1823 Response Forms – January 5, 2017


This section provides an outline of and includes forms for the proponent to complete and include in their response.

Each Proposal submission should be ordered as follows and should include a response to each “Section” to ensure the submitted Proposal receives fair evaluation and consideration during the evaluation process. Pages should be consecutive numbered. All items identified in each section are important to the City and the Proponents response will form part of the evaluation. Proponents are encouraged to respond to all items.


A cover letter very similar to that provided below shall be included in your response. This cover letter shall be signed by a person authorized bind the proponent’s Company.

Letterhead or Respondent’s name and address


City of Nanaimo

2020 Labieux Road

Nanaimo, B.C., V9T 6J9

Attention: Rusty Joerin, SCMP, Procurement Consultant

Subject: Request for Proposal No. 1823, including any amendments or additions (the “Request for Proposal”)

The enclosed Proposal is submitted in response to the above-referenced Request for Proposal.

The undersigned agrees, on behalf of the company named below, to supply the goods and services listed at the prices quoted and within the terms and conditions as identified in Request for Proposal # 1823 This Proposal is valid and enforceable for at least sixty (60) days following the closing date.

The undersigned further agrees that they do not have a conflict of interest, have read this request in its entirety, understand its meaning and effect on their Proposal, agree to the terms and conditions, and comply with all requirements.

Except as specifically and completely disclosed in this response, there has been no consultation, communication, agreement or arrangement with any competitor regarding the prices, quality, quantity, specifications or delivery particulars of the products or services to which this Request relates, except as specifically authorized by the City;

The terms of this response have not been, and will not be, knowingly disclosed by the Respondent, Responder or Proponent as the case may be, directly or indirectly, to any competitor or potential competitor, prior to the closing date and time stated on the cover page of this request unless otherwise required by law or as specifically and completely disclosed in this Response.

The undersigned warrants that they have the authority to bind the company to this contract.

Yours truly,



Name: / Phone:
Title: / E-Mail
Legal name of Respondent:

5.2. Company Profile and Experience

Proposal content for this section should include the following minimum information:

  1. One or two page summary that illustrates an understanding of the City’s requirements.

To assist the City in understanding your background, the Proponent is to provide their company profile and experience, and include the following minimum information in the form below:

Company Legal name:
Principal Contact name:
Postal Address
E-mail Address
Telephone no.
Fax no. (if available)
Head office address
Support Facilities address
Number of employees
Number of years in business supplying similar services to those requested herein

5.3. Sustainable Practices and Initiatives

Describe all initiates, policies or programs that illustrate your company’s effort towards sustainable practices and responsibility (Social/Ethical, Environmental).

5.4. Methodology

Proposal content for this section should include the following minimum information:

1 / State your transition and implementation plan to mobilize to supply the requested services;
2 / State how your company would manage the City’s Contract;
3 / State your proposed work schedule by task, day of week and time ranges (attach separate pages referencing this item);
4 / State the process for keeping accurate records;
5 / State the means your company has of communicating with the City for emergency and regular Work request etc. (i.e. Cell phone, email, etc.)
6 / State your quality assurance process that will ensure that the City’s concerns are acknowledged, addressed and resolved in a timely manner and to the City’s satisfaction

5.5. Technical, Qualifications and Experience of Personnel

Proposal content for this section should include the following minimum information:

Key Person #1 Name:
# years of relevant experience:
Certifications held (Attach copies of each)
Key Person #2 Name:
# years of relevant experience:
Certifications held (Attach copies of each)
Key Person #3 Name:
# years of relevant experience:
Certifications held (Attach copies of each)
Attach additional names as required

Note all Work must be supervised by someone who has successfully completed a Horticulture two (2) year Technical Program in Landscape Maintenance or equivalent, as recognized by the BC Landscape and Nursery Association, as well as five (5) years relevant experience in horticultural practice.

5.5.1.  Vehicles and Equipment

List all equipment and vehicles proposed to be used in the performance of the Contract. State make, model, year, for each piece of equipment and also state if owned or rented. A suggested format could be (edit or insert additional rows as required):

Item #1 type and make / Item #2 type and make
Model and model year / Model and model year
Owned or Rented / Owned or Rented
Item #3 type and make / Item #4 type and make
Model and model year / Model and model year
Owned or Rented / Owned or Rented

5.5.2.  Health and Safety Program

The quality of Proponent’s in-house program to manage safety shall be considered in the evaluation. State if or if not your company has a written safety program in place that meets the requirements of WorkSafe BC. If not, describe how safety training is accomplished.

