May Term 1844
May Term 1844
On Motion it is ordered by the Court that John Kelly be appointed overseer of the road in room of Charles Haynes to work from Sycamore Creek to the Carroll county line and all the hands that formerly worked under the said Haynes or in the bounds shall now work under the said Kelly on said road which is established in the 2nd Class.
On Motion it is ordered by the Court that James M. Camp be appointed overseer of the Perryville road in room of Joshua Waggoner to work from Flower's Mill to the Perry County line and that all hands that formerly worked under the said Waggoner (viz) Peter & Daniel Waggoner, James & David Burchett, Wyatt Jenkins & his own hands or in the bounds shall now work under the said Camp on said road which is established in the 2nd Class.
On Motion it is ordered by the Court that William Stewart be appointed overseer of the stage road in room of Hudson Taylor to work from Lewis Cross' to the 13 Mile tree and the hands as follows (viz) John Watson, Samuel Presson, William Bonds, Freeman Presson, Wm. P. Thornton, Hudson Taylor, Joseph Pickler, Lewis Cross, John Davenport, William Greer, John H. Williams; Thomas Higdon and James Smith and all other hands in the bounds shall work under the said Stewart on said road which is established in the 1st Class.
On Motion it is ordered by the Court that R.C. Petty be appointed overseer of the road to work from Kirkman's Ferry to the stage road hands as follows (viz) John M. Petty, John Russell, James Russell, Wm. Cole, Stephen Boswell, E.F. Wills & hands E. L. Wills, James S. Sayles & hands and Warren Sayles shall work under the said Petty on said road which is established in the 2nd Class.
Issued 7th May.
Personally appeared in open Court John Atchison and together with him J.G. Sims, W.P. Morris, Daniel F. McElyea and Henry Stigall his securities who appeared in open Court and entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penal sum of four thousand five hundred dollars conditioned as the law directs it is ordered by the Court that M.L. Travis be released from further responsibility in the former bond of said Atchison.
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May Term 1844
Personally appeared in open Court James E. Merick and produced a certificate of his election of Constable in the 1st District and together with him Cullen Nowell, Daniel Waggoner, Nathaniel Nunnery and Jesse Hammonds his securities who appeared in open court and entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penal sum of four thousand five hundred dollars conditioned as the law directs and took the oath of office as presented by law accordingly.
E.G. Hatchett appeared in open Court and proved by his own oath that he had killed a wolf in the limits of Benton County and produced the scalp thereof to the Court which was adjudged by the Court to be over the age of four Months which said scalp was ordered by the Court to be burnt or destroyed by the Sheriff. It is ordered by the Court that the Clerk certify the same as the law directs.
Issued July 6th 1844
On Motion it is ordered by the Court that David Fullerton, an orphan boy aged thirteen years be bound unto James E. Merrick until he arrived to the age of Twenty one years and entered into indenture with Thomas Jones, his security to give him one year's schooling and at the time he arrives at full age to give him two suits of good Jeans clothes, a good horse, saddle and bridle & to teach him the art and mystery of a farmer &c.
The Commissioners who were appointed at a former term of this Court to lay off and set apart a year's provision for the widow & family of Dennis Messer deceased Made their report to this Court which is ordered to be recorded.
On Motion it is ordered by the Court that Albert Aden be appointed overseer of the road to work from the Creek near Samuel B. Pearce's to the late residence of John Morris, Deceased, hands as follows (viz) L.H. Pope, Geo. W. Kilbreath, Irvin Earp, Nelson Pearce, David Forester, Mattison Ray, and Daniel W. Ray & all other hands in the bounds shall work under said Aden on said road which is established in the 2nd Class.
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May Term 1844
The Clerk of this Court presented a settlement Made with the Zechariah Nash administrator of Arrison Nash deceased which said settlement was examined & approved of by the Court and ordered by the Court to be recorded.
On Motion it is ordered by the Court that Gustin H. Barker be appointed overseer of the road to work from Darby's place to Nevin's hands as follows (viz) James Nevins, John Hambleton, Charles Kee, J.W.P. Lewis, Wm. Lewis, Hillsman King, Mark Hatley and all other hands in the bounds shall work under the said Barker on said road which is established in the 2nd class.
Nathaniel Nunnery one of the securities of Katharine Howe filed his petition to be released from further responsibility and prays to be released and it is ordered by the Court that the Clerk of this Court Issue a summons ordering the said Katharine Howe to appear and give other and sufficient security at the Next term of this Court.
Issued 8th May 1844
Personally appeared in open Court Charles Cowell and together with him Edward Cowell, Joseph A. Pope & Julius J. Cole, his securities who appeared in open Court and entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penal sum of one thousand dollars conditioned for the faithful performance of the said Charles Cowell as guardian of Marthe E. Pope.
Court adjourned until Court in Course.
D.P. Hudson
B. Beard
Nathan Williams