Esoteric Astrological Analysis of RSU [Regina Keller]

DINA II 599 - 618

The New Seed Group

RSU’s Rays and Developmental Formula

II 3 – 117

Restraint – Strength -- Understanding


Elena Dramchini

The above chart is the third proposed chart which will be used throughout this second part of the astrological commentary for RSU/DINA II. It is rectified on the basis of the Solar Arc Mars reaching the conjunction of the natal MC in August 1947, the year of the passing of the test. The month August has been selected due to the fact that in that month there was an alignment of Sun/Moon/Saturn in Leo falling in one house. This is a rare and significant event which occurs every 28 years and is related to an initiation. We will look at this in more detail when dealing with the November 1948 instruction.

Between the three proposed charts [ CET 15:32, 15:26 and 15:30 ] we are very close to the correct time of birth.

JANUARY 1940/DINA II/599,600,601

The glamour [ Neptune ] which holds you is inherited from other lives. [ Neptune, esoteric ruler of the 4th house ( hereditary karma ), square Mercury ( exoteric ruler of the 4th house and 12th house ( past unredeemed karma ), conjunct South Node ( past habits ), conjunct Chiron ( wound/pattern of past lives which needs correcting/healing ), conjunct Saturn ( lord of karma ), quincunx Venus, esoteric ruler of the 12th house, placed in the 6th house ( healing/correction ); the progressed Moon entered the 12th house in April 1940, indicating the facing of past karmic habits/subconscious attitudes ]

You have immersed yourself in no new glamour in this life, and this is rare indeed and for this I commend you.[ Neptune, esoteric ruler of the 1st house ( present life activity ) trine Mars, exo/eso ruler of the 5th house ( creativity, self-reliance/expression. This trine carries a powerful 6th Ray energy of devotion and was in operation by progression most of her life. It also points to developed higher aspect of the Solar Plexus centre, that of higher psychic/spiritual sensitivity. ]

The glamour of “ the flight into safety of the racial consciousness “ is one of your dominant glamours, even if – in your own consciousness – you repudiate it.[ Moon ( past habits ), exoteric ruler of the Cancer ( safety ) AS and esoteric ruler of the 4th house ( inherited traits ) is placed in Taurus ( stubborn resistance ) and is unaspected ( difficulty of integration ); the Solar Arc Moon semi-square the natal Neptune in January 1940 ]

You are really cosmopolitan.[Mercury, the esoteric ruler of the 11th house ( international/universal identity ) in Aquarius ] But in your life demonstration no one would know it.[ Jupiter, the esoteric dispositor of Mercury, is in the 12th house ( seclusion/inhibition ) ]

The presence of the sense of universality indicates a measure of Monadic inflow via the Antahkarana ( Mercury ).

Disciples need to remember that it may only be in this life that they have been born into any particular race or nation and this only from the personality angle.[ she has the same personality ray and sign as the Jewish race – Capricorn Sun/3rd Ray personality ] Being, however, thus temporarily affiliated they may – if sensitive –[ Cancer AS/Neptune sextile AS and trine Mars ] become so identified with racial problems and relationships, with racial history and qualities that this ancient inheritance ( which is racial and not personal and therefore not theirs ) overwhelms them and constitutes a major conflict. So it is with you. [ Uranus ( new/recent ), exoteric ruler of the 9th house ( journey of the Soul through the races ) conjunct the IC ( anchorage of the Soul essence in present incarnation ), is placed in Virgo, the Soul sign of the Jewish race. We see the Soul’s planned intention to incarnate in this life into the Jewish race in order to find freedom ( Uranus ) from the separativeness ( 3rd Ray/matter aspect ) through detachment ( Uranus/Moon relation – Moon is the esoteric dispositor of Uranus and Uranus has its fall in Taurus; If the Moon is veiling Vulcan and Uranus, it is the Will which need to be accessed and the intuition awakened and response to the increasing light and thus eventual illumination ( Uranus fall in Taurus ) and thus freedom ( Uranus ) into the life of humanity ( Cancer AS ) ]

…or to use that racial and national experience as a means whereby there can be breaking of such bonds, a consequent release and a subsequent entering into the freedom of humanity itself.

