We can end the AIDS crisis…

We demand a world in which the lives and health of individuals, workers, families and communities are prioritized over ideology and the interests of the wealthy and corporations. But across Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe – and right here in the United States and the capital of Washington, DC—this is often not the case. We have the science, the treatments, and the resources to end the HIV epidemic, but not the political will. This must change.

Around the world and across the U.S., millions are waiting in line for AIDS medicines that cost pennies per pill to make—but they go without, due to the lack of political will to ensure affordable generic medications for all. We demand better.

New science and decades of research shows we can halt the pandemic. Condoms, sterile syringes, HIV treatment that prevents transmission, stable housing, microbicides, and more—we can protect our communities. And we can end violence and ensure the rights of LGBT people, women, people of color and members of other marginalized communities. But that doesn’t fill campaign coffers, so we don’t get the funding needed to end AIDS – even though it would save money as well as suffering. We demand better.

Economic injustice fuels the AIDS crisis—but our health and human rights are traded away for tax cuts for billionaires and free trade deals. Our world can afford to fund our health systems, pay our nurses, and ensure housing, food, and education for all. But instead we see the wealthiest failing to pay their fair share. A tiny .005% tax—to fund AIDS and health care in the US and worldwide —is too heavy a burden on the bankers and speculators that rake in billions? Meanwhile, the same Free Trade Agreements that threaten jobs and the earth are trading away our access to affordable generic medicines. We demand better.

In 2012, when the world comes to Washington, DC in July 2012 for the International AIDS Conference, we will mobilize to fight AIDS and for economic justice! Join people living with HIV and HIV/AIDS organizations, unions, student groups, faith communities, and other activists…

  • International Mobilization in DC July 21, 22, 23, 2012
  • Week of action across the US and around the world

Get involved: Bimonthly organizing meetings in Washington, DC: email or call 617-880-9208

12 Demands for HIV/AIDS & ECONOMIC JUSTICE in 2012:


We demand…

  2. A US commitment to treat at least 6 million people globally by 2013 and an international plan to treat at least 15 million by 2015.
  3. In the US, ensure everyone with HIV in the US has access to medical care and treatment, including an end to the AIDS Drug Assistance Program waiting lists.
  2. Worldwide funding of the Global Fund at $_b per year including $2b from the US;
  3. US funding: PEPFAR at $10b per year;
  4. the Ryan White CARE Act at ______, HIV prevention programs at ____;
  5. the National Institutes of Health at ______;
  6. Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS at ______;
  7. Enact a 0.005% Financial Transaction Tax on bankers to help finance the fight against HIV/AIDS, health and social services in the US and worldwide, and stop rampant speculation.
  1. FREE TRADE: A halt to all Free Trade deals, including the Trans Pacific Partnership, that include new intellectual property enforcement for drug companies, prioritizing profits and patents ahead of lives.
  2. Decriminalization of drug use and drug users,
  3. elimination of legal, policy and funding barriers to harm reduction programs, sterile syringe access and evidence-based drug dependence treatment options to eliminate new infections among injection drug use by 2015,
  4. and ensure rights-based prevention for sex workers of all genders.
  1. TUBURCULOSIS SCREENING AND TREATMENT: Drastic scale up of tuberculosis programs including screening and treatment to cut deaths of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs) from TB by 80% by 2015.
  1. PREVENTION: Full investment in HIV prevention research and programs in the US and around the world including ending the global “condom gap,” prioritizing structural interventions, women-controlled and combination prevention methods, and halting vertical transmission by ensuring all pregnant women have access to a full-course of ARVs.
  1. HOUSING: Adoption of the International Declaration onPoverty, Housing Instability and HIV/AIDS to ensure that policy makers address the lack of adequate housing as a barrier to effective HIV prevention, treatment and care and all governments fund and develop housing as a response to the AIDS pandemic.
  1. HUMAN RIGHTS: The end to discriminatory laws that limit access to prevention and care for affected communities includingpeople living with HIV, LGBT and queer people, sex workers, and people who use drugs, including the repeal of HIV criminalization statutes.
  1. HEALTH CARE REFORM: With full implementation of the Affordable Care Act, preservation of the Ryan White CARE Act and other strategies, ensure 95% of the population in the United States has health insurance coverage and ready access to needed health services, including services related to sexual health, drug use, and HIV/STDs.
  2. Greater investment in research for a cure, better and cheaper treatments, more effective prevention methods and a vaccine,
  3. And to ensure that research findings are rapidly disseminated and translated into accessible and effective programs on the ground.

We demand in Washington, District of Columbia…

  1. The development and implementation of a bold, comprehensive strategy to end the epidemic and increased, resources in DC to accomplish this.
  2. All people on the DC HOPWA waiting list are housed, the comprehensive HIV/sex education curriculum is truly implemented, and…

Endorse the demands, send representatives to the planning meetings…

Meetings Dates

Thursday, August 11th, 2011 @ 1pm-4pmWednesday November 23 @ 1pm-4pm Wednesday September 28 @ 1pm-4pm

______Yes, my organization would like to be an Anchor Organization of the 2012 Mobilization




Address: ______



Signature affirming that you have the capacity to sign on for your Organization:______


Committees that you would like to join:

______Logistics ______Fundraising ______Other:______