Modernity and its Discontents
Malaise(s) dans la modernité
Society for Early Modern French Studies
Fortieth Annual Conference
Durham Castle
11-13 September 2017
Monday 11September
14.15-14.45Arrival and Registration
14.45Welcome, Richard Parish, Chairman of the Society
15.00-16.00Session 1:
Chair: Timothy Chesters
Cécile TRESFELS (Stanford University)
Remembering the Past, Apprehending the Future: Fear and Knowledge in Marguerite de Valois’ Memoirs
John O’BRIEN (Durham University)
Modernity, the Dispassionate Historian and the Reader in Agrippa d’Aubigné’s Histoire Universelle
16.30-18.00Session 2:
Chair: Richard Scholar
Alice ROULLIÈRE (Trinity Hall, Cambridge)
Ronsard and the ghost of Astyanax
Anthony BRUDER (King’s College, Cambridge)
Counter-Cultural Elements in the Recueil of Claude Fauchet
Rowan TOMLINSON (University of Bristol)
‘Escrivons tous, sçavans et non sçavans’: the profession of writing, social status, and ideals of style in the vernacular Republic of Letters (1556-1621)
18.15-19.15Drinks reception, Hatfield College
19.15Dinner, Hatfield College
Tuesday 12 September
9.00-10.30Session 3:
Chair: Rowan Tomlinson
William McKENZIE (Durham University)
‘Un fond […] limonneux et poisant’ (or)
How Montaigne muddies the pool of modern narcissism
Adam HORSLEY (University of Nottingham)
‘Imite qui voudra les merveilles d’autrui’: Modernity and Imitation at the Trial of Théophile de Viau
Jonathan PATTERSON (St Hilda’s College, Oxford)
In whose interest? Rhetorical arguments about monetary reform in the early seventeenth century
11.00-12.30Session 4:
Chair: John O’Brien
Jan CLARKE (Durham University)
Modern versus Ancient in the Décor of the Seventeenth-Century French Stage
Ramona-Dana LUNGU (University of Bristol)
Longepierre’s Électre:a different way of telling the same story
Joanna BARKER (Durham University)
Ancient Men & Modern Women: Madame Dacier and the Querelle d’Homère
15.00-16.00Session 5: Keynote paper:
Chair: Richard Parish
Michael MORIARTY (Cambridge University)
Pascal’s Modernity
16.30-18.00Tour of Castle and free time
Vin d’honneur, Tunstal Gallery, Durham Castle
and Book Launch: Managing Time: Literature & Devotion in Early Modern France, ed. Richard Maber & Joanna Barker
Conference Dinner, Senate Room, Durham Castle
Wednesday 13 September
9.30-10.30Session 6:
Chair: Michael Moriarty
William DINNING (London)
Pascal, Reluctant Modernist?
Lisa AL-FARADZH (Murray Edwards College, Cambridge)
The Port-Royal Bible and the challenge of modernity
11.00-12.00Session 7:
Chair: Noël Peacock
Jean-Alexandre PERRAS (Jesus College, Oxford)
The Decay of Genius: Petits Maîtres and Butterflies
Robin HOWELLS (Birkbeck, Uiversity of London)
Bernardin de Saint-Pierre’s ‘Entretiens’ (1773): rewriting Fontenelle
12.00-12.30Session 8:
Chair: John Lyons
Linda NAUNAPPER (Independent Scholar, Wisconsin and Illinois Archaeological Surveys, USA)
Leaving the Ancien Régime Behind: Archaeology and the Culture History of Frontier New France
12.30Concluding remarks, Richard Parish, Chairman of the Society