The powerful Grand Trines in Earth, involving the Capricorn Sun/Mars and Uranus in Virgo and Saturn in Taurus intensify the glamour and dominance of the form. It is the 3rd Ray/matter aspect or personality which need to be overcome at the 3rd initiation and so one of her major tests was related to her racial glamour represented by the materialistic/separative consciousness of the Jewish race.

Ponder on this, my brother, and be not separative in your sensitivity and set as to your personality origins, to your so-called racial loyalties and characteristics,[ Capricorn Sun ] acquired through environing circumstance. [ Sun is the ruler of the 3rd house ( immediate environment ) and Earth, the esoteric ruler of the 6th house ( everyday life circumstances ) is in Cancer ( racial sensitivity ), in the 1st house ( personal identity ); the Solar Arc Pluto opposition the natal Sun in April 1940 bringing up to the surface the personality issues for transformation ]

Upon the second glamour I need not enlarge. We might call it the “ glamour of continuous frustration. “[ Saturn conjunct Neptune and both square Mercury ] In your case and in the constant failure to achieve the fuller expression of your spiritual aims and goals,[ Jupiter, the exo/eso dispositor of Mercury/Venus ( rulers of the 11th house of spiritual aims ) in the 12th house ( inhibition/weakness ); Jupiter is also the exoteric ruler of the MC ( spiritual goal/ambition ), square MC and Uranus, the esoteric ruler of the 5th house ( self/Soul expression ); transiting Neptune ( exoteric ruler of the MC ) conjunct the natal Uranus and square Jupiter ] because of small and unimportant personality qualities ( most of them tied up with your racial inheritance and your environing circumstances ),

The 2nd initiation deals with learning the uses of failure and lack of confidence. Cancer relates to insecurity and Pisces to inferiority.

you are constantly aware of lack of achievement[ Chiron conjunct Pluto, the esoteric ruler of the MC and conjunct Saturn, the Personality Ray planet ] and of failure to do what your soul has made quite adequately clear to you is possible. [ The progressed MC conjunct the natal Saturn ( spiritual opportunity for advancement of spiritual goals ) in March 1940; Solar Arc Saturn conjunct the natal AS ( difficulty/obstacles to Soul progress ) in July 1940; the Solar Arc Mars square the natal Venus in February 1940 ( test of personality/soul integration ); transiting Chiron conjunct the natal AS and opposition the natal Mars, sextile the natal Neptune ( healing /integrating process of the personality/soul, utilising the energy of devotion and the higher aspect of the Solar Plexus ]

AUGUST 1940/DINA II/601,602,603,604,605

Since my last instruction to you, you have attained to a certain measure of release and that means much and for that achievement I would indicate my pleasure and commend you.[ Transiting Uranus conjunct the progressed MC and Saturn ( the personality ray planet ) ]

Today I deal only with your peculiar difficulties because your battle ground [Mars/Scorpio ] lies right there and it is mainly your racial faults which hinder you.

I would add also to the above- which I rarely do – that you are likewise freer from the imposition of physical control than at any previous time in your life story, except once when you were much younger.[ transiting Neptune ( the esoteric ruler of the AS ) in the 4th house ( physical body ), activating the natal triangle of Jupiter/Uranus/Chiron, is helping to release/integrate the physical body. ]

Your second major limitation has been, as you know, a physical one and is incidentally also a part of the racial trouble, and of racial polarisation.[ we see an interesting relation between Mars and Moon ( both planets connected to physical body ). Mars is in its detriment in Taurus and Moon is in its detriment in Capricorn. Moon ( past habits ) is the exoteric ruler of the AS ( spiritual/soul intention ) and esoteric ruler of the IC ( racial inheritance )

The other relation is between Jupiter, the exoteric ruler of the 6th house ( indicating the indulgence of the physical body ), being the exoteric dispositor of Venus ( exoteric dispositor of the Moon and Hierarchical dispositor of Mars ), esoteric dispositor of Mercury ( the exoteric ruler of the IC ) and being the Hierarchical ruler of the IC, and Mercury/Venus which are the exo/eso dispositors of Jupiter.

Jupiter is square Uranus ( the exoteric dispositor of Mercury ) and semi-sextile to Chiron ( which is related to Virgo through its healing quality and to Sagittarius through its teaching quality ). We see the significance of the Jupiter/Uranus/Chiron triangle in relation to the healing/integrating process not only of the physical body but her racial trouble.

