WIB Quarterly Meeting Minutes
Fairfield Inn
New Bedford, MA
Members Present: Peter J. Muise, Chair; Margarita Alago, David Biggs, David A. Cabral, Paul Correia, Thomas G. Davis, David DeJesus, Jr., Linda Enos, John Fernandes, Brenda Francis, James Gularek, Helena DaSilva Hughes, Diane Hurley, Lisa A, Jochim, Lisa M. Lemieux, Roy Nascimento, Alice Oliveira, Christine A. Pires, Ronald L. Rouillard, Dr. John J. Sbrega, Paula Shiner, David Slutz, Lou St. John, Carl Taber, Jeffrey Travers, Corinn Williams
Members Absent: Steven A. Beauregard,David Biggs, Phillip Cavallo,Dennis D. Galvam, Nelson Hockert-Lotz, Peter Kavanaugh (called), David R. Maher(called), Dennis Maltais, Joseph L. Michaud, Bruce Morell, Maria O. Pinarreta (Proxy vote to the Chair), Ronald F. Rheaume, Anthony R. Sapienza, Brad A. Truini
WIB Staff Present:Len Coriaty, Executive Director/CEO; Steven Grant, Chief Financial Officer; Annie Massicotte, Business Office Manager; James D. Oliveira, Senior Director of Operations; Marc Tarpey, Program Monitor; Donna J. Ramos, Project Manager
Workforce System Staff Present: Wendy Andrade, NDS, Inc. – Youth Services; Diann Haynes, NDSI
Guests: Ian Abreu, NB Area Chamber of Commerce; Sam Ackah, JS/JR; James P. Andersen, Jr., NDSI – Consultant; Robert Andreoni, Precix, Inc.; Lee Blake, UMass Dartmouth; Gary Brown, Old Colony Reg’lVoc’lTech’l High School; Joe Griffin, MassMEP; Christina Connelly, Assistant Chief of Staff to Mayor Mitchell; Barbora, Hazukova, Training Resources of America – South Shore; Jane M. Jacobsen, NB Public Schools; Bernice Jensen, NB Public Schools; Representative Robert M. Koczera; Lynne LaBerge, New Bedford High School; ZeliaLaGarde, BCC – Connecting Activites; Patricia McPartland, Upper Cape Tech Adult Ed; Jon F. Mitchell, Mayor of Greater New Bedford; Salvador Pina, Community Economic Development Authority (CEDA); Simón Rios, SouthCoast Media Group/Standard-Times; Dianne C. Rivet, GNB Youth Council;Theresa Romanovitch, BCC; David Sykes, Mass Rehab Commission (MRC); Cynthia A. Wallquist, City of New Bedford
Greeting/Call to Order: Chair Peter Muise called the meeting to order at 8:00AM. He announced two proxies as follows: Roy Nascimento, and Maria Pinarretaas having given their Proxy vote to the Chair.
The Chair announced: The Chair announced: The resignation of Christopher J. O’Neil, VP, Tomlinson & O'Neil Insurance Agency, Inc. Five new members were appointed to the board: Margarita Alago, VP & General Manager, Reliable Bus Lines, Inc.; Phillip Cavallo, President & CEO, Beaumont Solar Co.; James Gularek, CEO, Hawthorn Medical Associates; Peter Kavanaugh, President, La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries; and Joseph L. Michaud, Attorney, Law Office of Joseph L. Michaud.
Upcoming Events:
Save the Dates:
1)Summer jobs registration gets under way March 17
2)Registration underway, MA Advanced Manufacturing Summit, 2014
Tuesday, April 29th, DCU Center, Worcester
Full day summit, bringing together hundreds of leading executives and managers from the mfg industry to share best practices, network, discuss opportunities and challenges. See handout. Contact Len for more information.
The Chair advised that he wanted members to keep in mind as the meeting progresses that many members were appointed to the board by previous Mayors who were the pointing authority. The terms are three years and staggered. Many of the terms have expired without reappointments and the WIB is working with Mayor’s office to reappoint many of the expired terms. As we work through several items for discussion consider what your commitments are to the WIB as we work through the commitment process. Everyone will be eligible for reappointments. In the next week contact Len or I if you desire to be reappointed. Fifty-one percent of the Board must be from the Private Sector so there are certain requirements and a balancing of numbers for WIB appointments. This is an item we need for certification.
The Chair announced the arrival of Mayor Mitchell.
Next on the agenda and was a discussion with the Mayor that revolved around the document that the board members have in their possession submitted by Mr. Mackley which is a study of the Greater New Bedford workforce system. The Chair further stated that Mayor Mitchell will describe how the report came about and there will be an opportunity to discuss the report, some thoughts on his side and building that for a need for where commission of where the WIB goes from here and individual commitments along the lines.
The Mayor thanked the Chair for his active work behind the scenes and congratulated Len on his new position and 18 years of service at the WIB.
Mayor Mitchell continued his discussion citing trends that the workforce system had to face up to 1) increasingly constrained by diminished resources, 2) our economy is evolving and we have a strategy in place in the city that focuses on the city’s chief assets its port, its manufacturing base and downtown-we won’t succeed driving on those physical assets well unless we have capital assets that are compatible 3) we need greater alignment in our efforts if we are to succeed in the long run-we need a clearer mutual understanding of objectives and talk to one another better. He believes there has been a breakdown in communications that has not worked itself out.
The Mayor gave an overview of the task force that he put together and the members he chose to oversee a study of our workforce system that was conducted by Dave Mackley. He continued with the contents of the report and the diverse opinions of all regarding the report and how he intends to move forward and next steps for the Strategic Planning process. The Mayor opened up the meeting for questions/comments.