5.6. Pricing

All prices are to be submitted within a separate sealed opaque envelope clearly labelled:

Price Submission RFP # 1823 and Proponent Name only

Proponents are to include the completed [Schedule B] pricing form below.

5.6.1.  Wage Adjustments

Proponents are to propose their process to adjust the costs proposed if or when the hourly rates referenced in section 3.15 are changed. The City prefers that proponents base any changes plus or minus based on a minimum of $0.10 (ten cents) change in negotiated hourly wages of equivalent city staff positions as a percentage + or – of the costs proposed in [Schedule B].

5.6.2.  Value Added

Within its response, the Proponent has the opportunity to offer or describe any value added services as to what it is prepared to supply as part of the Contract. Unless otherwise stated, it is understood that there are no extra costs for these services, however if there are any additional costs pertaining hereto, the summary and explanation of those costs should be submitted on [Schedule B] Pricing form below.

Value Added items could include:

  1. The use of specialized equipment that enhances productivity;
  2. Unique or proprietary methods of work;
  3. Access to highly qualified expertise relevant to the project;
  4. Invoicing and payment receipt systems that reduce administrative costs;
  5. Other

5.7. Verification Documents

Proponents are to enclose documentation to verify:

  1. Certification of Personnel assigned to this Contract.
  2. Insurance Verification.
  3. WorkSafe BC Verification. (WorkSafe BC Clearance Letter.)

5.8. References

Provide a minimum of three (3) references including names, addresses, contact persons, telephone numbers, brief description of services performed, contract $ value over the last (5) years. The City prefers the references be other Municipal clients. If none, provide other public sector clients if possible. References may only be contacted of the Leading Proponent.

Reference #1

Client Name:
Client Address:
Contact Name:
Contact’s Telephone Number:
Nature of Assignment & Value:
Date range of contract:

Reference #2

Client Name:
Client Address:
Contact Name:
Contact’s Telephone Number:
Nature of Assignment & Value:
Date range of contract:

Reference #3

Client Name:
Client Address:
Contact Name:
Contact’s Telephone Number:
Nature of Assignment & Value:
Date range of contract:


8.1. General

i.  Pricing shall be submitted in a separate sealed envelope as per instructions to proponents;

ii.  All prices quoted shall include all planning, administration, experienced and qualified labour, equipment, materials, record keeping, safety inspections, traffic control, landfill tipping fees, disposal fees, supervision, aeration, nutrients, lime, fertilizer, permits, licences, insurances and all other related costs for the completion of the Services identified in [Schedule B].

  1. Prices quoted are in Canadian Currency.
  2. Prices quoted exclude the GST. The GST is shown as a separate line item.
  3. The contract price is paid in equal payments invoiced at the completion of each month service. Prices are firm for the term of the Contract.

