Springfield Ball Charter School
Board of Directors Meeting
May 20, 2013
Board Members Present: Kenley Wade, President
Nicole Evans, Vice President
Santita Nunn, Secretary
Jamie Sisti
Shaun Moore
Board Members Absent: Art Moore
Administrative Staff: Dr. Nicole Gales, Principal
Scott Brower, Business Manager
Judy Lascody, Recording Secretary
Administrative Staff Absent: Donna Jefferson, Assistant Principal
The Board meeting was called to order at 5:37 p.m. by Board President Kenley Wade. A motion was made by Nicole Evans and seconded by Shaun Moore to adjourn to Executive Session.
President Wade reconvened the meeting into General Session at 6:37 p.m.
Dr. Gales acknowledged Kindergarten teacher Angela Geisler, who along with her teammates Chantel Thompson and Laura Neale, has been represented at every Board meeting this year. She said their continued involvement and support is very much appreciated.
Board President Kenley Wade saluted Dr. Gales for her many years of service as Principal of the Springfield Ball Charter School by reading a proclamation from Springfield School District 186 dedicating the school library in her honor. He said a presentation would be made to Dr. Gales at a reception in her honor which was to be held on Tuesday, May 21st.
Business Manager Scott Brower gave the Finance Committee report for the month of April, 2013.
Review March Profit & Loss:
Scott Brower said the Income portion of the P & L reflected the fact that District 186 had not paid the final installment of the per capita reimbursement for the 2013 school year. He said after talking with district officials, it had been an oversight and since that call, the check was issued and deposited. To date, all money has now been received from the District and no further money would be received until August, 2013 for the next school year.
In review of the April income statement, Mr. Brower said investment figures are strong along with increases in Charter Child Care, and LD income which together exceeded budgeted amounts from the same period last year. Total income of $2,854,312.58 ran 2.48% behind the same period of last year due to the missed District per capita payment.
Notable expenses included an increase in the substitute line item for teachers planning for their new teams for next year. Administration expenses reflected Legal expenses mostly associated with Collective Bargaining. Mr. Brower said the District is behind in invoicing for utility expense for the school, but he estimates those bills will be slightly less than previously budgeted.
Review Mid-Year Reappraisal - March:
Mr. Brower said Mid-Year Reappraisal figures reflect an increase in Investment activity over March by nearly $6,400 as well as income from Charter Child Care of $4,500. He said two line items within Professional Development expenses increased to reflect PD registration associated with AVID program training scheduled for July. Dr. Gales said the school is sending 8 attendees which include teachers and an administrator for training. The AVID program provides support for students at or above level to help get them ready for college. The program originally was offered to high school students, but junior high students are also targeted now for the program. AVID has been offered in District 186 for several years and offers excellent study and organizational skills training for students which will continue through their high school years.
Mr. Brower said figures have been adjusted in the Reappraisal to include renewal for the AIMSWEB assessment to be utilized again next year. He said textbooks, materials and equipment associated with the new class reassignments will be ordered for delivery in the summer. Dr. Gales said additional expenses will be incurred for the summer reading program being offered to families this summer with a Wild West theme. Teachers have been offered the opportunity to provide reading tutoring with this program during the summer months. Two family nights on June 20th and July 18th will be offered to all Ball Charter families whether their child participates in the tutoring or not. The program was offered successfully last year and she is happy to be able to offer it again this year. In addition, Mrs. Rupcich will be hosting the Family Read Aloud Book Club this summer and Mrs. Gales has asked her to continue hosting the Club next year after she retires.
Dr. Gales said the school will also purchase additional Mondo Books and materials for the Primary classrooms for next year. Angela Geisler added that the Mondo program supplements the schools reading program with phonics instruction. She said date collected from the last two years since the Kindergarten team has used the program shows that 100% of their students reading scores are at or above benchmarks.
March Re-appraisal figure reflected an overall income increase by $11,771 and the overall expenses increased by $11,194. The anticipated net income for year-end stood at $98,445.
The next meeting of the Finance Committee is Wednesday, June12, 2013 at SBCS.
Dr. Gales said the Governance Committee was unable to meet in April, but work is continuing on School Policy revisions for the Student and Staff Handbooks. She said those revisions would be brought to the Board for approval at the June meeting. Mr. Wade suggested the school include the school’s safety and security plan in the handbook so all parents would be aware of the school’s procedures. Dr. Gales said the Administrative team would draft language to include school procedures for the Board’s approval.
