Minutes of Council Meeting Buchanan, VA
June 8, 2015
Present:Mayor Larry Hall
Councilwoman Jane Kneisley
Councilwoman Diane DiPalma
Councilwoman Della Hylton
Councilwoman Ardelia Smith
Absent:Vice-Mayor Sarah Boblett
Councilman Ed Tolley
Mayor Hall had an opening prayer. Following the opening prayer, a moment of silence was held and all that were present stated the Pledge of Allegiance.
The first item of business was approval of the minutes of the May 2015 Public Hearing for the proposed 2015-2016 Budget. A motion of acceptance was made by Councilwoman Della Hylton. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Ardelia Smith. The motion was passed with a vote of 5-0 with all Council members present in favor of approval of the May 2015 Public Hearing minutes.
The next item of business was approval of the minutes of the May 2015 Council Meeting. A motion of acceptance was made by Councilwoman Della Hylton. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Ardelia Smith. The motion was passed with a vote of 5-0 with all Council members present in favor of approval of the May 2015 Council Meeting minutes.
The next item of business was approval of the Financial Report for May 2015. Councilwoman Della Hylton made a motion of acceptance. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Ardelia Smith. The motion was passed with a vote of 5-0 with all Council members present in favor of approval of the Financial Report for May 2015.
The next item of business was approval of unpaid bills. Mayor Hall asked if anyone had questions regarding the unpaid bills. Councilwoman Della Hylton made a motion of acceptance. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Ardelia Smith. The motion was passed with a vote of 5-0 with all Council members present in favor of paying the unpaid bills.
Next, Michael Lynch with Engineering Concepts Inc. gave a report on the USDA/RD Water Line Distribution Upgrade Project. Mr. Lynch reported that the life cycle of the contract is at its end. Mr. Lynch also reported there are still some miscellaneous items that need to be repaired but should be completed within the next couple of weeks. Mr. Lynch also reported on the excess piping left over from the project. Mr. Lynch stated they are still in the process of looking for a buyer for the excess pipe, and answered questions that Councilman Ed Tolley had asked at a previous meeting in regards to the excess pipe being exposed to the sun. Mr. Lynch left a letter from the pipe manufacturer to H-D Supply in Roanoke regarding the pipe in general. Mayor Hall stated there were still some excess funds left over from the water line project that would be used towards a tank replacement and asked Mr. Lynch what the status of the tank replacement was. Mr. Lynch reported they had received comments from Botetourt County in regards to the conceptual plan for the tank and integrated those comments with the environmental report and submitted them to USDA on Thursday, June 4, 2015, and they are currently waiting for approval to proceed with the tank replacement. Mayor Hall stated if USDA gives approval for the tank replacement, the project would either be completed by E C Pace, or the job would be bid out.
Next, Chairwoman of the Awards and Recognition Committee, Councilwoman Ardelia Smith presented Susan Davis with an award and proclamation for more than 20 years of her countless service to the Town and Community through her volunteering efforts as well as her assistance with fundraising for the JRHS Marching Band, Standing Room Only, and Friends of the Library.
Next, Mayor Hall stated the Proposed Budget for 2015-2016 was revised due to an adjustment to the Petrus Environmental Water Contract clarification. Mayor Hall asked for a motion of acceptance to adopt the proposed 2015-2016 Budget. A motion of acceptance was made by Councilwoman Diane DiPalma. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Jane Kneisley. A roll call vote was taken by Clerk, Amanda Aaron.
Councilwoman Jane Kneisley-yes
Councilwoman Diane DiPalma-yes
Councilwoman Della Hylton-yes
Councilwoman Ardelia Smith-yes
Mayor Larry Hall-yes
Next, on the agenda was to consider adoption of the Zoning Ordinance changes from the Public Hearing held at 7:00p.m. A motion of acceptance to adopt the zoning ordinance changes was made by Councilwoman Della Hylton. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Ardelia Smith. A roll call vote was taken by Clerk, Amanda Aaron.
Councilwoman Jane Kneisley-yes
Councilwoman Diane DiPalma-yes
Councilwoman Della Hylton-yes
Councilwoman Ardelia Smith-yes
Mayor Larry Hall-yes
Next, Mayor Hall briefly explained a proposed fee schedule change that had been put forth from the Planning Commission. Mayor Hall stated there would be a joint Public Hearing held to look at and discuss the proposed fee changes. A motion to hold a joint Public Hearing with the Planning Commission was made by Councilwoman Della Hylton. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Ardelia Smith. A roll call vote was taken by Clerk, Amanda Aaron.
