Most people would not think that my favorite memory is a good one. I’m Maribel Villegas. I am a breast cancer survivor and reliving what happened to me reminds me why I am so glad to be here.

As I close my eyes I remember how from the first day that I was diagnosed with breast cancer, my husband, Max, was at my side living, suffering, caring for me, and loving me through each of the stages that I experienced.

And how can I forget the beautiful message that my daughter, America, recorded on Max’s cell phone when I was going to the operating room? She told me, “I love you, Mommy. I hope you never ever have the booboo again.” America was only 6 years old.

My three daughters, and Max have always been by my side.

God had granted me great people in my life, starting with Max, my daughters (America, Ahtziry, Akeisha), Father Tom Bishop, my doctors and all the people that surrounded me. I was able to cope with my illness, and to always remain positive. I wanted to go forward and win the battle against breast cancer.

I remember the day that Father Tom Bishop whom I believe is a great human being and a very good friend from St. Anthony All Saints Parish, anointed me with holy oil. Among the people there, were my family from Mexico, Sister Karen and the whole Hispanic community. I am grateful for Mrs. Maria, who while weaving the shawl that she gave me, prayed and prayed for me.

I’m very thankful to my doctors: Dr. Domingo, Dr. McCormick., Dr. Boon, Nurse Diane, as well as all the nurses who took care of me at Mercy Hospital. One day out of nowhere my daughter Ahtziry came up with the idea of giving balloons to Dr. McCormick in appreciation for taking very good care of me during my surgery and Ahtziry was only 4 years old.

To Martha Stockdale who, without knowing us that well, opened the doors of her house. She is a very hard-working woman, who is always helping others.

To my friends and people who, without knowing me, supported me with their prayers.

Since I was diagnosed with breast cancer my whole life has changed.

I thank God that he put Dr. Domingo on my path who detected my illness at the right time. If it had not been for him, I wouldn’t be here.

Perhaps at this moment you might think that it is not a beautiful memory to remember. Nevertheless, having faced this terrible disease on which my life depended, with the minimum of suffering, surrounded by love and support, I am ALIVE today. I have a false breast because my real one wanted to kill me, but I am able to watch my daughters grow up with Max next to me. It is a memory in my life that I will always treasure in my heart.

It can happen to anyone. It happened to me at a very early age. I was healthy and without a family history of breast cancer and after having breastfed my three daughters. In theory, I was not a candidate to have breast cancer, but it happened to me.

My experience has motivated me to participate in the annual walk here at McKinley High School in Canton supporting the fight against breast cancer. It is us women fighting against breast cancer.

With early detection and using breast self-examination, you could avoid great suffering and exhausting and painful treatments. Take care … so that it does not touch you.

” Help us find the cure against breast cancer “