8.2. Price for Service Level B Work Sites

No. / Site Name / Level of
Service / April 1, 2017 to October 31, 2017
Contract Year 1 / April 1, 2018 to October 31, 2018 Contract Year 2 /
1 / Amsterdam Park / B / $ / $
2 / Applegreen Park / B
3 / Arbutus Park / B
4 / Barney Moriez Playground / B
5 / Bayshore (Westhaven) Park / B
6 / Bayshore Park / B
7 / Beaufort Park / B
8 / Bob-O-Link Park / B
9 / Bonnie Drive Park / B
10 / Brackenwood/Briarwood Park / B
Brackenwood Lot/Trail / B
11 / Breonna/Schooner Park / B
12 / Broadway Park / B
13 / Brookwood Park, excludes the rails around Brookwood Park pond / B
Camas Park / B
14 / Camcrest Park / B
15 / Capilano Park #1 / B
16 / Cariboo Park / B
17 / Carmanah Way Park / B
18 / Chambers/Crows Nest Playground / B
19 / Cinnabar Valley Park and Tennis Courts / B
City Hall-Top Bluff / B
20 / Clarence Way Park / B
21 / Colinwood Park / B
22 / Colliery Dam Park / B
23 / Cosgrove Boulevards / B
24 / Country Club Park #1 / B
25 / Country Club Park #2 / B
26 / Country Club Park #3 / B
27 / Country Hills Park / B
28 / Crystal Brook Way Park / B
29 / Diver Lake Park and Trails / B
30 / Doreen Pl Park / B
31 / Duggan Rd Park / B
32 / Durham Park / B
33 / Egli Park / B
34 / Emery Way Park / B
35 / Everest Dr Park / B
36 / Fern Park / B
First Nations Burial Site / B
37 / Forest Dr Park / B
38 / Gyro #1 (Comox) Playground / B
39 / Pauson Park / B
40 / Gyro (Waddington) Park / B
Janes Park, 859 Brookfield Drive (New) / B
41 / Jesters Way Park / B
42 / John Weeks Park and Tennis Courts / B
43 / Keighley Park / B
44 / Kenwill Park / B
45 / Knowles Park / B
46 / Latimer Park / B
47 / Lewis Park / B
48 / Loudon Park / B
49 / Malibu Park/Alderway Park / B
50 / McKinnon Pl Park / B
Monashee / B
51 / Morningside Beach Area / B
52 / Nob Hill Park / B
53 / Norasea Park / B
54 / Nova Park / B
Noye Park, 5521 Noye Rd / B
Oceanview Park / B
55 / Parkway Park / B
56 / Pine/Kerr includes the boulevard along Harvey Street / B
57 / Pipers Lagoon Park / B
58 / Railway/Connaught Playground & Frog Pond / B
59 / Ranchview Park / B
Rockridge embankment/fence / B
60 / Roxanne Park / B
61 / Salal Park / B
Seascape / B
62 / Sechelt/Icarus Drive Park / B
63 / Shadow Mountain Park / B
64 / Shaughnessy Park / B
65 / Songbird Place Trail / B
66 / Shoreline/Parkway Park / B
67 / Southampton Road Park / B
68 / St. George Ravine / B
69 / Staffordshire Park / B
70 / Stones Marina Strip of grass (2-5ft. wide between hard suface waterfront path and rock edge of water.) from north end of parking lot to Suncor property, 2 x per month). Suncor property maintained by others. / B
71 / Stirling/Deering Park / B
72 / Theresa Terrace Park / B
73 / Thunderbird Park #1 / B
74 / Thunderbird Park #2 / B
75 / Uplands Park #1 / B
76 / Westdale/Leslie Playground / B
77 / Westwood Lake Park / B
Westwood Caretaker Residence / B
78 / Wexford Park / B
79 / Lagoon Park / B
80 / Woodstream Park / B

1.0  Contract Price for Service Level ‘C’ Work Sites

Level ‘C’ work site will be serviced three (3) times per season (April, June, October).

No. / Site Name / Level
Service / April, June, October 2017 Serviced April, June, October
Contract Year 1 / April, June, October 2018 Serviced April, June, October Contract Year 2 /
1 / Angus Rd Public Access / C
2 / Bayshore/Fillinger Beach Access / C
3 / Beach Estates Park Access / C
4 / Blueback Road Beach Access / C
5 / Brannen Lake Boat Ramp / C
6 / Brechin Boat Ramp / C
7 / Charlaine Boat Ramp / C
8 / Cilaire Park #1 / C
9 / Fillinger Boat Ramp / C
10 / Green Lake Access / C
11 / Green Lake Boat Ramp / C
12 / Hammond Bay Rd (at Friar Tuck Way) / C
13 / Hammond Bay Rd (at Prince John Way) / C
14 / Invermere Road Beach Access / C
15 / Keel Cove Lane / C
16 / Long Lake Access / C
17 / Neck Point Park / C
18 / Place Road Beach Access / C
19 / Plummer Road Public Access / C
20 / Rocky Point 1 and 2 / C
Surles Road / C
21 / Stephenson Pt Rd (Budehaven Dr) Public Access / C
22 / Sugarloaf Mountain Park / C
23 / White Eagle Tr Public Access / C
24 / Queen Elizabeth Promenade Boundaries: Lion’s Great Bridge to the point where the hard surface trail meets Newcastle Road. / C

8.3.  Unit Rates for Addition and Deletions to Services Performed Under Contract Price

The City may adjust the Scope of Services or remove or add work sites during the term of the Agreement. The Contractor and the City shall negotiate site specific addition or subtraction to the rates paid to the contractor.