Minutes of the Suffolk LPC Closed Meeting 20th of May 2015

Committee Members
Alister Huong (AH)– Chair / Present / Paul Nightingale -Vice Chair (PN) / Absent
Michelle Claridge (MC) / Present / Brian Jolley (BJ) / Absent
Sunny Dhanoa (SD) / Absent / Michael Lord (ML) / Absent
Catherine Armstrong (CA) / Absent / Greg McCarthy (GM) / Present
Paul Heeks (PHe) / Absent / Nick Smith (NS) / Present
Jo Howe (JH) / Present / Kashif Wahid (KWa) / Present
Officers and Guests
Tania Farrow (TF) / Present
Hannah Nichols (HN) / Present
Soonick Soew (SS) / Present / (Guest attendance)
Agenda Item / Outcome / Action
By Whom / Action
By When
946. Welcome and apologies. / AH welcomed everyone to the meeting. The apologies were as listed above. Soonick was also welcomed as a prospective independent candidate and all the members introduced themselves.
AH informed the committee that Brian had stepped down from the committee due to current workload but he would support on locality issues until a new member was appointed.
AH again started off the meeting by asking everyone for a committee related example of something good that had happened since the last meeting .There were some positive comments including the website, the planned RM meeting and communication.
947. CCA report / KW agreed to write the CCA report. / KW
948. Conflict of Interest declaration in today’s agenda / AH asked the committee members to declare any interests regarding the agenda. None we declared.
949. Welcome to Soonick / TF welcomed Soonick to the meeting and explained a little about the agenda and the format of today’s meeting. It was agreed that Soonick would attend as a visitor without voting rights until point 958 on the agenda when Soonick would leave the meeting and a vote would be taken on co-opting a candidate onto the committee. / All to vote
950. Committee Declarations and Skills Audits / All outstanding forms have now been received apart from those from PN who was absent from meeting. TF to forward the forms to PN for completion. / TF / June 15
951 Member Development/ Committee Leads / AH/TF explained that as part of the aim to develop members in areas of personal interest, the officers had identified areas of the business strategy where member support would be welcomed. These were areas where there were currently no active work streams but developing relationships would be important. The committee was asked if they would consider putting themselves forward to lead for the committee on some of these roles. They are
Medication Policy/Dom. Care- Greg
MP Engagement- Nick/Michelle
Media- Alister/Nick/Michelle( for training)
LPN Liaison- Kash
Professional Education- HEE
Health Watch/Patient Forums- Paul H(?)
Secondary Care Lead- Alister
It was agreed that, as needed, the officers would brief the identified members on key issues around these work streams and the members would build relationships with the relevant organisations. / TF/ HN to identify relevant work streams and brief members / July 15th 2015
952.Review of Strategic Plan / This has been circulated in the meeting notes and no issues were identified that were not included on the agenda.
953.Action arising from the Strategic Plan / Website
TF informed the committee that the website had now been built and was ready to launch with the approval of the committee. TF/HN showed the committee the website and explained the current layout and main features. It was agreed that the website looked good and was ready to launch. The officers agreed to make the site live as soon as possible and to shut down the existing website.
HN talked the committee through the next steps for HLP and asked them to look at what outcomes the committee wanted from the HLP program. The committee identified that they would like to see improvements in health outcomes with evidence of financial benefit to contractors and better signposting between service providers.
HN confirmed that we had some applicants for the new role and that interviews would be held in June.
Contract Application Process
TF asked the members to agree the process for considering an LPC response to contract applications. After the training in April it was clear that we needed good governance around this process and that several members needed to be involved in the process. It was therefore agreed that members who had been trained on the regulations (TF/HN/NS/GM/JH/MC/PN) would form an email group which would consider each application. Therefore the process would be:
TF to send the details out to the email group
Date stated for replies
TF to formulate a response
Response sent to email group for agreement
Response posted on members area of the website to ensure members are aware.
Response sent to Serco by deadline.
With more complex applications, the committee would meet with as much notice as possible.
TF was asked to produce a timeline for applications to ensure the deadlines were met.
EPS Roll out
