will be at the Robinson Center on . We hope your exhibit is a success and in an effort to help achieve this, we would like to share the following information with you:

1)Your exhibit will be in:

2)Move In will be:


3)The Exhibit Hours will be:


4)Move Out will be:


5)Your display company is:

, .

The display company is responsible for providing tables, chairs and any other equipment necessary for exhibit booths. If you need equipment other than what is included in your booth rental, please contact the display company. Robinson Center Employees are not allowed behind or in an exhibitor's booth. Individual exhibit booth janitorial service may be arranged through the display company at a nominal charge.

On the enclosed Utility Order Forms, you will see the utilities available to you upon request. Utility connections will not be made until order form and payment is received. Credit will not be given for connections not used. Electrical strips are not allowed. If you are in doubt about the outlets you will need, please call the Robinson Center Maintenance Department (501) 370-3293 between 8:00 am-4:30 pm Monday through Friday. They will be happy to assist you with your request.

If your order and payment is not received prior to your show, you will be charged the floor rate and service will be hooked up on a first come, first served basis. Please do not tape, tack, staple or nail anything to the walls or ceiling unless you have the permission of the Convention Center Management. Anything found in violation will be promptly removed!

If you have any telephone installation requirements for your exhibit booth, please complete the enclosed form and include payment for services. If you have any questions, contact our Technical Services Department, Monday-Friday, 8:30am-5:00pm at 501-370-3245.

All move-in, show and move-out times will be strictly adhered to unless changes are made and approved by the Exhibit Chairman or Promoter and Robinson Center Management. After hours admittance to the exhibit area is strictly prohibited. In case of an emergency, admittance may be allowed with approval of the Exhibit Chairman or Promoter and Robinson Center Management.

In compliance with the City Fire Ordinance, propane or butane pressurized tanks are not permitted inside our building. Two-pound propane torches may be used for demonstration purposes only.

The Robinson Center does not have storage areas for equipment or display materials. Therefore, shipments of exhibit booths and exhibit materials cannot be accepted prior to the scheduled move in day. All shipping arrangements must be made through the display company.

We hope your stay in Little Rock and at the Robinson Center is a pleasant one!!