Selected Topics in College Algebra
Spring 2007
INSTRUCTOR: Kusum Subedi. Office: SH 759, Phone: 66081
OFFICE HOURS: MWF 11:00a-12:00, MW 1:00-2:30p, other hours by appoinment.
TIME AND CLASSRROOM: TR 12:00-12:50p, SH 516
TEXT BOOK: Applied Mathematics for the Managerial, Life and Social Sciences
(Third edition) by Tan
Fundamentals of Algebra; Functions and their Graphs; Exponential and Logarithmic Functions; Compound Interest; Systems of linear equations and Matrices, Sets and Probability; additional topics in Probability.
On completion of MTH 123, students will:
- have developed the basic mathematical skills to solve applied problems particularly in business. These skills include graphing elementary functions, maximizing and minimizing quadric functions, algebraic manipulation of exponential and logarithmic expressions, solution of systems of linear equations, matrix manipulation, and simple computations in probability and statistics.
- be able to set up mathematical models to represent real world situations, again focusing on problems in business and economics. Students should have a sufficient understanding of the concept of a function to create their own mathematical models for given scenarios, and should be able to construct and use models involving polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions
- be ready for further study in applied mathematics, including courses in business and calculus.
PREREQUISITE: ACT 19 or SAT 460 or MTH 097 or Plac 100 or MTH 100
EVALUATION:There will be,
- 4 Midterm tests(according to the following schedule),
- 8 Quizzes(every Monday except on the midterm test days),
- Homework assignments (almost every day), and
- a Final exam
Homework assignments will not be graded, but you must do them all.
All the exams and quizzes are based on the homework problems.
No make up test will be given. Your best 3 midterm tests (lowest one dropped) and best 5 quizzes (lowest 3 dropped) will be counted towards your final grade.
Midterm 1 Mon, Sept 17 Chapters 1(all) and 2.1-2.2
Midterm 2 Mon, Oct 8 Chapters 2.3-2.6, 3.1-3.3 and 4.1
Midterm 3 Mon, Oct 29 Chapters 5(all) and 7.1
Midterm 4 Mon, Nov 26 Chapters 7.2-7.7 and 8.1, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6
Review for Midterm 1: Fri, Sept14, Midterm 2: Fri, Oct 5,
Midterm 3: Fri, Oct 26, Midterm 4: Fri, Nov 16
Review for FINAL: Nov 28,Wed - Dec 3,Mon
COMPREHENSIVE FINAL EXAM: 10:15a-12:15p, Friday, Dec 7, 2007
Points Possible PercentageGrade
Midterm tests 300 90-100 A
Quizzes 100 80-89.9 B
Final Exam 100 70- 79.9 C
Total 500 60-69.9 D
CALCULATOR: We will be using the TI 83 calculator for certain parts of this course.
ATTENDANCE: You are responsible for all material covered in this course, even if you miss class. Class time will not be taken to any materials that you have missed. get the notes from a classmate. Better yet, do not miss class! Missing class will seriously impair your chance of success in this course.