Weekly Report ~ Human Resource Management 2011 Mohamed Yassin Rozali
Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr7 / 14 / 21 / 28 / 4 / 11 / 18 / 25 / 4 / 11 / 18 / 25 / 1 / 8 / 15 / 22 / 29
May / June / July / Aug
6 / 13 / 20 / 27 / 3 / 10 / 17 / 24 / 1 / 8 / 15 / 22 / 29 / 5 / 12 / 19 / 26
Sep / Oct / Nov / Dec
2 / 9 / 16 / 23 / 30 / 7 / 14 / 21 / 28 / 4 / 11 / 18 / 25 / 2 / 9 / 16 / 23 / 30
30 December
v Advised staff to use the new 3S template. Returned all 3S submitted by staff for their
v Advised PCA1 Snr. Teacher to submit all new employee personal documents for HRM
v Advised all staff with balance leave to get approval from their immediate supervisor
to be brought forward next year 2012.
v Advised DAPL HR the number of leaves allowed to be brought forward next year 2012.
v Prepare Letter of Appointment of new employee and advised the Manager of Company’s requirement for ARS certification.
v Advised Finance Dept. of new employees for year 2012.
v Forwarded to PCA3 resumes of potential applicants as Asatizah.
v Online submission of Labour Market Survey for period October – December 2011 to MOM Research and Statistics Department on ACPL staff movement.
v Assisted Officers from CPF Board on the computation of wages for Maternity Reimbursement claim.
v Seek advised from Creative Support on EPE Core leave updating processes.
v Advised all staff to collect their MiB Medical cards from HRM.
v Reminded staff to submit Maternity Leave claim forms.’
v Updated employee leave balance for year end 2011.
v Type set all PPP Manual with all its Appendixes and Annexes, forwarded to HR Manager final check and conversion to PDF format.
v Confirmed with all PCA Managers and Division Managers of their staff 3S submission for year 2011.
v Prepared template for Risk Assessment format meant for Centre and Central usage.
23 December
v Compiled 3S 2011 received from staff to the master data.
v Advised Finance Dept. of Staff confirmation effective December 2011.
v Forwarded resumes of applicants to PCA for employment consideration.
v Follow up with Finance Dept. on staff basic salary meant for CPF Board reimbursement process.
v Advised Finance Dept. of staff Resignation.
v Follow up with MOM AND update PCA2 Manager of E Pass application progress.
v Activate staff entitlement of Childcare Leave in system.
v Reminded PCA Managers of new employees complete particulars for HRM processes.
v Prepared Letter of Appointments, Transfer and Re-designations and forwarded HR Manager and Director for approval.
v Forwarded staff pay slips to CPF Board for rectification in process of Maternity Leave reimbursement claim.
v Prepare HRM monthly report and submitted to HR Manager.
v Send reminder emails to staff that had taken MC without applying in their E-Portal account.
v Send reminder email to all PCA for updated revised copies of the staff work and class schedules for year 2012.
v Advised DAPL HR on claims for Childcare and Public Holiday procedures.
v Explained to HR Manager of Time Off claims procedures.
v Send new employees particulars to HR Director for approval of employment.
v Prepare PBI report for HR Manager.
v Placed new born gift for PCA2 Senior Teacher whose wife have given birth.
v Prepare new template for PCA monthly HRM report for Manager and Director approval.
v Seek advise from HR Director of employee re-designation wages with a report findings.
16 December
v My apology for not able to submit my weekly report on Friday 16 December 2011 as l am on urgent leave making arrangement due to my mother-in-law had passed away on Monday morning.
v Informed Youth Camp 2012 committee that l am not able to contribute as Head of Logistic due to my mother-in-law death.
v Handover all logistic duties to assistance head of logistic.
v Forwarded confirmation letter of PCA3 CSO to HR Manager for Director’s approval.
v Advised HR Director of staff Maternity Leave reimbursement claim gross income.
v Forwarded to Finance Dept. CECPL and all PCA resume of potentials candidates for year 2012 recruitment.
v Sent reminder to Finance Dept. of staff confirmation due to salary adjustment.
v Activated staffs Childcare and Childcare Enhanced leave entitlement.
