerator has been in service since 1974 runs 365 days 24/7 look at doing things without raising rates or borrowing money. Need to look into the lift station at McDonald and Barnik; the pumps keep getting plugged with wipes, diapers etc. A chopper pump cost anywhere from $4,000 to $8,000. There is a lot of work that needs to be done at the plant. The equipment repair fund has to have a balance of $150,00 Jeremy would feel more comfortable with $200,000 in the account. Big concern is getting McDonald Street done, will help with the flows to Kord Court. Motion by Lacourciere second by Filz to approve Revenue & Expenditure Guidelines for February 2016 & March 2016 as presented. 4 ayes M/C.
14) Next meeting date and time: Will probably be a morning meeting again.
15) Adjournment: Motion by VanCampenhout second by Filz to adjourn @ 9:18 a.m.
Meeting minutes submitted by:
Julie Galik, Utility Clerk