SENATE / Sen. Julie Rose
1998 REGULAR SESSION / Doc ID: 984156
Amend printed copy of SCS TO HOUSE BILL 327\GA

On page 15, after line 3, insert the following new section:

"Section 9. KRS 186.018 is amended to read as follows:

(1)For purposes of maintaining driving history records of persons operating[operators of] motor vehicles of the Commonwealth, the files of the Transportation Cabinet shall be used to ascertain the driving history record of each person who is:

(a)Licensed to operate a motor vehicle within the Commonwealth;

(b)Licensed to operate a motor vehicle in another state who is convicted of violating KRS Chapter 189A or another serious moving traffic violation in the Commonwealth; and

(c)Not licensed but who is convicted of a violation of KRS Chapter 189A or another other serious moving traffic violation in the Commonwealth.

(2)Except as provided in [subsection (2) of] this section, the Transportation Cabinet shall maintain driving history records for five (5) years of moving traffic convictions, excluding convictions of KRS Chapter 189A, and then remove the record of conviction from a person's driving history record. The Transportation Cabinet shall maintain records for a period of ten (10) years of convictions under KRS Chapter 189A for nonresidents and for persons issued an operator's license under KRS 186.412. The Transportation Cabinet shall maintain records indefinitely of moving traffic violations and violations of KRS Chapter 189A for persons issued a commercial driver's license under KRS 281A.170[destroy, and shall not maintain records of moving traffic convictions that are more than five (5) years old. Notwithstanding, for any licensee who now holds, who has applied for, or has ever held a Class A, B, or C license issued pursuant to KRS 281A.170, the cabinet shall keep conviction records indefinitely].

(3)The Transportation Cabinet shall update driving history records within ten (10) days of:

(a)The suspension, revocation, or cancellation of a Kentucky resident's operator's license by a Kentucky court or the Transportation Cabinet; or

(b)Receiving a report from a Kentucky court of a conviction of a nonresident of a violation of KRS Chapter 189A or any other serious moving traffic violation.

(4)The Transportation Cabinet shall, within ten (10) days of being notified by a Kentucky court, notify the driver licensing jurisdiction that issued a nonresident's operator's license that the nonresident has been convicted by a Kentucky court for a violation of KRS Chapter 189A or other serious moving traffic violation.

(5)[(2)]The Transportation Cabinet shall not release information on the driving history record of a person under the age of twenty-one (21) whose operator license has been suspended pursuant to KRS 189A.010(5). The cabinet shall destroy, and shall not maintain, the record of the suspension of a person's operator's license if the license was suspended pursuant to KRS 189A.010(5), within five (5) working days of the person's operator's license being reinstated.

(6)[(3)]The cabinet shall charge a fee of three dollars ($3) for any driving history record, ten cents ($0.10) of which shall be deposited in a special account within the road fund to be used exclusively by the Transportation Cabinet for the state driver education program as designated in KRS 186.535.".

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