9 December
v My apology for not able to submit my weekly report on Friday 09 December 2011 as my mother passed away that morning.
v Compiled 3S 2011 received from staff to the master data.
v Forwarded PCA3 staff leaves transaction record to Ag Manager for tabulation of centre HR Monthly Report.
v Advised PCA2 CSO of their leave will be approved by their immediate manager as the centre EO is on Maternity Leave.
v Placed 2 New Born Gifts set for Snr. Teacher and EO of PCA2.
v Advised HR Manager of Employment Pass online application had system error. Inquiry made to MOM.
v Advised PCA2 Manager of his Employment Pass online application been submitted successfully and now pending for approval by MOM.
v From PCA3 HR Monthly Report, advised the Ag. Manager to ensure all staff medical leave to be applied through E-Portal.
v Made final confirmation of booking coach bus and caterer for Youth Camp 2011.
v Attended final meeting for Head of Units in Youth Camp 2011.
v Attended NEWS Corridor Coaching course conducted in-house.
v Re-set leave approving officer for BDR and CHG CSO as their EO has resumed back for duty from Maternity Leave.
v Forwarded resumes of applicants for EO to CECPL HR dept.
v Advised Director of Management Division on staff resignation and submitted all letters and necessity documents for his information.
v Advised EO Central of his outstanding leave balance as enquired.
v Informed PCA2 Manager of uncompleted documents submitted to HRM for processing the Employment Letter.
v Advised EPE Core user to logout properly from the system after using it as system prompted me as next user.
v Submitted online of Maternity leave reimbursement claim and provide Finance Dept. its summary report.
v Provided all necessary documents required for Asatizah interview to CECPL HR EO.
v Advised PCA3 Snr. Teacher the discrepancies between their HR Monthly Report and E-Portal system regarding leaves.
v Advised Finance Dept. of Staff confirmation effective December 2011.
v Send reminder to all PCA for their final check and amendments on the staff work and class schedules for year 2012.
2 DECEMber
v Advised PCA3 CSO to refer to centre Manager about her confirmation for employment. HRM will only issue Letter of Confirmation upon centre Manager’s approval.
v Seek confirmation from PCA3 centre Manager about the above CSO request for confirmation for employment.
v Prepared Letter of Confirmation for PCA2 staff awaits Director’s approval.
v Acknowledged information from PCA1 centre Manager on staff resignation. Finance Dept. was also advised by HRM.
v Tabulated and catergorised all applicants resume from the recent recruitment advertisement for Manager’s approval.
v Summaries of catergorised applicants resume forwarded to PCA and CECPL for their consideration.
v Printed and disseminated Letters of DPPI Allowance to staff after being approved by Director.
v Compiled 3S 2011 received from staff to the master data.
v Attended meeting with WDA Manager and Director on Competency Maps and Standards of training or development work.
v Attended a full day Corridor Coaching course conducted in-house.
v Tabulated and prepared report of Internal Customer Service Satisfaction 2011 of Central Managers and Executives, submitted report to Manager and Director.
v Forwarded resume of applicant requested by CECPL HR EO.
v Forwarded recent Panel Clinic List to IT Dept. for uploading into staff website.
v Prepared Maternity Leave report as required by previous HR Director.
v Submitted applicant’s resume with accountancy capabilities to Finance Director for employment consideration.
v Placed another classified recruitment advertisement for BH and ST with SPH to be published on Friday 9 December 2011.
v Updated al Zuhri employee’s E-Portal account and created the Childcare leave entitlement.
25 NOVEMber
v Placed new born gift for TW senior Teacher whom had given birth to a baby boy.
v Requested from SPH officer for a quote on ACPL classified recruitment advertisement for ST and BH.
v Returned PCA3 3S that was submitted in the old template, a new form was given for their necessary amendments.
v Advised Finance Dept. on staff resignation.
v Provided staff leave balance to its EO as had been requested.
v Reconfirmed for a revised quotation from SPH on the classified recruitment template meant to be published on Saturday 26 November 2011.
v Send final reminder with the submission summary report to all staff for Central Internal Staff Survey 2011. Extended 2 more days for late submission.
v Prepared center and HRM Monthly Report Form with the inclusion of Maternity Leave information. Report submitted to Manager for vetting.
v Attended DACE presentation conducted by Institute of Adult Learning management.
v Confirmed final advertisement template with SPH for Saturday publishing in ST and BH.
v Compiled reports and necessity documents for Maternity Leave reimbursement appeal.
v Explained to CS on the work process to tabulate ACPL Central staff Internal Survey.
v Purchased Loud Hailer & Batteries for Youth Camp Trial Run use.
v Report to MPMS in Jalan Mempurong for the preparation of Youth Camp Trial Run on Thursday 24 November 2011.
v Attended the Youth Camp trial run at MPMS.
v Followed up with CS on the ACPL Central staff Internal Survey processes are in order.
v Taken Compassionate Leave as my mother is in a Precarious Condition in Changi General Hospital.
