Early Summer Magazine
- What was Ellen’s favorite part of serving as a state officer?
Meeting members
- Which State Officer was the Water team captain at the Advanced Leadership Academy?
Haley Warner
- Of all of the State Champion’s listed on pages 4, 5, 8, 9 and 15 rank your top three contest you would be interested in trying.
- What contests do Perris FFA students compete in at field days?
Nursery. Landscape, Land Judging, Vet Science, Marketing, Best Informed Greenhand and Floriculture.
- Perris FFA lists a few of the monthly Chapter meetings that they host. Create 2 different meeting ideas that you would like to see you Chapter put on?
- What did Perris FFA do during Thanksgiving?
Collected 1,000 canes and raise and donate turkeys for dinners.
- Who is the writer of Blue Jackets, Golden Memories? How old and where was she when she had her first encounter with Agriculture?
Emily Nunez was 7 years old when she had her first encounter with agriculture when she moved to her family farm in Sonoma County.
- What did Flint do?
Flint licked the Christmas bulb next to his pen until it broke.
- What advice did Dr. Bill Zanolini give Emily on Valentines Day?
It’s like being the quarterback in the Super Bowl, you may throw an interception and get down on yourself, but you have to remember that you win some and you lose some. That’s all just a part of life.
- What states does Emily show at fair or jackpots?
Oregon, California or Nevada
- What does SLE stand for? Who can attend?
Sacramento Leadership Experience. 44/45 seniors.
- Who does SLE attendees have the opportunity to interact with according to Mara?
Powerful leaders in California politics and friends
- How does Grant believe SLE challenges students?
To embrace and advocate for ideals that may vary from your own views.
- What was Grant’s favorite part of SLE? Debating on an amendment that proposed to strike out wording that implied impediment on First Amendment rights.
- What did the Fortuna Sweetheart contest entail?
Barn wear, questions and talent.
- What is Galt FFA responsible for through the initiative Community Supported Agriculture system?
Collecting eggs and marketing Warrior Grown Eggs.
- What is #AgItForward?
Connecting students involved in Agriculture with others in their own state and across the country to promote Agricultural literacy.
- What activities take place at Tulare’s Welcome Back event for freshman?
An obstacle course, pie-eating contest and wheelbarrow race.
- What has Ferndale FFA done with their Agriculture Incentive Grant?
Update their shop with new technology, add a new commercial kitchen and purchase a livestock trailer.
- What FFA Chapter was Trace Adkins from? Sarepta FFA Chapter in Louisiana.
- Kurt from Glee originally came from which FFA Chapter?
Clovis East
- Who is Don Henley?
Former member of the Eagles
- Who was the biggest donor at the 87th State FFA Convention?
James G. Boswell Foundation
- How many students attended the State FFA Convention?
- How many leaders did the nominating committee identify for the delegates to consider?