Young Spartacus

Subject Index for Volume 2

January 1976 to Summer 1978

(issues Nos. 39 - 65)



•The fullest listing is by SUBJECT, Subject headings are arranged alphabetically. Entries are listed under subject heads chronologically. In some cases, subject heads are broken down into subcategories. These subcategories are listed immediately after the initial subject head and preceded by a dot (•). An asterisk (*) after the page location of an entry indicates that a correction follows.

• The information following each entry headline includes the issue number, date and page number(s) for the article. Thus:

Boston: Racial Onslaught Must Be Defeated, #43, May 1976 (1,2,9)

means the headline of the article, issue No, 43, May 1976, pages 1, 2, and 9.

• No entry is listed twice; see cross references for guidance In locating the subject head for particular articles. Cross references are of two types: those following the word "see" deal centrally with the subject head; those following the words "see also" are related articles. Subject heads in crossreferences are separated by a seml-colon. Thus:

INDOCHINA - See armed forces. See also Kissinger, Henry.

means that articles on Indochina can be found by going to the subject head ARMED FORCES. Related articles can be found by going to the subject heads under KISSINGER, HENRY.

• Articles about campuses and SYL campus work arelisted under the appropriate political category, not by university or college name. See BUDGET CUTS,

TUITION HIKES, CAMPUS ELECTIONS, CAMPUS REPRESSION, CAMPUS WORKERS, EDUCATION, STUDENTS (partial listing). Articles. are cross-referenced by formal university or college name. Thus:

State University of New York (SUNY) - See Budget Cuts / Tuition Hikes

means that articles about the State University of New York will be found under BUDGET CUTS / TUITION HIKES.

• Individuals mentioned in articles are usually not listed separately unless the article is primarily about the given person. Entries relating to foreign countries are mainly listed under national headings and occasionally regional ones, as appropriate. Articles which particularly concern domestic political organizations are listed under their organizational names.

• Specific defense cases (e.g., Mario Munos) will be found under CIVIL LIBERTIES, under the subcategory Cases or, if more than one article on the case exists, under subcategories by case name.

• Articles and reprints of historical documents on the history of the Marxist youth movement are listed under HISTORY OF THE MARXIST MOVEMENT. Reprints (in whole or in part) of documents of the Marxist movement are listed under ARCHIVES OF THE MARXIST MOVEMENT.

• The category NEAR EAST contains articles about countries in that region, as well as articles on the Palestine Liberation Organization and Zionism.

• Articles which are serialized across two or more issues are indicated by the abbreviation (S). Thus, under the heading HISTORY OF THE MARXIST MOVEMENT appears the entry:

Marxism and the Jacobin Communist Tradition (S)

followed by separate sub-entries for each of the 13 articles in this series contained in this volume, specifying the issue number, date and page numbers.

• Other abbreviations used in entries are:

C: Correction L: Letter R: Review


Abortion -- See Woman Question.

Affirmative Action -- See Bakke Decision; Education


StudentsOccupyWisconsinState House, protest Cop Killing of Indians, #41, Mar 1976 (3)

Angola - see South Africa.

For Military Victory to MPLA Against Imperialist-Led Forces!, #39, Jan. 1976 (1,3)

Cubans Turn Tide Against Imperialist-Led Forces!, #40, Feb. 1976 (1, 3, 8, 9)

Angolan "Socialism" Good for Gulf #49Dec. 1976 (5, 10) , ,

ARCHIVES OF THE MARXISTMOVEMENT -See Socialist Worker. Party:On Fascism.

Salute May Day!, #43, May 1976 (2)

How Trotskyists Applied Boycott to NaziGermany, #54. May 1977 (4,5)

October Revolution Sixtieth Anniversary,#59, Nov. 1977 (3)

ARGENTINA-See also Civil Liberties.:Munoz, Marlo.

Argentine Universities Purged as JuntaRepression Escalates, #46, Sept. 1976(3,10)

ARMED FORCES-SeeKentState; SocialistWorkers, Party. See also Fascism.

