STUDENT: ______TEACHER: ______
DATE SET: ______DRAFT CHECK: ______DATE DUE: ______
To date in this course you have acquired a great deal of knowledge about physical performance capacities, training principles and training methods. In preparation for this assessment task you will now undertake learning experiences which will allow you to gathertraining data in a practical way. As part of a team you will design and implement a single training session, and your assessment task will require you to produce a feature article that highlights components of the session you designed. As you will be involved in the training sessions you help to design you will be able to utilise both data collected and anecdotal personal reflections in your feature article.
This assignment is comprised of two phases:
- the information gathering phase
- the task production phase
- The Information Gathering Phase (3-4 weeks of learning experiences)
During this phase you will participate in standardised testing to collect data on your personal physical performance capacities, specific to Touch/Soccer/Hockey. This data is essential for evaluating the effectiveness of your training drills.
You will also be committed to working in a team and your initial task will be to design, implement and participate ina training session specifically tailored to Touch/Soccer/Hockeywith the other members of your team. Your team must plan this session with a view to implementing training principles and training methods studied in class. The training session is to:
- be 45 minutes in length
- include 15 minutes of game play (between the 30h and the 45th minute)
- be specific to the game of Touch/Soccer/Hockey
- allow for the principle of individuality
- develop your skills
- develop your fitness
- develop teamwork skills and tactics
- be appropriate for the early competition phase of training
This training session will provide you with the data required for the writing phase of this assessment item. To assist in providing data, during planning all team members should take notes on intensities, distances, duration foreach training drill developed. Diagrams would be an important feature of information gathering as well as work: rest ratios. The full 45 minute training session will be implemented during a Physical Education lesson.
After the training session your group must comprehensively evaluate the effectiveness of the session in meeting your individual and team needs for playingTouch/Soccer/Hockey. Your sessions may also be video recorded to assist with the assessment item production.
The data your group collates throughout this design, evaluate and review process will be the source of information for the assessment task.
PLEASE NOTE: The information gathering phase is NOT the assessment item. This design and implement process is simply a learning experience to provide you with information and knowledge to underpin the assessment task.
- The Task Production Phase
As a touch/soccer/hockey player you have been invited by the publishers of a magazine to submit a feature article that reveals a typical training day that you have participated in. After reading the publisher’s brief you believe the training session your team has designed could be offered as an example of quality Touch/Soccer/Hockeyspecific training.
As an individual you are now to compile a report in the form of a feature articlethat outlines your training session but showcases two consecutive components of your 45 minutes training session; highlighting their relevance to Touch/Soccer/Hockeyfitness and skill development; and reviewing their effectiveness by referring to the data you have collected in the information gathering phase.
Compile a feature article in an analytical style that;introduces atypical training day and how it fits into your weekly routine; focusesontwo consecutive components/drills of the training session you designed; reviews the purpose for the inclusion of these activities in your Touch/Soccer/Hockeytraining session; and evaluates the effectiveness of the activities in a training session based on individuality and specificity.
You must focus on two drills/ activities which were consecutive in your training session. You do not need to select the same drills as other members of your team.
You may select the warm-up, game play or cool down sections of the training program as one of your two drills to investigate.
Your written task is to take the generic structure of a feature article, however where appropriate it will provide still photos, graphs and diagrams which enhance the written words of the article. Essentially, it should contain the stylistic features of a magazine article. Your target audience is beginner coaches, local Touch/Soccer/Hockeyplayers or even fitness enthusiasts looking to improve their fitness and skills.
Your feature article should begin with a general introduction as to the benefits of your training drills to Touch/Soccer/Hockey fitness and/or skill development.
For each drill your response should be written using appropriate paragraphs and writing conventions, that addresses the following four components. The tasks below must NOT be answers as individual questions, but should progress as a flowing piece of writing, despite the pictorial elements that will be embedded.
What did you do?
Compile details of the drill from the original training session outlining how to perform the drill. This description can include annotated tables, diagrams or still pictures.
Why did you do it? What did you intend to happen/ gain?
