To: Incoming 9th Grade Parents of Football Players & Returning Players
We would like to introduce ourselves to you. We are the 2013 football season White River Football Booster Club. The club was originally started in August of 2007 by a small group of parents who wanted to help make a difference with the football program at White River High School. We currently have a 6 person board team, with positions open for Treasurer and Secretary. Our principle goal is to come along side and help support out WR Hornet Football team!
As a Booster Club we are here to raise money to help supply and/or purchase needed equipment for the team, as well as any assistance the players /coaches need in order to help the program. With the limited school district funds available for sports the team needs our family and community support to help make the 2013 season a winning success.
We have an enormous event coming up in September 2013. We are in the process of putting together our 6th Annual Dinner and Auction – “Hornet Nation!” The date of the Auction is September 21, 2103, in the Buckley Eagles Building. This event is our one big fundraiser for the season. Last year we purchased new home uniforms for the players. With the money the Booster Club raises this year we will be purchasing the new training equipment for our players as existing equipment is outdated and dangerous or we don’t have necessary equipment to train our players more efficiently for their skills. Our goal is to try to get as many parents involved as possible. We would love to see as many of you at our next Booster Club Meeting, Monday, June 17 at 6:30 pm. Our meetings are held once a month at the Village Bakery & Eatery in Buckley.
Please check the White River High School Hornet Football website for important information and dates including spring ball kick off May 30, football camp June 22nd-26th, as well as scrimmages and summer practices / weight conditioning for the players.
If you have any questions in how to become involved, please contact or e-mail any board member.
This is a great way for you the parents to be come involved with your athletes during their high school years. The more parents we have involved, the more successful we will become!
Coach Joe Sprouse (253)205-6322
Laura Knaus (206)949-3598
Tina Marmon (253)389-5582
Ann Ross (253)228-2252
Jasan Knaus (206)949-8053
General e-mail for the Booster Club is