The committee was updated on the current situation with the roll out. This had currently been halted by the AT who were unhappy with the RA function in Suffolk. All contractors were aware of the roll out plan. Those who were not enabled had been contacted to ensure they were aware of the risks of not enabling their systems. Contractors had been asked to submit smartcard requests to the RA team and the AT would decide at the beginning of June if it would authorise the rollout in its current form. Officers would monitor the situation and continue to prepare contractors for the planned roll out.
Flu 2015/16
Negotiations around this years’ service are currently underway. However, it seems unlikely that the service will be extended to under 65s. TF asked the committee to agree a budget of £1000 to jointly contribute to the support materials for all participating pharmacies across the area. This was agreed. The committee also discussed the provision of training and it was decided that the LPC would not provide training but would inform contractors of the training options available.
Sexual Health Services
TF updated the committee on progress with the new PGDs and Chlamydia treatment service which were just due to go live. The officers confirmed that they were still working with SCC to clarify some issues with the contract and the service.MC asked that officers challenge the increased data set that pharmacists were being asked to collect as this increased time taken to provide the service.
TF updated the committee on the training and preparations for the service launch on the 1st of June. There had been some issues with pharmacies wishing to pull out of the pilot but all had been encouraged to remain and most had completed training. The LPC wished to be kept informed of the outcomes of the pilot.
E-Cigarette Policy and Healthy Lifestyle Tender
HN asked the committee to consider the new Livewell policy on E- cigarettes. The LPC had previously supported a policy which stated that pharmacies should not recommend e-cigarettes to patients wishing to quit as there was no licensed product. The service would also not use them. This has now been amended to recognise the widespread use of these products and the service will now provide motivational support to patients using e-cigarettes to quit. The LPC agreed to support the current policy. / TF/HN to proceed with the launch of the new website
HN/TF to arrange and conduct interviews
TF to produce a process including timeline
TF/HN to continue working with the AT/RA team and CCG leads
TF to work with other LPCs on the service
TF/HN to clarify issues around new services
TF/HN to continue to work with SCC/BHR
HN to add the policy to the website / May 27th 15
June 15
July 15th 15
Update July 15
July 15
July 15
Update July 15
June 2015
954. Financial report and budgeting. / NS Informed the committee that the LPC budget to March was underspent putting us in a strong position at the end of the financial year with funds held being at the top end of the PSNC recommended level.
The budget for April was on track with the areas overspent due to average out in May. The proposed budget had been agreed by the AT. / Continue to monitor / Update July 15
955. PSNC report / There was a verbal report from Anil. He confirmed that discussions were currently underway to finalise the funding agreement as soon as possible .As announced there were also discussions around a national minor ailment scheme. There was no report on the outcomes of the national audit. / TF to invite Anil to the next meeting / July 15th 15
956. Minutes of the last meeting / There were no amendments and they were therefore approved by the Chair for signing.
957.Contract Changes / These were supplied for information and no issues were identified.
958. Feedback from Soonick and co-option vote. / Soonick was asked how he had found the meeting and if he still wished to be considered for the vacancy. He confirmed that he had found the meeting interesting and would like to be considered for the position. The committee thanked him and he left the meeting.
The committee then voted on co-option and the committee considered both candidates for the vacancy. The committee felt that both candidates were of a similar high standard but the committee discussed their concerns around Anil’s ability to attend regularly due to his other commitments. The decision was then put to a vote and Soonick was unanimously co-opted on the committee.
As the committee now had another vacancy after the resignation of BJ, TF was asked to advertise the vacancy as required by the constitution. The advert needed to stress that we would welcome applications from the Waveney area to ensure adequate representation on the committee. AF agreed to speak to Anil and TF would notify Soonick of the outcome of the vote.
959.AOB / None
Date of next meeting / The next meeting will be held at 1pm on Wednesday 15th of July 2015 at West Suffolk House in BSE when we will have Kelvin Rowland-Jones attending with his team.
Lunch will be provided at the start of the meeting.


Signed ………………………………………………………………………………


LPC minutes May 2015

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