Dr. Gales said Middle Level Hope Kennell, who could not be present at the meeting, had been involved in several projects and opportunities she had explored for the school and her students. On May 8th she and Lauren Smith, the school’s technology specialist along with students Zoe Chase and Darion Miller attended a technology conference at the State Capitol. Together they shared what Ball Charter is doing with technology to State Legislators and attendees at the conference.
Last summer, Mrs. Kennell participated in an Archery Training class for teachers and students. She is anxious to share what she learned and also provide an opportunity for the school to participate in this activity. P.E. teacher Deb Tatham will work with Mrs. Kennell to bring this opportunity to the SBCS students.
Dr. Gales said Mrs. Kennell has also been chosen to be a reviewer for the State of Illinois for the National Science Standards Review Panel. She has already begun her work on the panel and results have been presented at District levels. She said Illinois has become a forerunner in the science field and she is very proud to have one of her teachers participating in the important task of reviewing science standards and providing feedback on the national level.
Dr. Gales said she continues to encourage her staff to seek out opportunities to share SBCS good news and to participate in these learning opportunities.
Dr. Gales said she was presenting a calendar for approval at the meeting which had been agreed upon by the Collective Bargaining Unit and the Administration for the 2013-2014 school year. Most notable changes in the calendar will change the monthly teacher half day planning days to an every other full day planning schedule. Other days were adjusted to coincide with District 186 workshop days and holidays so families can better plan for their days off and to provide a cost savings for bus and cafeteria costs when Ball Charter is in school and the District is not. Overall, the adjustments should save the school an estimated $11,000. Shaun Moore inquired about the number of attendance days for students. Dr. Gales said next year there would be 180 attendance days which would include two conference days. District 186 currently has 171 student attendance days. She said Ball Charter also incorporated some of the state holidays in the calendar to reflect teacher professional development days. Santita Nunn asked for transportation expenses for days in which SBCS is in session when School District 186 is not. Mr. Brower said he would provide those figures and send them to Board members.
Principal Gales said she and Mr. Brower had been meeting to review teacher requests for curriculum planning for the new teams for next year. She said they have been working to find curriculum materials and resources to support their new teaching and learning standards, topics, activities, and projects. The Instructional Materials and Textbook lines have been increased to plan for increased needs for curriculum materials and resources. She said the school will have to be more conservative in future years as funding from the District will decrease slightly.
Dr. Gales invited all Board members to the graduation ceremonies on Friday, May 24th. Board President Kenley Wade will address the students and families. She said it is always a fun day to see past and present students and their families.
· A motion was made by Shaun Moore and seconded by Jamie Sisti to approve the Regular and Executive Session Minutes of the April 22, 2013 Board of Directors meeting. The motion was approved by unanimous vote with Art Moore absent.
· A motion was made by Nicole Evans and seconded by Santita Nunn to approve the 2013-2014 SBCS School Calendar. The motion was approved by unanimous vote with Art Moore absent.
· A motion was made by Nicole Evans and seconded by Jamie Sisti to approve the change of assignment for Tara Kulavic from Full-time Middle Level 5/6 Teacher to Part-time Primary K/1Teacher, effective August 13, 2013 for the 2013-2014 school year. The motion also included the approval of the Job Sharing agreement between Erin Willenborg and Tara Kulavic, Primary K/1 position, effective August 13, 2013 for the 2013-2014 school year. The motion was approved by unanimous vote with Art Moore absent.
· A motion was made by Shaun Moore and seconded by Santita Nunn to approve the hire of Michelle Grenko, Charter Child Care Director, effective August 12, 2013 for the 2013-2014 school year. The motion was approved by unanimous vote with Art Moore absent.
· A motion was made by Nicole Evans and seconded by Jamie Sisti to accept the Leave of Absence request for Janelle Chapman, Nurse Educator, beginning on or about September 30, 2013 to January 2, 2014. The motion was approved by unanimous vote with Art Moore absent.
· A motion was made by Santita Nunn and seconded by Shaun Moore to approve the District 186 Community Member Appointees as follows to the SBCS Board of Directors:
o Jamie Sisti, District 186 Community Member 2013 to 2016
o Kenley Wade, District 186 Community Member 2013-2014
o Teresa Jones, District 186 Community Member 2014-2016
The motion was approved by unanimous vote with Art Moore absent.
SBCS GRADUATION – Friday, May 24, 2013 at 1:30 p.m.
A motion was made by Santita Nunn and President Wade adjourned the meeting
at 7:23 p.m.
The next meeting of the Springfield Ball Charter Board of Directors is Monday,
June 24, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. in the Team Room.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Lascody
Recording Secretary