Lesson 8 worksheet –Proverbs: Marriage


Fill in the blanks as we study the lesson.

1. Solomon’s proverbs give advice for everyday life. We can learn a lot

from this book about how to have a good . These days, the world is so confused about marriage that it is necessary to review some basic Bible facts about God’s

for the family.

2. God made , the first man. (Gen 2:7-24) God gave him life, a place to live, a job to do, and a law to follow,but he did not have all he needed, because he was

. God said it was not good for the man to be alone. He needs a

. God showed Adam all of the animals, but none of them could

to him or be the companion that he needed. God decided to make another

who would be a companion for Adam.

3. God said that he would make Adam a “ meet for him”. (vs. 18) God made

someone that would Adam. This helper would be “meet” or appropriate for

Adam’s needs. God took Adam’s rib and made a . She was just exactly what

Adam needed. A woman is designed to be a companion and a for a man.

4. God gave the woman to the man and she became his . (vs. 22) Marriage is

defined as man and woman who leave their parents to come together

as one to form a new family. (vs. 24) This union lasts as long as they both . (Mark 10:6-9) God never wants married people to get a divorce.

5. Marriage is a from God. There is nothing sinful about it. God designed

marriage and of it. (Prov. 18:22) God made men and women to be

to each other. He wants almost every man to have a , and He wants almost every woman to have a husband. (1Cor. 7:2)

6. The attraction between men and women is very because God wants them to get together in marriage. God wants them to live in happiness and love, and to

produce to continue the human race. The attraction is so powerful that it

can cause terrible if it is not controlled by God’s rules.

7. A man is attracted to a woman’s . God made him that way. This

attraction can lead a man into if he does not follow God’s instructions. God

wants every man to focus his attraction on the beauty of only woman – his

wife. A man can find everything he needs in his wife. He must not allow himself to be attracted to any other woman.

8. Proverbs chapter 5 compares the love of a wife to a satisfying drink of . A

man gets all the love he needs from his own – he may not look for love from any

woman. (drink your own water - vs. 15) He takes his wife’s with him wherever he goes. (vs. 16) She gives her love to him only and not to any other

. (vs. 17) Their love makes them . (vs. 18) They continue to be

affectionate and happy together for all of their . (vs. 19) There is no need for

him to ever look to any woman for love. (vs. 20) God sees everything we

do, and he sin. (vs. 21) This kind of sin is especially destructive and

. (vs. 22-23)

9. Because God wants marriage to be a relationship that lasts for a

lifetime, it is important to the right kind of person to marry. Some people

choose because of physical , but some beautiful people do not have good character, and would not be good to marry. (Prov. 11:22) People who seek to marry

will be by beauty, but they would be wise to look for a person with

discretion. ( to make good decisions) It is very important for believers to

marry someone who God and fears Him. (Prov. 31:30)

10. The best kind of wife is a woman. (Prov. 31:10) She is extremely

valuable because of the of her life. She is a wonderful from

God. (Prov. 19:14) Her husband can trust her, and she is always to him. (Prov. 31:11-12) She is a crown to her husband. (Prov. 12:4) She brings him honor and

causes people to him. (Prov. 31:23) A wife without such virtue brings

to her husband. She makes his life worse instead of making it better.

11. A wise wife up her house. (Prov. 14:1) She works to improve her family.

The foolish wife’s home is because she is there.

12. Proverbs chapter 31 describes the wise wife. She takes care of the and

clothing for her family. (vs. 13, 14, 19, 21, 22) She hard to supervise the business of the home. (vs. 15, 16, 18, 24, 27) She takes care of her health. (vs. 17) She is

compassionate to the needy. (vs. 20) She is and her family is happy.

(vs. 25, 28) She has a good . (vs. 29-31)

13. The wise wife always speaks words. (Prov. 31:26) She is agreeable. The

wife who wants to and fight is very unpleasant to live with. (Prov. 19:13, 21:19, 21:9)

14. A man who causes trouble for his family will have an life, no matter how successful he may be in other ways. (Prov. 11:29)

15. God wants each member of the family to fulfill his or her proper in the

home. The husband is the of the home. (Eph. 5:23) He is to his wife as much as he loves his own body. (Eph. 5:28-29) He is to feed her and take special

careof her. The wife is to highly respect her husband and to his decisions.

(Eph. 5:22, 33) She is his helper. She must follow his leadership. The children are to

and honor their parents. (Eph. 6:1-3) The father is to and discipline the children. (Eph. 6:4)

Fill in the blanks and correct any mistakes. Keep this lesson for future reference. Come back for lesson No. 9- “Strong Drink”.