PPC/SEO Research Process for Big Buyer Leads

The purpose of this research is to locate top buyer agents within 100-300 select cities around the country.

Search Engines to be used: Google

Pages to review: first 3 pages

# of Links: up to 60 (30-40 on average)

Duration: average is about 2 hours per city market

Keywords to use: XXX city Homes for Sale (ex. Danbury homes for sale)

Submit to: Julie Dorgan –

Bill to: Company = REB, Project = BBB, Client = REB, Manager = Julie Dorgan


1.  For each link (PPC or SEO) the following fields need to be completed within the database:

Ø  City, State (of research)

Ø  Search Engine

Ø  Sequence Ranking (what number down the list is this link)

Ø  Page # (refers to Search Engine page)

Ø  DUP (duplicate) – for agents’ websites only - please put an “X” into this field if you find that this particular agent has appeared in your search previously

Ø  PPC or SEO (PPC – PayPerClick are the sponsored links located at the top and to the right on the research results screen; SEO – Search Engine Optimization are all the organic links – everything that is NOT PPC) -please see the screenshot below where circled parts are sponsored links

Ø  Link Name

Ø  Website (paste link in here)

Ø  Company (name of the organization that the link leads to)

Ø  Website Type (4 main RE website types):

ü  Agent (link leads to individual agent’s website)

ü  Broker (link leads to a local branch of an RE agency)

ü  Franchise (link leads to the main RE company website)

ü  Aggregator (link leads to an aggregator site for various RE agencies, locations, etc.)

ü  *Use “Unsure” if the nature of the website is uncertain to you

ü  **There will also be links that have nothing to do with Real Estate (Online Newspapers, Chamber of Commerce, Blog, etc.). These could be identified as such in this field

Ø  Website Vendor - This is relevant to agent websites only: on each of their websites at the bottom you will see something like "2010 BoomTown" - this means that the vendor is BoomTown and this is the information that you would put into that column. If you are unsure - put "Unsure" and I will look at it myself to try and figure it out (attaching a screenshot of one of the website's bottom)

Ø  Salutation (Ms., Mr. M.)

Ø  First Name

Ø  Last Name

Ø  Phone (format: XXX-XXX-XXXX)

Ø  Email

Ø  Street Address

Ø  City

Ø  State

Ø  Zip-code

Ø  Please ignore “Rating (A/B/C/U) column

2.  Each link needs to be clicked through to explore what kind of website it is and to get the agents’ names and contact information. This information has to be populated into the spreadsheet

3.  When saving the spreadsheet make sure you are in cell A1 and the name is “Your Name_City Name, State” (i.e. Julie_New York, NY)

PPC vs SEO Example (PPC circled)

Website Vendor Example

Template Excel Spreadsheet