The "New" MilitaryAcademy: Coed, Corrupt,Counterrevolutionary, #47, Oct. 1976 (2)

Carter's Amnesty FraUd, #51, Feb. 1977 (2)

ROTC: Recruiting for Racist Rhodesia,#53, Apr. 1977 (2)

Why Socialists Do Not Advocate Soldiers'Trade Unions, #53, Apr. 1977 (4. 10)

Confiscate Military Profits? (L). #55,June 1977 (4, 10)

"New" ROTC: As American as My Lai,#65, Summer 1978 (3, 14)


Reactionary Court Ruling Bars MinorityQuotas, #48, Nov. 1976 (5)

Confab on Bakke Decision Mired inLiberalism, #51, Feb. 1977 (9)

Thousands Protest Bakke Ruling in aerkeley,#53, Apr. 1977 (3)

Open Admissions: The Answer to 'Bakke, #57, Sept. 1977 (2)*

The Answer to Bakke (C). #58, Oct. 1977 (8)

Bakke Ruling Focus for Racist Backlash,#58, Oct. 1977 (1, 10, 11)

ILWU Local 6 Opposes Bakke Ruling,#58. Oct. 1977 (10)

Defeat Bakke!, #63, Apr. 1978 (1,8,9,10)

10,000 Protest Racist Bakke Ruling in D.C.,#64, May 1978 (12)

Bell, Griffin-SeeU.S.: General.

Biko, Steven-SeeSouth Africa.

Black Panther Party-See Civil. Liberties:Cases. See also New Left.

BLACK QUESTION-See Bakke Decision;Budget Cuts/Tuition Hikes; Busing;Education; Fascism; National StudentCoalition Against Racism; Police; ProgressiveLabor Party; Socialist Workers Party;U.S,: General.

Down 'with the Confederate Flag!, #48,Nov. 1976 (2)

Racist Hypocrites Shed Tears Over M.L. King,#54, May 1977 (12, 9)

Carter/Meany "Gift" to Black Youth:

Sub-Minimum Wage, #60, Dec. 1977-Jan. 1978 (2,10)

Boston-See Busing; National StudentCoalition Against Racism;

Socialist WorkersParty.

Boston University-See Budget Cuts/TuitionHikes; Campus Elections.


Student Struggles Engulf Brazil,#56, July~Aug_ 1977 (12,11)


British Fusion Highlights SYL Educational,#63, Apr. 1978 (5, 11)

Brooklyn College-See Budget Cuts/TuitionHikes; Election.: U.S.

Brown University-See Campus Workers.


Save Open Admissions!, #39, Jan. 1976(1,10,11)

Budget Cuts Spark Militant Actions atKentState, #40, Fe.b. 1976 (4)

No Cuts! No Closures! No Cops!, #42,Apr. 1976 (1,9)

New York Sit-Ins Smashed, #43, May 1976 (4)

B.U. Cutbacks Provoke Protests, #43,May 1976 (9)

Lockout: CUNY Admin. Slams Gates on300,000 Students, Staff,

#44, June 1976(1,11)

StudentStrikeShutsCityCollege, #44,June 1976 (3)

Fight For Open Admissions, No Tuition!,#45, July-Aug. 1976 (12, 10, 11)

Northwestern "Student Voice" Whimpers:"234 or 430, But Don't Fight",

#45, July-Aug. 1976 (9)

How to Roll Back Cutbacks at CUNY,#47, Oct. 1976 (8)

Con Artist Hikes Tuition at BU ... Again,#52, Mar. 1977 (5)

SYL Says: Open Up Elite Universities!,#53, Apr. 1977 (5)

Open Up Elite Universities! (e), #54,May 1977 (10)

Hat-In-Hand Liberalism Dominates Albany Demo, #53, Apr. 1977 (9)

Madman Silber Strikes Again, #63, Apr. 1978(12,10)

Police Riot at BrooklynCollege, #65,Summer 1978 (5) •

Chicano Law Students Sit In at UCLA,#65, Summer 1978 (13)

BUSING-See Black Question; NationalStudent Coalition Against Racism;

Revolutionary Communist Party; SocialistWorkers Party. See also Education.

Boston Busing Foes Riot, #41, Mar. 1976(1,9.10)

Support BUSing! Stop the Racist Terror!,#42; Apr. 1976 (12, 10)

Boston: March with Us for Labor/BlackDefense!, #42, Apr. 1976 (2) .

Boston: Racist Onslaught Must Be Defeated!,#43, May 1976 (1, 2, 9)

SecondCity First in Segregation, #55,June 1977 (2)

Black Students Boycott "Southie", #55.June 1977 (3)

Interview with Black Student Leader:How Boston Racists Provoked "Southie"

Boycott, #56, July-Aug. 1977 (3,10)Desegregate Chicago Schools!, #58,Oct. 1977 (6,7,8)

Butz, Arthur-See Fascism.

Cambodia-See Indochina.