Mercury is square, Venus is quincunx and Mars is trine Neptune, the esoteric ruler of the AS and the esoteric ruler of the IC.

Neptune is the esoteric dispositor of Uranus and Uranus is in its detriment in Taurus ( the placement of Neptune ) and Uranus also widely trine Neptune.

From these various interrelation of energies we see a close connection with her two most difficult issues – that of her physical body and her racial identification.

It is also interesting that of all the planets, it is Mercury/Venus/Jupiter/Neptune which carry the most stressful aspects and the Moon is unaspected.

Venus/Jupiter/Neptune are implicated at the 2nd initiation and Moon/Mars at the 3rd initiation. This would imply that she was undergoing tests related to both of these initiations.

You have, secondly, also to release your personality from the control of that which is the most potent personality vehicle,[ physical body ] owing to the focus of the thought and life being largely there.

The visualisation of yourself as one who is unlimited in soul expression physically would aid you.[ Mercury/Venus/Neptune triangle; Mars trine Neptune ]

It is usually only in the brain ( not in the mind ) that racial reactions and racial vibrations make their presence felt. [ her brain/physical body is ruled by the 7th Ray and the planet normally associated with brain is Saturn which is making trine to Uranus in the 4th house ( racial inheritance ); both, Saturn/Uranus are conditioned by the 7th Ray on one of their levels. ]

A conflict is then apt to take place between the mind and the brain as in your case, but brain-responsive habits are apt to remain powerful for a long time and hence the problem. [ Mercury ( mind ) square Saturn ( brain ); habits are usually related to the Moon which is unaspected in Taurus ( heavy inertia of matter ) and Saturn conjunct the South Node ( past habits ) and Chiron ( wound ) would make the past habits very powerful. ]

…once you relinquish that emphasis, the integration of the personality will be complete and you will be ready for a major step onwards.[ Moon and Saturn are both related to Capricorn by Saturn exo/eso rulership and Moon is in its detriment in Capricorn ( lessening of the hold of the form and increase of the higher will ).

Capricorn Sun/Mars ( personality ), Saturn is the Personality Ray planet and Mars ( physical body/personality ) is in the 6th house ( correction/integration ); this points to the physical body as the vehicle to be healed and thus make the integration of the personality complete. ]

Relinquishment/detachment is related to Scorpio and the 8th house and Moon/Uranus ( Moon is in its fall in Scorpio and Uranus is exalted there ). We see here the emerging relation between Moon, Uranus and Mercury in the 8th house ( relinquishment of mental thoughtform ); again we see the implication of Mercury as the exoteric ruler of the IC ( inherited essence ) and her strong identification with the racial issues and the need for relinquishment of this emphasis and also how it ties with the problem of her physical body.

Mercury/Saturn are the planets of Discipleship; Mars/Saturn in relation to Scorpio/Capricorn imply tests of Accepted Discipleship and Moon/Mars are related to the 3rd initiation so the major step forward implies the 3rd Degree.

Be, my brother, on the outer plane, what you are interiorly. [ this implies a life of pledged accepted discipleship ]

Your destiny is that of teacher. Begin, therefore, to fulfil it [ destiny/dharma is indicated by the MC/Earth/Saturn/North Node and teaching by the 3rd/9th houses ( lower and higher education/schools ) but also the 5th ( creative self/soul expression/children ) and 6th ( discipleship training ) houses and the planets Jupiter/Chiron/Saturn ]

Jupiter, the exoteric ruler of the MC/6th house and esoteric ruler of the 9th house, is square Uranus, the exoteric ruler of the 9th house and esoteric ruler of the 5th house and both are in aspect to Chiron ( teacher/guide ). We see again the significance of the Jupiter/Uranus/Chiron triangle which is the closest interrelation of energies in the chart.

The progressed Moon activate the natal Jupiter/Uranus/Chiron in February 1941 and the Solar Arc Jupiter/Uranus/Chiron in aspect to the natal MC November 1940 -

April 1941 and in aspect to their own natal position beginning of 1942.

Earth ( Dharma/obligation ) is the esoteric ruler of the 6th house ( service ) and is placed in Cancer ( humanity ), in the 1st house ( expression of soul identity/causal body on the physical plane ) and is trine the MC and sextile Pluto, the esoteric ruler of the MC. The progressed AS square the natal Pluto in August 1940 points to transformation in the life/soul direction.