18 NOVEMber
v Collate 3S 2011 received from staff
v Follow up on centre Manager monthly HR report.
v Prepared HRM monthly report and submitted to Manager.
v Worked with caterer for quotation on Youth Camp 2011 menu.
v Reminded all PCA to submit centre class schedules and manpower requisition for 2012.
v Made amendments and cancellation to staff leave as requested by its Manager.
v Refer to Manager on CSO A sponsorship for Life Saving course payment mode.
v Placed order of staff MiB cards for re designation and renewal.
v Send reminder email to all staff for their submission of Central staff internal survey.
v Update staff profile in EPE Core system.
v Activated staffs Childcare and Childcare Enhanced leave entitlement.
v Explained to PCA2 staff on Off in Lieu procedures for Aidil Adha.
v Prepared MiB card request template for al Zuhri and DAPL for their own future orders.
v Re-set CECPL staff E-Portal login and password.
v Prepared letter of confirmation for PCA1 staff.
v Re-set leave approving officer for al Zuhri staff as its Manager is on maternity leave.
v Forwarded to Finance Dept. the summary of maternity leave claim for reimbursement to check if claims been received.
v Forwarded to all PCA managers the summary of staff on maternity leave to follow up any unrecorded maternity leaves.
v Requested from SPH for quotation on classified advertisement for recruitment.
v Reminded PCA3 staff to submit 3S for year 2011 as none received from them.
v Advised centre Manager of the new policy for Employment Pass renewal.
11 NOVEMber
v Andalus Central is closed on Monday for Aidil Adha.
v Compiled 3S received from staff in Master Data.
v Reminded 2 staff to submit her GML1 Maternity Leave form as it was long due for submission.
v Cancelled leave from system of PCA1 EO as she reported for duty. Her Manager is aware of the cancellation.
v Advise PCA3 CSO A to submit Life Saving Course invoice for documentation support to raise cheque for payment by Finance.
v Request for quotation of Youth Camp committee meals meant for Trial Run on 24th Nov 2011 at camp site.
v Prepare employee data summary and compiled for all subsidiary companies for submission to SSA.
v Written to CPF Board to follow up on GML Maternity Leave claims for employees.
v Assisted DAPL Manager on the ACTA CU6 assessment outline.
v Advised staff to use the new 3S forms and return them the submission made in old template.
v Placed a new born gift hamper to be delivered to KKWCH for employee that had given birth.
v Advised MHC Medical Network to follow up with DAPL HR EO on staff verification.
v Applied leave for Thursday as not feeling well.
v Attended Friday Tazkirah and later applied leave for the day as still not feeling well.
4 NOVEMber
v Attended Youth Camp 2011 Head of Department meeting for the confirmation on the camp Execution Plan.
v Attended the centre Manpower and Teachers Duty Roster year 2012 presentation meeting by all PCA managers.
v Send a reminder email to all staff for submission of 3S year 2011. A submission summary was also provided for manager’s reference.
v Updated CECPL staff designation status in the EPE Core and E-Portal system as requested by its HR EO.
v Collate and compiled all centre submission of Manpower and Teachers Duty Roster year 2012.
v Compiled all 3S submitted by employees and update submission summary record.
v Provided all leave transaction report for month October of PCA3 to its acting Manager for the preparation of PCA3 HR Monthly report.
v Reminded Curriculum and Management Managers for an update of 3S 2009 and 2010 implementation progress report.
v Advised HR Director the outcome of staff leave approval updating records by their Approving Managers.
v Advise PCA1 Manager on the resignation procedure and also forwarded him the Employee Resignation Flowchart.
v Forwarded and advise Management Manager the information received from MOM Manpower Research and Statistics Department with regards to our online submission on 3rd Quarter Manpower Survey.