Pan - London Trauma Nursing Group
Terms of Reference
- Introduction.
A pan London Trauma Nursing group was convened as part of the governance structure of the London Trauma System. Despite the London Trauma Office no longer being in existence the members felt the group should continue. The purpose of the group is to share best practice and devise agreed protocols for trauma nursing to be used across the London Trauma System. The aim of the group is to help shape the future of trauma nursing as a recognised sub-speciality area of expertise and practice.
The group will support the following;
- Chair: the Group will be chaired by a senior nurse/s who is/are responsible for facilitating the group to achieve the deliverables outlined in section 4.
- Secretariat: the chair or an agreed nominated member of the group will be responsible for;
- Setting dates, times, and venuesfor meetings
- Distributing agendas, minutes and relevant papers prior to the meetings
- Maintenance of minutes, agreed deliverables and TOR
- Additional duties linked to actions and deliverables as determined by the chair.
- Purpose of the group.
The group will provide clinical experience and expertise in trauma nursing to identify components that require a consistent approach across the London Trauma System. The group will provide advice and recommendations to relevant individuals and bodies, including commissioners, to ensure a consistent approach to trauma nursing across the London Trauma System.
- Objectives
The key objectives of the group are:
- To engage all those involved in the provision of nursing services to injured adults and children to produce improvements in care.
- To share common issues and best practice.
- To set out common principals and standards for trauma nursing.
- The group shall seek to ensure representation of trauma nursing from emergency, critical care, theatres, ward and rehabilitation.
- The group aspires to influence local, regional and national debate, guidance, best practice and commissioning on issues related to trauma nursing.
- To interface with the national trauma framework.
- Work in conjunction with and make recommendation to the Pan-London Trauma Education Group and other trauma specialist groups as required.
- Deliverables of the group
The group will be guided by the chair to achieve the following deliverables;
- Agreed protocols to be used across the London Trauma System.
- Learning tools for those involved in trauma nursing.
- Propose educational standards and frameworks.
- Propose and define trauma nursing roles.
- Membership
The group will comprise of a
- Chairperson/s.
- Representation from each Trauma network including from MTC and TU’s.
- Accountabilities
The group is accountable to the London Trauma System.
It is acknowledged that the governance framework in London on trauma is changing and this will be reviewed as required.
- Conduct of meetings
- Meetings will be bi-monthly and of 1-1.5 hours duration.
- Meetings will be hosted by each network
- Quorum; 4 plus the chair is required for agreement of decisions
- Standing agenda items;
- Attendees and apologies
- Minutes of the last meeting
- Any other business
- Secretariat will send out papers approx one week in advance.
- Evaluation
- Terms of reference agreed 03-04-2014
- Terms of reference to be reviewed in 6 months
Pan - London Trauma Nursing Group Terms of Reference - April 2014