New Perspectives on Access 2013
Tutorial 1: Creating a Database
Key Terms
Access A database program you use to enter, organize, display, and retrieve related information. (AC 1)
Access Help Information on Access commands and features as well as instructions for using them. (AC 25)
Access window The program window that appears when you start the Access program to create a new database or open an existing database. (AC 3)
Add & Delete group A group on the Fields tab in Table Datasheet view that contains options for adding different types of fields to a table. (AC 2)
All Access Objects The default category in the Navigation Pane; it lists all the objects in the database grouped by type (tables, queries, forms, reports, and so on). (AC 40)
AutoNumber An Access data type that automatically assigns a unique number to a record. (AC 13)
backing up Making a copy of a database file to protect your database against loss or damage. (AC 43)
Backstage view The File tab of the ribbon, which provides access to file-level options and program settings. (AC 8)
Click to Add column In Datasheet view for a table, the datasheet column you can use to create a new field in the table. (AC 2)
column selector In a datasheet, the column heading (also called the field selector) that you click to select the entire column. (AC 16)
common field A field that appears in more than one table, allowing you to connect the records in the separate tables. (AC 4)
compacting A process that rearranges the data and objects in a database to decrease its file size, thereby making more space available and enhancing the performance of the database. (AC 42)
contextual tab A tab that appears and provides options for working with a specific object that is selected. (AC 13)
CREATE tab A tab on the ribbon that provides options for creating various database objects, including tables, forms, and reports. (AC 24)
Current Record box The box that appears at the bottom of a datasheet or form and that indicates the current record and total number of records displayed. (AC 22)
data type The field property that determines what field values you can enter for the field and what other properties the field will have. (AC 13)
database A collection of related tables stored in the same file. (AC 4)
database management system (DBMS) A software program that lets you create databases and then manipulate data in them. (AC 6)
datasheet The display of a table’s contents in rows and columns, similar to a table or spreadsheet; each row is a separate record in the table, and each column contains the field values for one field in the table. (AC 3)
datasheet selector A box in the upper-left corner of a datasheet that lets you select the entire datasheet. (AC 27)
Datasheet view (for a table) The Access view that shows a table’s contents as a datasheet in rows and columns. (AC 2)
field A single characteristic or attribute of a person, place, object, event, or idea. (AC 4)
field selector In a datasheet, the column heading (also called the column selector)that you click to select the entire column. (AC 16)
field value The specific value, or content, of a field in a record. (AC 4)
FIELDS tab A tab on the Ribbon that provides options for adding, removing, and formatting the fields in a table. (AC 2)
foreign key A primary key field from one table that you include as a field in a second table to form a relationship between the two tables. (AC 5)
form A database object you can create and customize to maintain, view, and print records in a database in different and useful ways. (AC 24)
Form tool An Access tool that creates a form containing all the fields in the table or query on which the form is based. (AC 24)
Form Wizard An Access tool that asks you a series of questions, and then creates a form based on your answers. (AC 24)
ID field The default field Access creates to serve as the primary key field for all new tables. (AC 2)
Layout view The Access view in which you can make design changes to a form or report while it is displaying data so that you can immediately see the effects of changing the design. (AC 34)
Microsoft Access 2013 A database program you use to enter, organize, display, and retrieve related information. (AC 1)
navigation buttons A set of buttons found at the bottom of a table datasheet or form that you use to move through the records in the table. (AC 29)
Navigation Pane The area on the left of the Access program window that lists all the objects in the database and is the main control center for opening and working with database objects. (AC 2)
pencil symbol The symbol that appears in a row selector to indicate that the record is being edited. (AC 17)
primary key A field, or a collection of fields, whose values uniquely identify each record in a database table. (AC 5)
Print Preview The view of a report, form, or datasheet that shows you what the object will look like when printed. (AC 38)
query A question you ask about the data stored in a database. In response, Access displays the specific records and fields that answer your question. (AC 24)
Query Wizard An Access tool that asks you a series of questions, and then creates a query based on your answers. (AC 24)
Quick Access Toolbar A collection of buttons in the title bar that provides one-click access to commonly used commands, such as Save. (AC 2)
record A complete set of field values for a specific person, place, object, event, or idea. (AC 4)
record selector In a datasheet, the small square at the beginning of a row (also called the row selector) that you click to select the entire row. (AC 16)
relational database A collection of related tables stored in the same file. (AC 4)
relational database management system A software program in which data is organized as a collection of tables, and relationships between tables are formed through a common field. (AC 6)
report A formatted printout (or screen display) of the contents of one or more tables or queries in a database. (AC 25)
Report tool An Access tool that places all the fields from a table or query on a report. (AC 25)
Report Wizard An Access tool that asks you a series of questions, and then creates a report based on your answers. (AC 25)
ribbon The main set of commands, located at the top of the Access window, organized into tabs and groups that you click to execute tasks. (AC 3)
row selector In a datasheet, the small square at the beginning of a row (also called the record selector) that you click to select the entire row. (AC 16)
Short Text An Access data type that allows field values containing letters, digits, and other characters. (AC 14)
Shutter Bar Open/Close Button The button on the Navigation Pane that you click to open and close the pane. (AC 2)
Sign in link The link below the window buttons that lets you sign into your Office account. (AC 3)
Simple Query Wizard An Access wizard that lets you quickly select the records and fields to display in a query datasheet. (AC 24)
star symbol The symbol that appears in a row selector to indicate that the row is the next one available for a new record. (AC 17)
status bar An area at the top of the Access window that provides information about the program, open file, or current task or selection; it also contains buttons and other controls for working with the file and its content. (AC 3)
table A collection of fields that describes a person, place, object, event, or idea. (AC 4)
template A predefined database that includes professionally designed tables, forms, reports, and other objects. (AC 8)
title bar The area at the top of the Access window that displays the name of the open file and identifies the program. (AC 3)