F5: FPP Financial Focus FilmFest
Sponsorship Package
Florida Prosperity Partnership believes in the power of entertainment used to help others learn (Walt Disney called it “edutainment”). The F5 initiative is intended to engage financial educators to show them the benefits of teaching financial topics using content that entertains, informs and influences. Further, the film work will provide Florida learning leaders resources they can incorporate into their lesson plans.
The desired outcome is to getstudents of all ages watching these short films/videos in classroomsacross Florida. When they do, our next generation of Floridians will be better prepared for their financial future.
The FPP Financial Focus FilmFest will be held in conjunction with the TenthAnnual Florida Prosperity Partnership Statewide Training Conference, on Thursday, May 31, 2018 (time TBA) atLoews Royal Pacific Resort at the entertainment mecca, Universal Orlando! These two simultaneous events will bring hundreds of audience members to see your support of this work!
Who is FPP?
Florida Prosperity Partnership (FPP), a 501(c)3 founded in 2008, celebrates its tenth year of convening professionals annually from many diverse disciplines who share one common purpose: to promote economic stability and financial prosperity for all Floridians.
Why Support this FilmFest?
Whether your interest is financial literacy for our youth or advancing the artistic creation of our film talent, your support will help FPP marry the two to become something even more impactful!
The current Florida education system has largely eliminated macro- and micro-financial management learning from existing school curriculum. Parenting styles and family situations have evolved in society, resulting in a decrease in money management knowledge and skills being imparted to young family members. Add the increasing use of credit over cash, direct deposit, and other technological advancements that have made monetary transactions less visible to the next generation. The cumulative result is a major gap in understanding and ability to effectively manage money.
The current learning approaches and available content are not squarely hitting the mark for the YouTube generation. FPP recognizes a growing need for learner-centered financial literacy content that is appealing for students of all middle and high school ages. Content that takes a fun, interactive, yet thought-provoking and meaningful approach to financial literacy for young people is largely nonexistent. This gap is glaring, and growing, and needs a 21st-century solution.
Financial edutainment has been proven to change personal economic attitudes and behaviors of its viewers/learners. This resulting change in attitudes and behaviors will lead to a better financial life for these students, their families, neighborhoods, communities, states, and the country in general.
Please consider becoming a sponsor for the first-of-its-kind F5: FPP Financial Focus FilmFest to show your support for preparing the next generation for their financial future!
Sponsorship Levels*
Premier Sponsor - $10,000
¨ Ten (10) FilmFest Tickets with VIP seating
¨ Two (2) FPP Tenth Annual Statewide Training Conference Registrations
¨ A role in the conference as a judge, announcer, or speaker - role to be determined based upon desired outcomes and feasibility
¨ Recognition as a sponsor on all materials – physical and digital – related to the FilmFest
¨ One (1) exhibitor table
Gold Sponsor - $5,000
¨ Four (4) FilmFest Tickets with VIP seating
¨ One (1) FPP Tenth Annual Statewide Training Conference Registration
¨ Recognition as a sponsor on all materials – physical and digital – related to the FilmFest
¨ One (1) exhibitor table
Silver Sponsor - $2,500
¨ Two (2) FilmFest Tickets with VIP seating
¨ One (1) Tenth Annual FPP Statewide Training Conference Registration
¨ Recognition as a sponsor on all materials – physical and digital – related to the FilmFest
¨ One (1) exhibitor table
Bronze Sponsor - $1,000
¨ Two (2) FilmFest Tickets
¨ Recognition as a sponsor on all materials – physical and digital – related to the FilmFest
¨ One (1) exhibitor table
*Print recognition is subject to donation being received prior to print date of May 11, 2018.
Contact with any questions.
F5: FPP Financial Focus FilmFest
Sponsorship Package
Community Sponsor - $500
¨ One (1) FilmFest Ticket
¨ Recognition as a sponsor on all materials – physical and digital – related to the FilmFest
*Print recognition is subject to donation being received prior to print date of May 11, 2018.
Contact with any questions.
F5: FPP Financial Focus FilmFest
Sponsorship Package
Exhibitor - $500
¨ One (1) exhibitor table
*Print recognition is subject to donation being received prior to print date of May 11, 2018.
Contact with any questions.
F5: FPP Financial Focus FilmFest
Sponsorship Package
Please complete and e-mail this form to .
Please contact Barry Altland at (321) 8804-1FPP (1377) with any questions.
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Sponsor Level:
*Print recognition is subject to donation being received prior to print date of May 11, 2018.
Contact with any questions.
F5: FPP Financial Focus FilmFest
Sponsorship Package
______Premier - $10,000
______Gold - $5,000
______Silver - $2,500
______Bronze - $1,000
______Community - $500
______Exhibitor - $500
*Print recognition is subject to donation being received prior to print date of May 11, 2018.
Contact with any questions.
Payment Information:
Check payment should be made out to Florida Prosperity Partnership and mailed to:
Florida Prosperity Partnership
250 Lake Mary Blvd #289
Sanford, FL 32773
Credit Card Payment
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Card Type: ☐ American Express ☐ Master Card ☐ Visa
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