The Chair shared his agreements with the Mayor as to how we need to move forward and also noted some issues and concerns about the report and it becoming an historic document that lives forever and the history about what that document claims. He further noted that he agreed with some of the premises and discussed how we must solve the revenue problems. He faulted the report in some of its conclusions certainly in its technique and a lot of the verbiage.
The Chair opened the discussion to the Board and several members shared their opinion of the report. Several questions were posed to the Mayor for response.
Mission Story Presentation – The Chair introduced Robert Andreoni, HR Director for Acushnet Rubber Company DBA Precix. He gave an overview of the business as being in business for over 100 years. They manufacture many products the main one being O-Rings used in a variety of fuel sealing applications. Their products are sold in many countries all over the world. Approximately 75% of the business is with the automotive sector. Annual sales approximately 50 billion per year with 300+ employees with the vast majority living in the New Bedford area. Back about three years ago asked to participate in the WIB’s initiative to ensure an ample supply of skilled manufacturing worker. In this mission the GNBWIB has been instrumental in helping recognize common training needs for several companies as well as helping to strategize in how best to meet those training needs. More than 90% of Precix’s associates have participated in at least one training session. He further stated that there is no doubt in his mind that skills training provided through the grant has been important factor in supporting the successful growth of his company.
Tom Davis asked where and how he finds new workers. The Chair asked Bob to elaborate on Precix’s recruitment process. He talked a bit about the Voc-Techs, Career Center, BCC and a co-op program that they have. He continued to say that they use all resources possible. The Chair elaborated on the process used and how we may be able to improve the process for employers.
Service Provider Presentation was postponed until the June meeting.
Consent Agenda
Consent Agenda: On a motion by Paula Shiner, seconded by Linda Enos, the minutes of the December 18, 2013 Quarterly Meeting and the Treasurer’s Report through November 30, 2013 were approved unanimously.
Next items up for discussion included the Scorecard and Committee Work Plans that the Chair recognized and encouraged members to inquire with staff if there were any clarifications required. The Chairman asked everyone and the newer members to look at the highlighted entries and if any questions we could address now or ask Jim/Ron about any items on the youth portions. Len highlighted some key elements of the work plans the HCTF as a substantial fund established by the State and how we applied for a planning grant and were successful in obtaining the grant. With that, the WIB retained the services Mike Metzler to do comprehensive needs assessment of members of that healthcare collaborative. We are hopeful of securing 10 to 12 ml in implementation grant funding. Len talked about the implementation grants and the process that will take place. Len also talked about the WIB’s recertification process bringing the composition of the WIB where it needs to be as well as Strategic planning for the coming three years.
The Chair mentioned how we use the work plans and score cards to show WIB activity and measuring goals. This is the current technique the WIB uses and a way to communicate with the membership. He doesn’t believe it translates well electronically. The Chair stressed to the members that these are key documents and feel free to reach out for questions regarding the documents.
The Agenda continued with three votes referred by the Chair to the Board.
Vote - Career Center Charter Review and recommendation to extend Charter.
Len referred the group to the motion recommending the extension of the Charter by the Executive Committee for the period July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. The request of the full board included approval of the extension and proposed amended changes to the language in the document citing more specific language to achieve this year’s annual budget as well as New Directions Southcoast agreeing to seek supplemental grants in the extension year. The Chair entertained a motion that was initiated by Linda Enos and seconded by David Cabral to approve the Charter Extension for a period of one year. This motion carried and was unanimously approved by all WIB members in attendance.
Vote – Request by New Directions Southcoast, Inc to raise the Individual Training Account cap to fund 6 Licensed Practical Nurse training slots at $6,000 each.
The Chair related this is a specific request that speaks to the process that allows the relationship between the Career Center & the WIB to consider training opportunities outside those usually available to benefit clients that will lead to a good paying job that is in demand. The Chair entertained a motion to that effect that was initiated by Linda Enos and seconded by David Cabral. This motion carried and was unanimously approved by all WIB members in attendance.
Vote – Recommendation by the Youth Council Chair to extend the current WIA Youth Frameworks contract for a the period of July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015.
The Chair introduced that the WIA Youth Frameworks a separate vending contract that provides services to WIA youth and is administered by the Youth Division of New Directions Southcoast. It is a separate funding source independent of the Career Center Charter. He noted this vote is to keep both the Frameworks contract and Charter aligned for the date and time and requires a vote from this board to consider seeking a new procurement for services. The intent is to keep them together. It is a very well run program deserving of a motion to extend. The motion to extend the Frameworks contract was initiated by Ron Rouillard and seconded by Linda Enos. This motion carried and was unanimously approved by all WIB members in attendance.
Youth Council - Ron Rouillard referred the members to pages 11-14. Under youth grants, Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education 596 & 597 have been submitted for $23,590 to serve 15 in school youth. Waiting on funding approval for that grant. Updates in the work plan and are self-explanatory. Len mentioned that we’ve kept the agenda for youth in compliance this past year. Need to look for a youth support position in our strategic planning because we’ve never set the bar at compliance. We must address that in the coming discussions.
Len shared that he’s resigning from the position of Executive Director / CEO, prompted by his accepting the position of Manufacturing Consortium Director.
The meeting concluded at 10:30 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Ramos
(on behalf of)
Lisa Lemieux
A full transcript of the meeting is available by contacting the GNBWIB Business Office Manager, Annie Massicotte at 508-979-1540 ext. 111 – or email her at .