SYL Candidates Campaign for CommunistAlternative, #44, June 1976 (9)

Berkeley: SYL Campaigns as CommunistAlternative, #49, Dec. 1976 (11)

SYL Challenges Political Censorship.#54. May 1977 (3. 11)

Trotskyist Candidates Trounce YSA.#55. June 1977 (8)

Berkeley SYL Defies Campus CampaignRestrictions. #55. June 1977 (10)

SYL Campaigns as Revolution~ry Alternative.#64. May 1978 (9)

CAMPUS REPRESSION-See CampusElections; Civil Liberties: Iranian Students;

Civil Liberties: John, Sandor; CommunistParty; KentState; Socialist Workers Party.

Clark Sit-In Backs Radical Professor,#43. May 1976 (11)

Defend Radical Professors Purged atBerkeley!. #44. June 1976 (10) .

Berkeley SYL Protests Anti-CommunistHarassment (L). #47. Oct. 1976 (2)

Madison Witchhunt Defeated. #48.Nov. 1976 (10) .

SYL Defends Democratic Rights at CCNY.#50, Jan. 1977 (8)

Radical Black Sociologist Target for PoliticalFiring, #50, Jan. 1977 (10)

Gains of Free Speech Movement UnderAttack. #51. Feb. 1977 (8)

Down with Harvard Kangaroo Court!.#54L May 1977 (9)

No Ban on Political Groups at Davis!.#55. June 1977 (9)

Godfather III?, #57. Sept. 1977 (2)Ann Arbor: Protests Block Campus Office

Evictions, #60. Dec. 1977-Jan. 1978 (8)

UICC Admin. Does SAVAK Dirty Work.#65. Summer 1978 (2. 15)

CAMPUS WORKERS-See Budget Cuts/Tuition Hikes; Civil Liberties: Holcombe,

Sherman; Socialist Workers Party.

Madison Campus Work Stoppage Sabotaged.#43. May 1976 (3) .

"Student Input" Scheme No Victory for KentUnion. #46. Sept. 1976 (5)

SYL Supports Columbia Workers Strike.#47, Oct. 1976 (3,9)

Campus Strikes from Coast to Coast.#47. Oct. 1976 (3)*

Campus Strikes (C), #48. Nov. 1976 (10)

Scab "Socialists" Mock Labor Solidarity.#48. Nov. 1976 (4)

Students Arrested Defending Picket Lines atBrown. #48. Nov. 1976 (4)

Ann Arbor Campus Union Militant Solidarizeswith SYL (L). #51. Feb. 1977 (3)*

Ann Arbor Campus Union Militant (C),#52. Mar. 1977 (11)

Victory to Ann Arbor AFSCME Strike!.#52. Mar. 1977 (1)

Defend Victimized Ann Arbor Strikers!,#53, Apr. 1977 (5)

Ann Arbor Rally Oefends Strike Militants,#54. May 1977 (8)

TA Walk-Out at UCLA. #55. June 1977 (11)

SYL Supports Harvard Workers Strike.#63. Apr. 1978 (3)

Union-Busting Drive at Harvard. #64.May 1978 (11)

CANADA-See also Campus Workers;Maoism.

Anti-Apartheid Demos at University ofToronto, #59, Nov. 1977 (9)

Carter. Jimmy-See Elections.

Censorship-See Campus Repression; CivilLiberties: General; Education.


see Civil Liberties: Cases; Weatherman / Weather Underground

Madison Demo Demands: Killer Spies Off Campus! #41, Mar. 1976 (10)

FBI Agent Met by Militant Pickets at Harvard.#42, Apr. 1976 (3)

FBI Raid on SWP Offices Exposed, #42.Apr. 1976 (8)

SYL Demos Hit Imperialist Spy Agencies.#49, Dec. 1976 (3)

Harvard Protest Confronts CIA Mouthpiece.#50. Jan. 1977 (2)

Boston Demo Protests Spy AgencyRecruiters, #52. Mar. 1977 (11)

Columbia Implicated in CIA "Mind Control"Research. #59. Nov. 1977 (12,9)

NSA Recruiters Flee Columbia!. #60,Dec. 1977-Jan. 1978 (5, 11)


Marcos' American Publicity Agent: LiberalDarling Chavez, #61. Feb. 1978 (2. 11)

Chicago-SeeBusing; Education.

CHICANO QUESTION -See Budget Cuts/Tuition Hikes; Labor.

EndCal. Discrimination Against Chicanos!.#44. June 1976 (3)

Chile-See China; Civil Liberties: Munoz,Mario; Friedman, Milton; Maoism. See also

Civil Liberties: Cases.

