Name: ______
Hour: ______
Daily Unit Questions: Ancient Civilizations and World Religions
September 25I can analyze the environmental factors that enabled human migration to other world regions.
V 1-3
SA 1 / September 26
I can analyze the ways in which people adapted to different environments.
V 4-8
SA 2 / September 27
I can locate on a world map places where farming occurred between 10,000 and 1500 BCE.
V 9-13
SA 3 / September 28
I can describe the characteristics of physical environments where settled farming communities.
V 14-18
SA 3 / September 29
I can explain domestication and why farming permitted world population to grow.
V 19-23
SA 3
October 2
I can analyze the differences between a hunting-gathering way of life and a settled agricultural one.
V 24-33
SA 4 / October 3
I can describe the development, characteristics, interactions and decline of civilizations in Afro-Eurasia.
V 34-38
SA 4 / October 4
I can explain how and where complex societies evolved and describe their significant characteristics.
V 39-40
SA 5 / October 5
I can locate the major empires of the period and analyze their relative importance.
V 41-47
SA 6 / October 6
I can define monotheism and its relationship to the Hebrews and the emergence of Judaism.
V 48-51
SA 7
October 9
I can describe the basic beliefs and practices of Islam.
V 52-56
SA 8 / October 10
I can define and explain the significance of the caste system in India as it emerged in the first millennium BCE.
V 57-58
SA 8 / October 11
Ancient Civilizations and World Religions Unit Review / October 12
Ancient Civilizations and World Religions Unit Exam / October 13
Ancient Civilizations and World Religions Unit Exam
Please write what you know in sentence form for each of the following:
- “Lucy”:
- Oldavi Gorge:
- Hominids: ______
- Homo Habilis:
- Homo Erectus: ______
- Homo Sapien:
- Paleolithic Age:
- Neolithic Age: ______
- Domestication of Animals:
- Tigris and Euphrates Rivers:
- Nile River: ______
- Indus and Ganges Rivers:
- Yellow and Yangtze Rivers:
- Ancient Mesopotamians: ______
- Ziggurat:
- Theocracy:
- Hammurabi Code:
- Cuneiform:
- Ancient Egyptians:
- Amon-Re:
- Pharaoh:
- Hieroglyphics:
- Mummification: ______
- Ancient India:
- Harappa and Mohendaro: ______
- Sanskrit:
- Patriarchal Society:
- Caste System:
- Brahmin:
- Kyshatriyas:
- Vaisyas:
- Sudras:
- Untouchables:
- Dynastic China:
- Mandate of Heaven:
- Warring States Period:
- Qin Dynasty:
- Legalism:
- Polytheism:
- Monotheism:
- Judaism:
- Abraham:
- Christianity:
- Jesus:
- Islam:
- Muhammed:
- Five Pillars of Islam:
- Hinduism:
- Reincarnation:
- Karma:
- Moksha:
- Buddhism:
- Siddhartha Gautama:
- Four Nobel Truths:
- Eightfold Path:
- Nirvana:
- Confucianism:
- Taoism:
Short answer questions can be answered through the use of complete sentences, bullet points, thinking maps, or graphic organizers.
- List and examine the factors that separate humans from animals.
- Classify the differences between the following “types of humans” and “ages”: Homo Erectus, Homo Habilis, Homo Sapien, Paleolithic Age, Neolithic Age.
- Describe where the earliest farming/agricultural communities were located and explain how farming permitted writing and population growth.
- Compare and contrast the “Hunter-Gatherer” way of life and the “Farming/Agricultural” way of life. Analyze how each way of life would impact the groups ability to tell their history.
- Describe the “Six Factors of Civilization”.
- How would ancient life in the Middle East/Africa be both similar and different to ancient life in China and India?
- Outline the three “Monotheistic Religions” by identifying their: age, prophets, and basic beliefs.
- How did India’ Caste System reinforce the Hindi beliefs in reincarnation?