Apply your knowledge of concepts; including energy systems, training zones, training methods and training principles to justify the inclusion of the drill in your training session in relation to your personal and team needs in Touch/Soccer/Hockey. You should also justify the placement of the drill within the entire training session.
Did it work to achieve what you intended?
Comprehensively evaluate the effectiveness of the drill in addressing your individual and team fitness and skill needs. This evaluation should make use of the heart rate and anecdotal evidence gathered throughout the session to validate the claims you make. Data to support your claims can be in the form of graphs and/or tables.
What would you change to make your drill/ activity more specific to Touch/Soccer/Hockeyinteresting? Did these changes work?
Outline the modifications your team made to the drill during the session improve its effectiveness. Use data, physiological concepts and principles to justify the changes your team has made
Your feature article should conclude with some type of evaluative statement based on the data you have presented that highlights how effective your drills/activities are in producing specific sports related fitness and developing your fitness and skills levels.and those of individual team members.
CRITERIA ASSESSMENT ITEM 6.2: Focus Area B Processes and effects of training and exercise.
NAME: ------.
Standard A / Standard B / Standard C / Standard D / Standard EAcquiring / The student work has the following characteristics:
- in-depth comprehension of a wide range of terminologies, principles and concepts relevant to physical performance capacities (energy-producing, muscle contraction and skill related), training principles, and training methods
- sustained and accurate use of appropriate textual features in a feature article
- comprehension of a wide range of terminologies, principles and concepts relevant to physical performance capacities (energy-producing, muscle contraction and skill related ), training principles, and training methods .
- accurate use of appropriate textual features in a feature article
- comprehension of fundamental terminologies, principles and facts relevant to physical performance capacities (energy-producing, muscle contraction and skill related ), training principles, and training methods .
- use of appropriate textual features in a feature article
- recollection and recognition of simple terminologies, principles and facts relevant to physical performance capacities (energy-producing, muscle contraction and skill related ) energy systems, training principles, and training methods
- use of textual features
- recognition of some information associated with physical performance capacities (energy-producing, muscle contraction and skill related ), training principles, and training methods
- use of texts
Applying / The student work has the following characteristics:
- insightful, independent and appropriate analysis and application of physical performance capacities (energy-producing, muscle contraction and skill related ), training principles, and training methods
- purposeful and effective selection, sequencing and organisation of relevant and substantial knowledge regarding physical performance capacities, training principles, and training methods to the development of a training session
- independent and appropriate analysis and application of the levels of physical performance capacities (energy-producing, muscle contraction and skill related ), training principles, and training methods
- purposeful selection, sequencing and organisation of relevant and substantial knowledge regarding physical performance capacities, training principles, and training methods to the development of a training session .
- appropriate analysis and application of physical performance capacities (energy-producing, muscle contraction and skill related ), training principles, and training methods
- suitable selection, sequencing and organisation of some knowledge regarding physical performance capacities, training principles, and training methods to the development of a training session .
- comparison and categorisation of information relating to physical performance capacities (energy-producing, muscle contraction and skill related ), training principles, and training methods
- selection and sequencing of information related to physical performance capacities, training principles, and training methods
- comparison and categorisation of physical performance capacities (energy-producing, muscle contraction and skill related ), training principles, and training methods with assistance
- selection of basic factors related to physical performance capacities, training principles, and training methods
Evaluating / The student work has the following characteristics:
- discerning, convincingly justified and independent evaluations, and solutions concerning the physical performance capacities, training principles and training methods used in their training session
- discerning and effective choice of communication strategies to enhance meaning and impact of the feature article
- justified and independent evaluations concerning the physical performance capacities, training principles and training methods used in their training session
- effective choice of communication strategies to enhance meaning and impact of the feature article
- defended evaluations concerning the physical performance capacities, training principles and training methods used in their training session
- effective choice of communication strategies that convey meaning through the feature article
- superficial evaluations concerning the physical performance capacities, training principles and training methods used in their training session
- communication strategies that convey meaning through the feature article
- directed responses to problems concerning the physical performance capacities, training principles and training methods used in their training session .
- communication of some meaning