CHINA-See Angola; Iranian StudentsAssociation; Maoism;

RevolutionaryCommunist Party. See also Soviet Union.

Pinochet: "China Has Behaved Well”.#39. Jan. 1976 (2)

Bureaucratic Dogfight in China, #48.Nov. 1976 (1.8)

Post-Mao Regime Faces Time of Troubles.#49. Dec. 1976 (1,,10)

Up Against the Wall Posters, #49.Dec. 1976 (2)

"Woeful Times" Beset Chinese Bureaucracy.#50. Jan. 1977 (2. 11) I

China: Teng Returns. #51. Feb. 1977 (1.11)

Peking Urges Arms to Shah. #52, Mar. 1977(12.10)

The Third Coming of Teng, #57. Sept. 1977(1,10,11)

Maoist Education: Neither Cultural NorRevolutionary. #65. Summer 1978 (6.7.14)

CityCollegeof New York (CCNY)-SeeBudgetCuts/Tuition Hikes; Campus Repression.

CityUniversity of New York(CUNY)-SeeBudget Cuts/Tuition Hikes;

Civil Liberties:Iranian Students.


• General-See Campus Repression;Education; Homosexual Rights.

"S-1" Draws Fire at Stanford Actions,#41, Mar. 1976 (2)

"The Front" Looks Back at the Fifties (R),#49. Dec. 1976 (3. 10)

No Pupil Paddling!. #54. May 1977 (2)

• Cases-See Campus Repression.

Philip Allen Granted Bail, #39, Jan. 1976 (11)

Defend Victim of Nazi Attack!. #40.Feb. 1976 (5)

Defend Anand Kumar!, #43, May 1976 (9)

Free Susan Saxe!. #47, Oct. 1976 (10)

Cultists and Custody, #53, Apr. 1977 (2.3)

Free Shakur!. #53.Apr. 1977 (2)

Fernando Marcos: Exiled Chilean MilitantNeeds Your Aid. #53. Apr. 1977 (3)

More on Moonies (L), #54, May 1977 (3)

Free Dwight Armstrong!. #56. July-Aug.1977 (8)

FBI Targets Weather Underground #61Feb. 1978 (11)

• Holcombe, Sherman

Defend Victimized Harvard Worker, #41, Mar. 1976 (4)

Victimized Harvard Campus Worker #42, Apr. 1976 (6)

• Iranian Students

SF Cops Assault Iranian Students Demo, #44, June 1976 (11)

Civil Libertarians Endanger Iranian Students.#49, Dec. 1976 (4) . -

Defend Iranian Students Against Cop/SAVAKRepression!. #49. Dec. 1976 (4)

End CUNY Complicity with Shah's Terrorl #52, Mar. 1977 (3)·' ..

Hands Off Iranian Militants!. #57,Sept. 1977 (5)

Defend Iranian Militant (L), #59. Nov. 1977 (2)

Drop Charges Against Ann Arbor Iranian. Militant, #60. Dec. 1977-Jan. 1978 (11)

Defend Chicago Iranian Students!. #62.Mar. 1978 (10)

• John, Sandor

UICC Arrests SYL Spokesman as "OutsideAgitator". #60. Dec. 1977-Jan. 1978 (12, 9)*

UICC Arrests SYL Spokesman (C). #61.Feb. 1978 (10)

"This Political Harassment Must BeDefeated" (L), #60, Dec. 19'77-Jan. 1978 (9)

Chicago Campaign Counters UICCWitchhunt, #61. Feb. 1978 (12. 11)

Protest Chicago "Outside Agitator" Trial!.#62. Mar. 1978 (5)

Chicago "Outside Agitator" Trial Set to Open,#63. Apr. 1 1978(4)

Press Focuses on Chicago "Outside Agitator"Trial. #64. May 1978 (2)

• Munoz, Mario

Chilean Workers' Leader Hunted byArgentine Junta. #43, May 1976 (12. 11)

Support Campaign to Save Hunted ChileanWorkers' Leader!, #44, June 1976 (6,7)

Chilean Workers' Leader Saved from VidelaJunta. #46. Sept. 1976 (3)

Civil Rights Movement-See Black Question.

ClarkUniversity-See Campus Repression.

Cleveland-SeeU.S.: General.

Columbia University-See Campus Workers;Central Intelligence Agency; Kissinger,

Henry; Socialist Workers Party.

Committee Against Friedman-HarbergerCollaboration with the Chilean Junta-

SeeFriedman, Milton.

