Transform Joplin Tool Lending Library
Policy for Use
Effective 4.2.2012
The Tool Lending Library was established for the purpose of providing tools for use in the rebuild process of homes and properties affected by the May 22, 2011 tornado. The tools are available to home owners and volunteer groups for the purpose of property repair and rebuild.
The tools in the Tool Lending Library have been generously donated to Transform Joplin, A Mission Ministry of Immanuel Lutheran Church, by Stanley DeWalt Tools and other partnering volunteer groups and individuals. It is the responsibility of Transform Joplin to be good stewards of this gift that was put under our supervision.
This policy is not negotiable. To ensure proper usage, maintenance, and availability of all of the tools, the items within this policy will be firmly enforced. If an individual or volunteer group cannot for any reason abide by these guidelines, then they will not be allowed to have access to this Tool Lending Library.
Location: The Warehouse at 1201 S. Wall in Joplin, MO
-Contact is Trent Davis 417-438-3510 or Amy Ipsen 417-499-5151
**Please do not check out more tools than needed for current projects, there are many groups/individuals needing them.
Hours for Check Out: Monday-Saturday 8:15 a.m.-9:45 a.m.
-Tools must be checked out through one of the Tool Lending Library Staff Members
-Individuals checking out tools will need a completed check out form and a photo ID
-Volunteer groups checking out tools will need a completed check out form by the group leader/contact with a photo ID
-Local volunteer coordinators (i.e.: Transform Joplin, Catholic Church Charities, Rebuild Joplin) checking out tools will need a completed check out form by their contact
Tool Return: Tools can be returned during normal business hours on Monday-Saturday
-All returned tools along with the original check out form need to be placed on the shelves marked RETURNED TOOLS or to a TLL staff member. Please initial and date on the form the tools being returned
-ALL TOOLS must be returned at least once a week for a safety and maintenance inspection. This day and time can be arranged at the time of check out by a TLL staff member and the borrower
-All tools checked out must be returned by the person who checked them out unless a TLL staff member has been notified of the name of the person returning them
-Please indicate when returning tools if maintenance or repairs are needed
No tools may be removed or taken from the RETURNED TOOLS shelves unless done so by a TLL staff member.
Individuals and groups may fax a tool check out reservation request up to the day before they are needed so that they are pulled and ready for pick up at 8:15 on that day after forms are completed.
The fax number is 417-627-9975. Please put request to the attention of Tool Lending Library.
LOST OR DAMAGEDTOOLS: Tool borrowers agree to return equipment in the same condition they were in when borrowed. If you borrow a tool and it stops working, is damaged, or is missing a part RETURN IT IMMEDIATELY. Stanley DeWalt has also generously offered to fix and repair any broken tools from the library, but this cannot be done if we don’t know about it