Welcome toWageWorks!

Wehaveexciting newsto sharewithyou! Beginning on July1,2017,yourreimbursementbenefitwillbeadministered by WageWorks, a leading providerof Consumer-Directed Benefits. This communication outlines upcoming activities thatmayaffectyou during this transition.

Important TransitionInformation

Will I receive adebitcard?

If you haveenrolled for a healthcareaccountfor thenewplanyear,you will receiveaWageWorks®Healthcare Card(debit card) onor near July 1, 2017.

  • Thecard willbemailedtoyourhomeaddress.
  • Ifyou need additionalcards foreligiblehealthcaredependents,you canorder cardsthroughyouronline account.Thereisno feeforadditionalcards.

What if I had a balance with Guardian?

If you have unused funds, WageWorks will transfer your balance from Guardian to your new WageWorks account. Any questions related to activity or transactions completed by Guardian must be directed to Guardian. Your balance(s) will be available on July 1, 2017 after a brief claims freeze period.

Key Transition Dates:

June 5, 2017 /
  • If you have an FSA debit card with your current Guardian plan, it will be deactivated. You will receive a new WageWorks Healthcare Card that you can use beginningon July 1, 2017.
  • If you incur out-of-pocket eligible expenses after your card has been deactivated, you may submit paper claims to Guardian through June 18, 2017.

June 19, 2017
June 30, 2017 /
  • During this time, Guardian will stop accepting paper claims. If you incur out-of-pocket eligible expenses during this time, you may submit them directly to WageWorks beginning on July 1, 2017.
  • During this time, you will not be able to access your fundswhile we transfer your account information (balances, etc.) from Guardian to WageWorks.

July 1, 2017 /
  • If you have a balance remaining, it will be available on your WageWorks account.
  • Begin using your new WageWorks Healthcare Card. Even if you have a $0 balance, you will receive a new debit card. Please retain it for your future benefits.

Howdo Iaccess my account?

Accessyournewonlineaccountwith WageWorksby visiting:. Clickonthe “LogIn/Register” buttonand select“EmployeeRegistration”tocreateuniqueWageWorkscredentials.

Howdo IfileaclaimwithWageWorks?

EffectiveJuly1, 2017,youwillbeableaccessyourWageWorksaccountonlineto requestreimbursementforyoureligibleexpenses.You can alsousetheWageWorks® EZReceipts®mobileappto submitclaimsfromyourmobiledevice.Ifyou would liketofaxormailyourreimbursementrequest,pleasevisit. Select“Employees”fromthetoptoolbarand then“ImportantForms”fromthe“SupportCenter”list.

With theEZ Receipts app,youcan fileandmanageyourreimbursementclaimsand Card usagepaperworkon thespot.Toaccessyouronlineaccountonthego withWageWorksorthe EZ Receipts app,visit. Clickon the“Log In/Register”button and select“EmployeeRegistration” to createuniqueWageWorkscredentials.

Will mydirectdepositdetailsbetransferred to WageWorks?

If youopted fordirectdepositforreimbursementsfrom yourGuardian account(s),youmustsignup for directdepositonyourWageWorksaccount.Pleaselogin to your accountand updateyourreimbursementmethod inyour profileeffectiveJuly1, 2017.*

What if I had a LetterofMedical Necessity setupwith Guardian?

Unfortunately,wecannotautomaticallytransferLetters ofMedicalNecessity. Foranyserviceorproductthatfallsunderthecategoryof“MaybeExpense” or“IneligibleExpense”perIRCsec213(d),a LetterofMedicalNecessity must besubmittedto WageWorkswith yourfirstclaim.Wewillnotbeabletoprocessyourclaim withoutyourLetteron file.Topurchaseover-the-counteritems(OTC),youwillonlyneedtosubmitaprescription(RX)from yourdoctor.Formoreinformation,pleasevisit . Select“Employees”fromthetoptoolbarand then“ImportantForms”from the“SupportCenter”list.

Welcome to the WageWorks family. We look forward to serving you.



*Please allow up to two weeks for WageWorks to complete the confirmation of your account numbers with your financial institution. Any claims submitted during this time will be reimbursed via check.