Committee to Defend the Worker and SailorPrisoners in Chile-

See Civil Liberties:Munoz, Mario.

Committee to Save Mario Munoz-See CivilLiberties: Munoz, Mario.

Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)-SeeChina; Iranian Students Association,

Revolutionary Communist Party. See alsoAngola; Maoism.


Stalinists Whistle for Cops at Harvard #45, July-Aug. 1976 (11)

"Independent" Stalinist Campaign Backs Democrats, #46, Sept. 1976 (12,11)

Stalinism-The Tortuous Line of Betrayal,#46, Sept. 1976 (12):

Stalinists Cheer Student Government Confab. #47. Oct. 1976 (10)

Angela Davis Returns to UCLA #40, Nov. 1976 (5)

YWLL Hides Behind Harvard Cops (L) #51, Feb. 1977 (10)

Conscription - See Armed Forces

Cuba-See Angola. See also: Weatherman / Weather Underground

Davis, Angela-See Communist Party

Detroit-See Fascism


Soviet Dissidents Find No "ThirdCamp", #59. Nov. 1,977(3,10)

SYL Exposes Cold Warrior Bukovsky. #62, Mar, 1978 (8)

Divestment - See Archives of the Marxist Movement;

South Africa: U.S. Anti-Apartheid Protests.

Dohrn, Bernadine - See Weatherman / Weather Underground

Draft - See Armed Forces

Ecology - See Nuclear Power

Economics - See Soviet Union.

EDUCATlON: See - Bakke Decision; BudgetCuts/Tuition Hikes, Busing; Civil Liberties:

General; ProgressiveLabor Party. See alsoChina.

“Affirmative Action” Fraud at Harvard, #41, Mar, 1976 (4,5,11)

“Affirmative Action" Won't Attack Harvard Discrimination #42, Apr. 1,976 (5, 11)

Bible Thumping and Book Banning, #52,. 1977 (2,3)

Public Education: Separate and Unequal,#52, Mar. 1977 (3)

Chicago Circle: Fight for Open Admissions!,#53, Apr. 1977 (9)

Jesse Jackson's "Moral Contract" for Sale,#58,Orit. 1977 (2, 9)

California Regents Clamp Down on MinorityAdmissions, #60, Dec. 1977-Jan. 1978 (2,9)

School.Prayer: Silent But Deadly, #62, Mar. 1978 (2, 10)

Egypt: See - Near East

ELECTIONS --See Communist Party;Socialist Workers Party.

Campaign ’76: Fanning the Flames of RacistReaction,. #45, July-Aug 1976 (1, 2)

Jimmy Carter “Born Again” War Monger,#46, Sept. 1976 (2)

Down withBoth Bosses' Parties!, #47,Oct 1976(9)

SYL-protests Carter,Ford, #47, Oct. 1976 (9)

Ethnic Studies see - Budget Cuts/TuitionHikes

FASCISM -- See Archives of the MarxistMovement;· Slack Question; Civil Liberties: Cases; National Student Coalition Against Racism, SocialistWorkers Party: On Fascism.

“California Reich": Documentary Captures Nazi Depravity(R), #50, Jan. 1977 (5, 11)

Northwesteri1:Racist Prof. Denies NaziGenocide; #52, Mar. 1977 (4,9)

Black Marines Victimized for Clash with KKK,#52,M~r:1977 (5)

SYL Denounces Whitewash of Nazi Genocide #53, Apr. 1977 (2)

Nazi Provocation Smashed in Bay Area,#54, May 1977 (5, 10)

No Platform for Nazi Professor Butz!,#58; Oct. 1977 (2)

Labor Must Drive Out Fascist Scum!,#62, Mar. 1978 (6, 7, 11)

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)-

SeeCentral Intelligence Agency/Federal Bureauof Investigation

Feminism-See Woman Question.

Ford, Gerald-See Elections; U.S.: General.


