Team around the Family
Meeting and Planning Form
Date of meetingType of meeting (initial or review?)
Last meeting (if applicable)
Date TAF opened
Family information
Children and Young People
Name / Date of birth / Gender
M/F / Ethnicity / Disability / Who has parental responsibility
People present at the meeting
Please include all family members and professionals and highlight chair
Name / Role / Contact details
Those who did not attend
Name / Role / Contact details / Report received?
Meeting informationPlease includeall information/minutes discussed in the meeting including any positive changes or new issues. It should also include progress that has been made by the family and any obstacles encountered. This information should be separated into the sections below where possible
Development of unborn/Children/Young People
Parents and Carers
Wider family and environment
Are there any safeguarding concerns?
If so how are these being managed?
Wishes and feelings of Children and Young PeopleThis should include their views of the current situation and support offered. Wishes and feelings should still be sought even when the children/young people do not attend the meeting
Views and wishes of Parents/Carers
This should include their views of the current situation and support offered
Outcome of TAF meeting
TAF plan to continue
Family can continue to be supported via a TAF plan to coordinate multiple and/or complex needs:
TAF plan to be completed/updated / Level 2/3 / tick if appropriate
Time and Date of next meeting: / Venue of next meeting:
Family have complex and multiple needs. Struggling to make progress/unsure of next steps?
Discuss with line manager and consider Consultation with ESAT / Level 3
Contact ESAT
0300 123 7047 / tick if appropriate
TAF plan to end
Family can be supported through universal services or Single Agency Targeted Response
TAF Plan can be closed: / Level 1/2 / tick if appropriate
Family are in need of specialist intervention from Childrens Social Care:
Discuss with line manager and Contact CART immediately / Level 4
Contact CART
01606 275099 / tick if appropriate
Change of lead person
Please fill in this section if appropriate
Has there been a change of lead worker since the assessment/last meeting?
(If Yes please complete section below) / Yes: / No:
New lead person / Role/agency / Contact details
Consent to store and share this information
I understand the information that is recorded on this form. I understand it will be stored securely and used for the purpose of providing services. I understand how my information will be shared
Print name / Signature / Date
Child/Young person
Child/Young person
Manager’s authorisation
Name: / Signature : / Date:
Team around the Family
Meeting and Planning Form
Family name………………………………..
Name of child/young person / Identified need and desired outcome / Action required / Who? / When/how often? / Changes we will see when achieved? / Review Date / Progress / Status (achieved/ not achieved/ ongoing/ no further action)