16th March 2017

Notes from the meeting of the Neighbourhood Planning Group

Present:- Cllrs Annibal & Montgomery, Helen Fitzpatrick, Steve Kemp (Open Plan)

The purpose of this meeting was to discuss and come to an agreement on the contract with Open Plan & Community Lincs who will be supporting us on the development of our Neighbourhood Plan, and to plan our next steps. The following points were agreed:-

Ø  We agreed that the consultancy proposal received from Steve Kemp was fine and needed no revisions. Therefore we can now put in our application for funding to Locality.

Ø  The total cost of consultancy is agreed at £6300 + VAT, with an agreed contingency of 5% to cover travel expenses. Steve will negotiate with Community Lincs as & when needed in terms of their input to the project.

Ø  Funding is expected to take approximately 6 weeks to come through. WLDC have agreed to fund ½ day of Steve’s time in the meantime.

Ø  We looked through the draft questionnaire that we had put together. Steve agreed to meet with Janet Clarke From Community Lincs to review the questionnaire, and to come back to us with feedback and suggestions within the next 2 weeks.

Ø  Helen to send an electronic copy of the questionnaire to Steve.

Ø  An idea was discussed concerning the possibility of putting our allocation of 19 houses alongside the planned housing development up at Hemswell Cliff, as the Glentworth Parish boundary runs adjacent to the Hemswell Cliff boundary up to Caenby Corner. Steve suggested he could facilitate a conversation with Hemswell Cliff should we decide to explore this idea.

Ø  The Working Group now needs to start collecting information as evidence towards our Neighbourhood Plan application. Types of information we discussed were; a background/brief history of the Parish; demographics – size & shape of the population; facilities we have, such as the Church and Village Hall; businesses in the Parish; countryside facilities, such as footpaths & bridleways, open spaces; information on the Conservation Area; current issues, such as flood risk and drainage.

Ø  We need to carry out a Landscape Assessment – an assessment of the way the village interacts with the landscape, taking into account for example, the views we value, the landscape of the Cliff. It was agreed that the Working Group could carry out much of this assessment with guidance from Steve, but this would be in addition to the current proposal.

Ø  Wendy agreed to contact Anglian Water regarding drainage maps for the village.

Ø  Carol agreed to make enquiries with Glentworth Scottish Farms on progress with plans to develop the derelict barns at the bottom of St Georges Hill

Ø  Once the questionnaire has been completed and the results returned, we will work with Janet at Community Lincs to organise a Planning for Real event. This will provide a forum to get residents ideas and opinions on the use of and protection of land/green space within the Parish.

Ø  It was agreed that the Working Party would meet again this Sunday 19th March to put together a newsletter to both update those who could not attend the Consultation Event this week, and to let everyone know what will be happening next.