Mass Student Strikes Sweep France,#44, June 1976 (2, 11)


Pickets Protest Milton Friedman:Collaborator of the Chilean Junta, #40, Feb. 1976 (2)

Braintrusters for Chilean DictatorsWhitewashed by Pals in BusinessWeek, #41, Mar. 1976 (2)

Protests Continue to lash Braintruster forChIlean Junta, #42, Apr. 1976 (3. 10)

Protests Hit Chilean Junta Lackeys, #48,Nov. 1976 (10)

Braintruster of Chilean "Shock Treatment"Gets Imperialist Prize,

#49, Dec. 1976(12,11)

Chicago and Stockholm Demos Rap JuntaAdvisor, #50, Jan. 1977 (9)

Chilean Junta Collaborator Target of L.A.Protest, #52, Mar. 1977 (9)

Boston Demo Confront~ Pinochet's "ChicagoBoy" Friedman, #58, Oct. 1977 (9)

Chicago Demo Hits Junta Braintruster,#59, Nov. 1977 (5)

Friedman Lies, New York Times Alibis (L),#61, Feb. 1978 (3, 10)

Stanford: Pickets Protest Junta BraintrusterFriedman, #62, Mar. 1978 (11)

French Revolution-See History of the Marxist Movement.

Gay Question-See Homosexual Rights.

Guardian-See Maoism; RevolutionaryCommunist Party.

Harberger, Arnold-See Friedman, Milton.

HarvardUniversity-See Campus Repression;Campus Workers; Central Intelligence

Agency; Civil Liberties: Holcombe, Sherman;Education; Kissinger, Henry; South Africa:

U.S. Anti-Apartheid Protests; U.S.: General,International Relations.

Hayden, Tom- See New Left.

Hinton, William-See Maoism.


See Archives of the MarxistMovement; Armed Forces;

Socialist Workers Party; Spain.

Marxism and the Jacobin CommunistTradition (S)

Part I-Buonarroti and Babouvist Heritage,. #40, Feb. 1976 (6.7, 10)

Part II-Blanquism, #41, Mar. 1976 (6,7,8)

Part III-Chartism, #42, Apr. 1976 (6, 7)

Part IV-The Origins of the CommunistLeague, #45, July-Aug. 1976 (6, 7)

Part V-Karl Marx; Before 1848, #46,Sept. 1976 (8,9. 10)

Part VI [Part VI i]-The Revolution of 1848in France, #48, Nov. 1976 (6, 7)

Part VII [Part VI ii1-The French Revolutionof 1848, #49, Dec. 1976 (6, 7, 8)

Part VIII-The French Revolution of1848, #50, Jan. 1977 (6,7. 8)

Part IX-Karl Marx and the GermanRevolution of 1848,

#57, Sept. 1977(6, 7, 8)

Part X-Karl Marx and the GermanRevolution of 1848,

#59, Nov. 1977(6, 7, 11)

Part XI-Karl Marx and the German Revolution of 1848,

#61, Feb. 1978(6, 7, 8)

Part XII-The Dissolution of theCommunist League,

#64, May 1978(6,7,8,11) 1

Part XIII-The Dissolution of theCommunist League.

#65, Summer 1978(8,9,10,15)

[See Volume 3 for Parts XIV, XV and XVI.]

HOMOSEXUAL RIGHTS-SeeRevolutionary Communist Party;

SpartaclstLeague. .

Repeal All Anti-Homosexual Laws!, #42,Apr. 1976 (9)

“SunshineGirl" on Anti-HomosexualCrusade, #55, June 1977 (2, 9)

Anita Bryant: Vicious and Obscene!,#56, July-Aug. 1977 (4,9)

Defeat the California Briggs Initiative!,#65, Summer 1978 (16, 15)

Hospital Workers-See Labor.

HostosCommunity College-See BudgetCuts/TuitionHikes


Lessons of the Hungarian October, #48,Nov. 1976 (3, 10)

INDIA See also Civil Liberties Cases

Pickets Rap Repression In India, #39, Jan. 1976 (9)

INDOCHINA-See Armed Forces. See alsoKissinger, Henry.

South Vietnam: One Year of Stalinist Rule,#45, July-Aug. 1976 (4,5, 10)

Sordid Nationalist War in Indochina, #61,Feb. 1978 (1,4,5)


Twelve Years After the Bloodbath, #64,May 1978 (4,5,11)


Detroit SYL Challenges Red Tide toDebate (L), #50, Jan. 1977 (9)

International Spartacist Tendency-SeeBritain; West Germany.

IRAN-See China; Civil Liberties: IranianStudents; Iranian Students Association.

Down with Butcher Shah!, #60,Dec. 1977-Jan. 1978 (1,6,7,11)

IRANIAN STUDENTS ASSOCIATIONSee - Campus Repression; Civil Liberties:

Iranian Students; Iran. See alsoChina.

Iranian Students Balk at Mao-Shah Detente,/#3.9, Jan. 1976 (6,7,9)

Iranian Students Stage Solidarity HungerStrikes, #64, May 1978 (5, 11)