Structures Learning Opportunities (based on 2011 and current additions)

Jenkinson’s Aquarium, Point Pleasant(up to three people)

CattusIsland Cooper Environmental Center, Toms River (up to two people)

LighthouseCenter for Natural Resource Education, Waretown(up to two people)

ForestResourceEducationCenter, Jackson(up to two people)

Ocean County Cooperative Extension (Rutgers), TomsRiver(up to two people)

Ms. Held – Aquaria Systems, MATES(up to four people)

WellsMillsCountyPark, Waretown(one person)

Jake’s Branch County Park South Toms River(up to two people)

Lakehurst NAES Environmental Division, Navy Base Lakehurst(up to two people)

PopcornPark Zoo, Lacey (Must be 18 years of age)(up to three people)

Save BarnegatBay, Lavallette(one person)

Brick Municipal Utilities Authority, Brick*(one person)

Ocean County Planning Office, Toms River(up to two people)Jersey Shore Animal Center, Brick (up to three people)

Tuckerton Seaport, Tuckerton (Multiple Projects)(up to six people)

Ocean County Mosquito Commission, Multiple (must be 18)(up to two people)

Richard Stockton College of New Jersey (Field Station)*(one person)

Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve, Tuckerton(one person)

Children’s Specialized Hospital, Toms River(up to four people)

Community Medical Center (Toms River)(two people)

NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife, Nacote Creek*(up to two people)
Project Terrapin, MATES & the field(up to two people)
Bayview Animal Hospital, Toms River(up to two people)
Jake’s Branch Bilingual Project, MATES & the Park(up to four people)

*These will need further approval, which will require that all participants to get detailed approval. However, there may be changes in availability.

If you have your own SLE idea, we need to have the provider approved by our Board of Education, and we will need to have the proposed provider sign an agreement. OCVTS will send a certificate of insurance and to the provider. We need the name of the provider, a contact person, address and telephone number by November 1, 2011.

Jenkinson’s Aquarium, Point Pleasant (up to three people)

Multiple experiences. Work in a rotation with the exhibits, general maintenance of tanks, assist aquarists, educate about displays, and represent the aquarium. Could lead to summer opportunities.

Cattus Island Cooper Environmental Center, Toms River (up to two people)
Multiple experiences. Work with Chris Claus on trail work, display work and


Lighthouse Center for Natural Resource Education, Waretown(up to two people)
Multiple experiences. Work with Pola Galie involving trail work, display work
and projects.

Forest Resource Education Center, Jackson(up to two people)
Work with Terry O’Leary with lessons and displays about the watershed and

Ocean County Cooperative Extension (Rutgers), Toms River(up to two people)
Work on watershed related projects under the supervision of Cara Muscio.

Ms. Held – Aquaria Systems, MATES(up to four people)
Work with Ms. Held on learning to maintain, test, and finally problem-solve high
tech aquaria systems. Could lead to summer opportunities.

Wells Mills County Park, Waretown(one person)
Multiple experiences. Work with German Georgieff on projects at the park
including indoor and outdoor exhibits. Also,some trail work available. Could lead
to summer opportunities.

Jake’s Branch County Park South Toms River(up to two people)
Multiple experiences. Work with Michelle VonSchmidt and Jason Hoger on trail work, display work and projects. Could lead to summer opportunities.

Lakehurst NAES Environmental Division, The Base Lakehurst(up to two people)
Work with the Environmental staff on some high tech projects. Director Denis
Blazak is the supervisor.

Popcorn Park Zoo, Lacey (Must be 18 years of age)(up to three people)
Help out in a rotation, working with animals on display, the feline house, and
even with care.

Save Barnegat Bay, Lavallette*(one person)

Interested in environmental policy? This externship works on protecting
Barnegat Bay and has been instrumental in saving open space and supporting
ordinances that improve water quality in Barnegat Bay. Willie DeCamp and
Jennifer O’Reilly are supervisors.

Brick Municipal Utilities Authority, Brick*(one person)
Work with engineering or water quality monitoring in the Metedeconk watershed.

Ocean County Planning Office, Toms River(up to two people)

Work with the planning office to help with surveying and development
Jersey Shore Animal Center, Brick (up to three people)
Help care for animals and maintaining animal care holdings.

Tuckerton Seaport, Tuckerton (Multiple Projects)(up to six people)
Multiple experiences, including the maintenance and construction of displays,
education and helping with programs. Paul Hart is the director.

Ocean County Mosquito Commission, Multiple (must be 18)(up to two people)
Work in the field or laboratory with the control and surveying of mosquitoes and
their habitats. Could lead to summer opportunities.

Richard Stockton College of New Jersey (Field Station)*(one person)
Assist at the Nacote Creek Field Station. Good idea for a future Stockton College
student. Steve Evert is the supervisor.

Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve, Tuckerton(one person)
Assist with displays, web work, and education at their education center on Great
Bay Boulevard. Lisa Auermuller is the supervisor.

Children’s Specialized Hospital, Toms River(up to four people)
Very rewarding experience working with this outstanding facility that helps to
rehabilitate children. Advanced training and orientations are necessary. Ms.
Vieno Wurret is the volunteer coordinator. Paperwork needs to be submitted

Community Medical Center (Toms River)(two people)
Assist with patient care and facilities needs. Paperwork must be completed
December. Gladys Zakar is the volunteer coordinator.
Southern Ocean County Hospital (Manahawkin)(up to four people)
Work in rotations including rehabilitation, patient care, and laboratory. There is
an orientation and interview required. If accepted, you are required to purchase
a SOCH staff shirt ($15).


NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife, Nacote Creek*(up to two people)

Assist with Fish and Wildlife projects to get ready for the spring and summer.
This experience is for individuals who have an interest in volunteering as interns

at Sedge Island for the summer and must be pre-approved by Ms. Karen Leskie,
Dr. Jim Merritt, and Mr. Jason Kelsey.

Project Terrapin, MATES & the field(up to two people)

Work on terrapin educational material including the development of a new
terrapin curriculum. Also assist with the summer plan to maintain a hatchery,
trap terrapins in the Shark River and continue the Sedge nest project. Written
work will be done in the winter, working on the Sedge nesting area will be done in
April as well as the LBI hatchery work. There will be a number of presentations
outside of MATES as well. Interested interns may be able to qualify for a student
grant application stipend for the summer.
Bayview Animal Hospital, Toms River(up to two people)
Assist with the care of animals. This experience may prove to be more
comprehensive than a regular care setting as the coordinator is a former MATES
graduate Mrs. Melissa Connahey ’99.
Jake’s Branch Bilingual Project, MATES & the Park(up to four people)

Work on a project that will help Jake’s Branch Park become more bilingual to
address our growing Hispanic community in Ocean County. Be a part of a
project that will help to introduce bilingual natural science lessons into the park.
Sr. McNamara will be the externship provider.