
·  Demographics

·  Adult attitudes on youth use of alcohol

·  Adult attitudes about availability of alcohol to youth (social and retail)

·  Support for tighter enforcement of alcohol laws

·  Policy

·  Community support for youth alcohol prevention programs

Demographic Questions

Are you:

r  Male

r  Female

How would you describe your racial or ethnic background?

r  American Indian

r  Asian

r  Black or African American

r  Caucasian

r  Hispanic

r  Other ______(Please specify.)

How old are you? ______

County of residence: ______

Zip Code: ______

How long have you lived in this county?

r  Less than one year

r  One to two years

r  Two to five years

r  Five to 10 years

r  Ten years or longer

What is the highest level of education you received?

r  Grade school

r  Some high school

r  High school/GED

r  Some college

r  Bachelor’s degree

r  Graduate or professional degree

If you have children 21 years of age or younger, how old are they? (Check all apply.)

r  I do not have children 21 years of age or younger.

r  0-4 years

r  5-9 years

r  10-14 years

r  15-17 years

r  18-21 years

r  Over 21 years

Last year, what was your total household income from all sources, before taxes?

r  $10,000 or less

r  $10,001 to $20,000

r  $20,001 to $30,000

r  $30,001 to $40,000

r  $40,001 to $50,000

r  $50,001 or above

Regarding alcohol, which of the following best describes you?

r  I do not drink alcohol

r  I occasionally drink alcohol

r  I regularly drink alcohol

Adult attitudes on youth use of alcohol

How concerned are you by underage drinking in your community?

r  Very concerned

r  Concerned

r  Not very concerned

r  Not sure

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is OK for youth under the age of 21 to drink at parties if they don’t get drunk.

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r  Not sure

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is OK for youth under the age of 21 to drink if they don’t drive afterward.

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r  Not sure

In your opinion, which of the following are the three most serious consequences caused by alcohol use by youth under the age of 21?

r  Alcohol abuse/addiction

r  Mental, physical, and/or emotional problems

r  Violence

r  Sexually transmitted diseases

r  Injuries

r  Driving under the influence/crashes

r  Juvenile delinquency

r  Not sure

In your opinion, how many youth 11-18 years old in your community report drinking more than just a sip of beer, wine, or other alcoholic beverages in the past 30 days?

r  0% to 20%

r  21% to 40%

r  41% to 60%

r  61% to 80%

r  81% to 100%

r  Not sure

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? I will allow my child to drink more than just a sip of alcohol by the time he or she is a high school senior. (Note: must ask respondent if he/she has children before asking this question. See demographic questions).

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r  Not sure

How old do you think youth in your community are when they begin drinking alcohol regularly (at least once or twice a month)?

r  Under 10 years old

r  11 to 13 years old

r  14 to 15 years old

r  16 to 18 years old

r  19 to 20 years old

r  21 years old or older

r  Not sure

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The problem of alcohol use among youth under the age of 21 in this community is no worse than in most communities.

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r  Not sure

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Alcohol is used less among teenagers today than it was when I was a teenager.

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r  No opinion

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? For a youth under the age of 21, alcohol advertising influences the decision to drink.

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r  Not sure

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? As a whole, this community is concerned about preventing youth under the age of 21 from using alcohol.

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r  Not sure

In your estimation, what percentage of high school students in your community report drinking alcohol in the past 30 days?

r  0% to 20%

r  21% to 40%

r  41% to 60%

r  61% to 80%

r  81% to 100%

r  Not sure

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is dangerous for a youth to consume five or more drinks in one sitting.

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r Not sure

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? There is too much alcohol advertising (e.g., billboards, liquor store advertisements) in my community.

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r  Not sure

In your opinion, what are the three most important factors leading to the use of alcohol among youth under the age of 21 in this community?

r  Peer pressure

r  Boredom

r  Advertising

r  Lack of attention from parents

r  Easy access to alcohol

r  Lack of knowledge of consequences

r  Low self-esteem

r  Lack of enforcement of alcohol laws

r Other (please explain) ______

At what age do you think it is okay for youth drink on special occasions with their families?

r Never

r 11-12

r 13-14

r 15-16

r 17-18

r 19-20

r 21 or older

At what age do you think it is okay for youth to drink socially with their friends?

r Never

r 11-12

r 13-14

r 15-16

r 17-18

r 19-20

r 21 or older

Adult attitudes about availability of alcohol to youth (social and retail)

In your opinion, how do youth under the age of 21 obtain alcohol? (Please choose only three.)