Councilwoman Jane Kneisley-yes
Councilwoman Diane DiPalma-yes
Councilwoman Della Hylton-yes
Councilwoman Ardelia Smith-yes
Mayor Larry Hall-yes
Next, on the agenda was to consider a joint Public Hearing with the Planning Commission for additional Zoning Ordinance changes. Mayor Hall read the memorandum from the Planning Commission to the Town Council regarding the Zoning Ordinance change initiation. A motion to hold a joint Public Hearing with the Planning Commission was made by Councilwoman Della Hylton. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Ardelia Smith. A roll call vote was taken by Clerk, Amanda Aaron.
Councilwoman Jane Kneisley-yes
Councilwoman Diane DiPalma-yes
Councilwoman Della Hylton-yes
Councilwoman Ardelia Smith-yes
Mayor Larry Hall-yes
Next, Chairman of the Carnival Committee gave an update on the Buchanan Community Carnival. Mr. Cleatus Newcomb announced the Carnival will run from June 25th – July 4th. Mr. Newcomb reported that the Big Prize Raffle Tickets are out, and asked citizens to please purchase tickets, and to push sales of the tickets. Mr. Newcomb also announced there will be 2 special unlimited ride nights offered by Cole Amusement Company, at the cost of $10.00. Mr. Newcomb announced the nights would be Thursday, June 25th and Tuesday, June 30th. Mr. Newcomb also announced there are advanced prepaid passes for unlimited rides good for any night available at the Town Hall until June 19th at the cost of $17.00 and if purchased on the Carnival Grounds, the cost would be $25.00. Mr. Newcomb reported on the Carnival Ground improvements. Mr. Newcomb also stated, there is always a need for volunteers for the Carnival, and there is a need for volunteers for 2 nights in the Food Stand. Those nights are Saturday, June 27th and Tuesday, June 30th.
Next, Mayor Hall asked if there were any citizens wishing to comment on any issues not listed on the agenda during the Citizen Comment period. Town resident and business owner Charlotte Krantz wished to speak on behalf of C.E. Krantz & Co. about the Walk-a-Mile Fundraiser that was held on the Town Park on Saturday, May 23, 2015 and wished to thank Town Manager Mary Zirkle for help with the logistics of the event. Mrs. Krantz also wished to thank Councilwoman Della Hylton for her help in the Food Stand for the event. Mrs. Krantz thanked all volunteers and donors for their support in the event. Mrs. Krantz announced that C.E. Krantz & Co. had also teamed up with Feeding America and offered a food bank for veterans and their families at the BB&T parking lot, and due to the large response, there would be another food bank offered to veterans and their families on July 2, 2015.
The next item of business was to hear Committee Reports. In the absence of Councilman Ed Tolley, Mayor Larry Hall reported for the Public Works Committee. Mayor Hall reported on the monthly well water usage spreadsheet that Mr. Tolley presents each month. Mayor Hall gave a brief explanation as to why there had been an increase in the well water usage chart instead of a decrease in the well water usage chart. Next, for the Public Safety Committee, Councilwoman Jane Kneisley reported on some issues with signs throughout Town such as for rent signs, etc. that are placed in Town and never picked up. Mrs. Kneisley asked Town Manager Mary Zirkle if there was an ordinance for these signs. Ms. Zirkle responded by saying she would check into this matter but in general signs in the right-of-way can be coordinated with VDOT for removal. Mrs. Kneisley also reported there have been concerns about brush and shrubbery hanging down at the tunnel at 19th Street as well as the street light in the tunnel. Ms. Zirkle stated she had checked with VDOT on the street light and confirmed the street light is the Town’s responsibility, and that she is in the process of getting quotes for LED lights for the tunnel. Ms. Zirkle stated she had put in a request with VDOT on May 13, 2015 to trim the brush hanging down at the tunnel located at 19th Street, and hopes this will be taken care of in the near future. Mrs. Kneisley also reported on numerous street signs that are missing or have been vandalized and also reported that new signs have been ordered. Ms. Kneisley also asked on the status of the street lights on the bridge. Ms. Zirkle stated she had contacted Dominion Power and they are available to meet with Terry Austin, and she is hoping to get a time set up for them to meet to discuss the lighting issues on the bridge. Mrs. Kneisley also reported there are safety issues with children playing on 1st and 2nd Streets, and that speed limit signs need to be posted in that area. Next, for the Financial Committee, Councilwoman Diane DiPalma reported the cash audit was performed on Monday, June 8, 2015 and no discrepancies were found. Next, for the Planning Commission, Councilwoman Della Hylton had nothing to report. Next, for the Events Committee, on behalf of Vice-Mayor Sarah Boblett, Downtown Revitalization Manager Harry Gleason gave an update on the Garden Festival that was held, and reported on the upcoming Cruise In. Mr. Gleason announced the Events Committee is in the process of finalizing details for the Reggae by the River Festival that will be held on July 25, 2015.
