Artemis Athena Hermes
The Olympians
Hera Poseidon
Dear Olympians Students and Parents,
This handbook contains information that you may want to refer to throughout the school year. We hope you find it helpful.
Olympians Teachers
Olympians Teachers
English Ms. Kara Helzner
extension 31155
History Mr. Stephen Kistler
extension 31155
Math Mrs. Gretchen Zoll
extension 32260
Reading Ms. Eugenie Sloan
extension 31116
Science Mrs. Peggy Greene
extension 32261
Special Education Ms. Sarah Goldstein
extension 30205
ArcolaIntermediateSchool (610) 489-5000
Guidance CounselorsMrs. Beth Lang (A-E)
extension 30203
Mr. Will Peck (F-L)
extension 30220
Mrs. Stephanie Berardelli (M-R)
extension 30204
Mrs. Beth Van Buren (S-Z)
extension 30227
Student Supplies
(1)Three-ring binder (3” thick)
(1)Set of dividers
(1) Jump drive/memory stick (64mb is sufficient) for research and pictures
(2)Packs of 3” x 5” index cards
(2) Packs of 3” x 3” sticky notes
(1)Pack of colored pencils
Pencils, erasers and Pens (blue and black ink)
Calculator with basic functions
Free Reading Book
Textbook Covers
Notebook Paper
Assignment Book (provided in Student handbook)
Olympians Expectations
Dear Student,
Welcome to the Olympians! We are all team players! A team is a group of people who work together toward a common goal. Your team is made up of your parents, your teachers, and yourself. Our common goal is to see that you have a successful seventh grade year. Please read over the following information to understand the expectations we have for you.
A.M. Homeroom
Go immediately to your locker when you enter school, and then go to homeroom. You are expected to be seated and attentive during morning announcements.
8th Period
Eighth period is an activity period where students have band, orchestra, clubs, or request extra help. Otherwise you are expected to read or do homework. Bring a free reading book each day to eighth period. If you need to see another teacher, you MUST have a pass from that teacher.
Bring to Class Every Day:
- Pens, pencils and erasers
- 3 ring binder organized into sections
- Arcola assignment/handbook
- Free reading book
- Any assigned textbooks
- You may ONLY go to your locker before school, before lunch, and after school.
- Keep your book bags in your locker.
- Do not give your combination to other students or allow them to use your locker.
- Keep your locker properly secured at all times.
Class Rules
- Follow all Arcola rules especially no food or gum in class.
- Be respectful to all students, teachers, and guest speakers.
- Do not enter any classroom without the teacher present. Sit in assigned seat upon entering room.
- Do not handle, touch, or use any equipment or materials in room unless you have the teacher’s permission.
- Copy homework into your Arcola assignment book at the appropriate time during class.
- Place papers into your binder. Use the rings!
- Only do science in science class, math in math class, etc.
- Use proper grammar, including spelling, complete sentences, and paragraph construction.
Online Availability of Assignments
Some Olympians teachers may choose to post their assignments on their individual teacher web sites (accessed at We view online access as a tool for parents to aid their child in having a successful year. There may be times, however, when access to the website is unavailable due to circumstances beyond our control, and we request your understanding and patience in this matter. The posted assignments are also designed for the student who is absent. Students present at school are expected to write their daily assignments in their assignment book.
Late Work
Late homework will not be accepted. One homework pass will be given per class each marking period. If major assignments/projects are late, they will lose one letter grade each day the assignment is late.
Extra Credit
Your teachers do not usually offer extra credit. We expect you to do all of your assigned work. If you do your best and turn your work in on time, there should be no need for extra work.
Cheating/Plagiarism Policy(taken directly from student handbook)
Cheating is defined as the giving or receiving of outside help on anything (including homework) that has been determined by the teacher to be an individual effort. Any student who is caught cheating will automatically receive a zero on the assignment. Plagiarism is a violation against academic ethics. Examples of plagiarism are stealing, borrowing, buying, or copying someone else’s work (e.g. homework, lab reports, take-home tests, and research papers).
Parent Portal
We strongly encourage the use of the Methacton Parent Portal as an aid to help parents monitor their child’s academic progress. Students are also encouraged to access the Portal to track their grades. Grades are updated approximately every two weeks.
Computer Use Policy
Students will be using computers at Arcola for many purposes, including research, generating graphs, and word processing. Any student who is using the computer in an inappropriate manner, such as accessing unapproved web sites, may lose computer privileges.
- Upon your return, check with your teachers to see what you missed. Some teachers may have a notebook for you to check; others may want you to check with them personally.
- Get missed notes from a friend.
- Arrange to make up quizzes, tests, and labs during 8th period or after school. All tests must be made up within one week of the original test date unless there are extenuating circumstances.
- You have 2 days for every day absent to make up work.
- If absent one day before a test, you will still be expected to take the test.
- Planning on missing school due to a vacation? Be sure to check the student handbook for Arcola’s vacation policy.
Field Trip Policy
Going on a field trip is an earned privilege. Your overall behavior in the classroom will determine if you will be allowed to participate in field trips. Students who are overly disruptive or who do not follow teacher directions in the classroom will not be allowed to participate in field trips because their behavior may jeopardize the safety of others. Olympians teachers will make decisions regarding field trip attendance on a case-by-case basis and will take into consideration behavior both in and out of the classroom (including bus, hallway, lunch), academic performance, and attitude toward others. Your parents will be notified if the Olympians teachers feel that you are in danger of being removed from a field trip so that you may have the opportunity to alter your behavior.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What should I do if I have a concern about my child?
Many times a parent will be the first person to sense if their child is having any kind of difficulty at school. If you have a concern, do not hesitate to contact your child’s teachers or guidance counselor. Use the phone numbers and email addresses provided in this packet.
2. When are my child’s teachers available for help?
We are available during morning and afternoon homeroom and after school by appointment.
3. How much homework should my child expect?
You should expect approximately 20 minutes a night for each academic subject.
4. Why doesn’t my child ever seem to have homework?
Ask to see your child’s assignment book. There should be an assignment written down in every space. If you see the word “none” written several times, something is wrong. Most days your child will have homework in several subjects. If your child is getting all his homework done during 8th period, it is a good idea to ask him to bring it home so you can look it over. You’ll have a better idea of what your child is studying in school and will be able to see the quality of work he is putting into his assignments.
5. How much help should I give my child with his/her schoolwork?
We encourage you to look over your child’s work and help him prepare for tests and quizzes. Resist the urge, however, to rephrase paragraphs and type your child’s assignments. You can point out mistakes to your child, but let them do the work. It is important for teachers to see what your child can actually do on his own for proper assessment to occur.
6. Why is seventh grade such an adjustment for some kids?
We expect students to apply skills they have learned in previous years to their schoolwork and to become more independent in their work habits. The curriculum is more challenging, and sometimes students find it difficult to achieve the same type of grades without putting forth more effort. Also, many students have a hard time prioritizing their goals and budgeting their time. You can assist your children by helping them establish regular routines, occasionally checking their homework, and posting due dates of major assignments on a large calendar.
7. My child received a detention. Should I be concerned?
Seventh graders are known for acting on impulse and thinking later. Detentions should be cause for concern not alarm, since they are merely one of the tools a teacher uses to let the student know that he has made an unwise choice. Olympians teachers will notify parents either by phone or in writing of all after school detentions and the reason for the assigned detention. When parents support the teacher and expect their child to serve the detention, it tells the child that the parent and teacher are working together. Consistent or serious incidents will be directed to the assistant principal.