r  From their parents’ home

r  From liquor stores

r  Using false or altered identification

r  Asking an adult stranger to buy for them

r  Asking a friend or sibling older than 21 to buy for them

r  Stealing alcoholic beverages

r  Purchasing from a bootlegger

r  Other (please explain) ______

Beer keg registration requires anyone buying a keg of beer to sign a registration card linking his or her name to a number on the side of the keg. If the keg is found at a party at which underage youth are drinking, law enforcement personnel can trace who purchased it. In your opinion, how effective would this be in reducing youth access to alcohol?

r  Very effective

r  Effective

r  Somewhat effective

r  Not effective

r  Not sure

Do you favor mandatory beer keg registration in this community to reduce alcohol availability to youth?

r  Yes

r  No

Kentucky’s tax on beer is 8 cents per gallon. Some people feel that increasing the tax on beer would discourage youth under the age of 21 from drinking. Do you favor raising taxes on alcohol as a way of reducing availability of alcohol to youth?

r  Yes

r  No

Do you keep alcohol (beer, wine, or liquor) in your home?

r  Always

r  Most of the time

r  Sometimes

r  Seldom

r  Never

Do you keep the alcohol in your home under lock?

r  Yes

r  No

r  I do not have alcohol in my home

How difficult would it be for youth under the age of 21 in your community to buy alcohol at a store?

r  Very difficult

r  Somewhat difficult

r  Easy

r  Very easy

r  Not sure

How difficult would it be for youth under the age of 21 in your community to find a party where they could obtain alcohol?

r  Very difficult

r  Somewhat difficult

r  Easy

r  Very easy

r  Not sure

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is wrong for adults to supply youth under the age of 21 with alcohol.

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r  Not sure

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? This community would favor

banning alcohol sales at public events attended by youth under the age of 21.

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r  Not sure

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is difficult for youth under the age of 21 to obtain alcohol in this community.

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r  Not sure

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should be able to buy alcohol for their children under the age of 21.

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r  Not sure

Responsible beverage service programs train bartenders and waiters on how to refuse service to intoxicated patrons or youth under the age of 21 seeking to purchase alcohol. Would you favor a proposal that would make responsible beverage service training mandatory in bars and restaurants in this community?

r  Yes

r  No

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Training for alcohol beverage servers is effective in decreasing the sale of alcohol to youth under the age of 21.

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r  Not sure

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Drink specials (“All You Can Drink,” “2 for 1,” “Ladies Night,” etc.) encourage excessive consumption of alcohol (as compared to regularly priced drinks) and increase the risk of harmful consequences (DUI, car crashes, violent behavior).

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r  Not sure

Would you favor a proposal that would eliminate discount-price drink specials in bars and restaurants?

r  Yes

r  No

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? I would favor increased penalties for establishments caught selling alcohol to minors. (Current law imposes fines of up to $250 for the first offense and up to $500 for subsequent offenses, with possible jail time of 90 days to 12 months, for establishments selling alcohol to youth under the age of 21.)

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r  Not sure

In your opinion, which of the following would be most effective in reducing the number of minors buying alcohol illegally from retail establishments? (Choose only three.)

r  More police officers

r  Stricter penalties/fines for retailers

r  Stricter penalties/fines for youth under the age of 21

r  More education to youth about risks of alcohol use

r  Holding parents responsible for the actions of youth under the age of 21 who are caught drinking

r  Other (please explain) ______

Support for tighter enforcement of alcohol laws

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Law enforcement officers should devote more time to reducing availability of alcohol to youth under the age of 21.

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r  Not sure

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? There should be more police officers present when alcohol is served at community events.

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r  Not sure

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Penalties for adults who supply alcohol to youth under the age of 21 are adequately enforced in this community.

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r  Not sure

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? An establishment caught selling alcohol to youth under the age of 21 twice within the same year should lose its liquor license.

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r  Not sure

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol to youth under the age of 21 are consistently enforced in this community.

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r  Not sure

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Alcohol retailers are careful when it comes to preventing the sale of alcohol to underage persons in our community.

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r  Not sure

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Residents in my community are at risk of traffic accidents caused by underage drunk drivers.

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r Not sure

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? There should be stiffer penalties for youth under the age of 21 who are caught with alcohol. (Current law imposes fines of up to $250 for the first offense and up to $500 for subsequent offenses for youth under the age of 21 who are caught with alcohol.)

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r  Not sure

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Bartenders and servers should go through alcohol server training within 60 days of employment.

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r  Not sure


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Servers at restaurants and bartenders should be trained to detect when a person has had too much to drink and how to refuse service to intoxicated patrons.

r  Strongly agree

r  Agree

r  Disagree

r  Strongly disagree

r  Not sure

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Adults who buy alcohol for underage youth should receive heavy fines.