Please, consider how much *TIME* is involved.
This is important, as you are committing to being part of *EVERY* event.
There are a variety of activities and events associated with Senior Planning (SP) that occur throughout the year: Homecoming, Senior Breakfast, POTH, TNL, Junior Banquet Set-up, Prom, Senior Picnic, Graduation, not to mention various fundraisers.
As students, you are already busy – academics, extracurriculars, social time. Planning your time commitments and obligations for next year is a critical activity to help make a good decision. SP is a *huge* time commitment and SP will need students who CAN devote that time to our class. The following parts of the application are intended to help you plan how realistic it is for you to participate in Senior Planning.
Keep in mind, you are still students, so academics still need to have a primary focus, not to mention you must also have downtime in order to relax and not feel overwhelmed. For some of you, you may be willing to forgo other activities, but for others, these activities are part of who you are and you should continue with them. SP will take an average of 5-10 hours per week. Keep in mind, that is an AVERAGE. It will go up and down, depending on the type of event and the number of events.
Please complete this section first to the best of your ability and give this some thought before going further in the application. This section is turned in but is also intended for you to help you decide if Senior Planning is for you. If you recognize you do not have the time to commit to SP, you do not need to complete the packet.
In addition, you are required to attend one of the mandatory meetings in April to discuss expectations and answer your questions.
All applications must be typed and received by 8th period onFriday, April 13, 2018. Applications are to be turned in directly to Ms. Michelle Hanson, Room 101 (H&A Office). Electronic applications will not be accepted. Late applications will not be accepted.
You are also expected to attend ONE of the mandatory information meetings. The meetings will take place on Wednesday, April 11th and Thursday, April 12th. We will discuss expectations. You must attend one of the two meetings after school from 2:45 – 3:15 in room 252. Please expect to stay for the entire time.
Senior Class Planning involves the commitment of one class period for both semesters of the year and significant time spent on senior class activities outside of class as well.
Please understand that space is limited in the Senior Leadership class.The sponsors (Ms. Debnam and Ms. Hanson) and the class administrator (MS. Lightsey) are responsible for selecting class members. Several criteria will be considered and no one criterion is determinative. We will consider the information provided by students on their applications; school attendance records; past participation in Class of 2019 activities; GPA; academic integrity; and respect accorded by faculty members. Not being selected for the actual class DOES NOT PRECLUDE participation in Senior Class Planning.
Name: ______
Email: ______
Cell or Home Phone: ______
Student ID#:______
First Period Teacher (2nd Semester): ______
You are reminded to attend the MANDATORY MEETING Wednesday, April 11th or Thursday, April 12th, 2018
I understand that if selected to be in Senior Class Planning I will be held to serve as an exemplary member of the Class of 2019. I will take my leadership role seriously and I understand that irresponsible behavior will not be tolerated. I also understand that Senior Class Planning is a class period during the day and that credit and grades will be given to all participants. I will assume the responsibilities of recruiting, planning and executing activities for the senior class.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
Part I of Application: Time Management and Senior Year Commitments:
Please list your activities throughout the year and also include the number of hours per week next to each activity, and when the activity takes place (i.e., theater performance, 4 hours per day, after school and weekends)
Fall(August- November 1) / Winter
(November 1- February) / Spring
(March 1- June)
Extra-curricular activities (i.e. clubs, theater, sports, etc.)
Out- of- school activities (i.e. work, volunteering, internships, etc.)
Please list your course selections for the 2018-2019 School Year
1st Semester Classes / 2nd Semester Classes1.
7. / 1.
Part II: Please answer the following questions. Please type your responses on a separate sheet of paper.
- Why do you want to be on senior planning? Why is senior planning important to you?
- What skills can you bring to the senior planning class (office skills, organization, videography, etc.)?
- What specific character traits or abilities would make you a good candidate for senior planning?
- Have you held any leadership positions for other groups? If so, please list and describe them.
- How will you be able to make senior planning your top priority?
- What suggestions do you have for promoting participation for the Class of 2019?
- Describe yourself using one word?
- Will you have an internship or job after school? Yes No If yes, please explain.
Part III: Activities Resume. Please list your involvement in class activities from freshman through junior years.
Activities Resume
Freshman Planning:
⃝ Float
⃝ Hallway
Sophomore Planning:
⃝ Float
⃝ Hallway
Junior Planning:
⃝ Float
⃝ Hallway