Next, Mayor Hall reported on a workshop that was held at the Fincastle Library and was attended by the Planning Commission and several Council members to help them understand what the responsibilities of the Planning Commission are. Mayor Hall stated that Comprehensive Plans were discussed in the workshop, and stated that Comprehensive Plans are supposed to be reviewed approximately every 5 years. Mayor Hall stated it has been 7 years since the Town’s Comprehensive Plan was updated and reviewed, and announced that the Planning Commission would begin working on this. Mayor Hall stated the Comprehensive Plan is the future of the Town of Buchanan. Mayor Hall asked for citizens to get involved and offer input to the Planning Commission for the Comprehensive Plan. Mayor Hall thanked the Planning Commission for taking on the challenge of updating the Comprehensive Plan.
Next, Mayor Hall asked if there were any Council members that wished to comment on any issues. No one wished to comment at this time.
Next, Town Manager Mary Zirkle reported there have been 4 new benches placed on the Town Park by an Eagle Scout. Ms. Zirkle also reported the Town Seal has been painted and restored and placed back on the front of the Town Hall. Ms. Zirkle announced there is a sign-up sheet for any citizens or Town residents who wish to receive notice by email that Council packets are ready prior to Council meetings.
Next, Town Manager Mary Zirkle gave an update on VDOT’s responses to numerous issues throughout Town using emails from Kevin Hamm. Ms. Zirkle stated in response to the parking concerns on Bedford Street that the street is not state maintained so the Town is responsible regarding the parking on Bedford Street. Ms. Zirkle also reported on the pedestrian sign issues. Ms. Zirkle stated the pedestrian signs can be made 6” smaller. Ms. Zirkle also reported on the request for the permanent message boards to be placed at each end of Town that would display messages in the event of an accident on the interstate or when there are new traffic patterns in Town for parades, and festivals, etc. Ms. Zirkle stated the decision was made by VDOT not to install permanent message boards due to the decreased number of re-routes from the interstate, but temporary message boards can be placed when this happens. Ms. Zirkle also reported on VDOT’s response regarding the pedestrian crossing areas, that to be able to install flashing lights at the crossing areas there has to be at least 20 pedestrians crossing during peak crossing time for the lights to be installed. Ms. Zirkle stated she hopes to meet with VDOT about the possibility of getting a crosswalk at the intersection of Lowe Street and Main Street at Stop In Food Stores. Ms. Zirkle also reported that in response to the request of lowering the speed limit below 25 miles per hour on Main Street, VDOT has stated this is not possible since 25 is adequate based on engineer review. Ms. Zirkle also reported on the parking concerns on the sidewalk located in front of Stop In and Burger King. VDOT has stated this is not a sight restriction, but an enforcement issue, so Botetourt County Sheriff’s Department would need to be called for this matter. Ms. Zirkle stated the Town has planter boxes fixed up to be placed on the sidewalk in front of Stop In and Burger King to prevent parking on the sidewalk and the planter boxes will be placed after she has spoken with management at Stop In and Burger King to make sure they have an understanding of why the planter boxes are being placed there. Ms. Zirkle also reported that there has been no change with the safety issue of 13th Street regarding speeders coming over the hill.
With no further business, a motion for adjournment was made by Councilwoman Della Hylton. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Diane DiPalma. The motion was passed with a vote of 5-0 with all Council members present in favor of adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Amanda G. Aaron, Clerk