Washington Schools · Risk Management Pool

Risk Assessment Survey I

Member Name / Primary Contact / Date

Each member has two chances to achieve maximum points for each criterion. Pool Loss Control Consultants will conduct this survey and provide resources and recommendations the first year, and then follow-up with the member the following year to account for any additional points gained. Final accounting of points will be conducted at the conclusion of this second year.

1.  Accountability


/ Max Pts / YR1 / YR2
1.1.  District School Board policies & handbooks reviewed at least once every three years. / 1 pt

District policy relating to an incident will likely be the first line of defense. What the policy says and how the district follows its policy will play a role in any lawsuit.


/ Max Pts / YR1 / YR2
1.2.  One person formally responsible for the risk management function (attach job description). / 2 pts

The district should formally recognize the risk management function, no matter what the district’s size. Centralizing certain risk management functions to one person makes it easier to be consistent in information review and processing purposes. There is then one vantage point to gain a big picture perspective of the overall risk management program for the district.


/ Max Pts / YR1 / YR2
1.3.  Written policy on risk management (attach copy). / 2 pt

A written policy further formalizes the risk management function, emphasizes the district’s commitment to safety and provides the risk manager authority to act.


/ Max Pts / YR1 / YR2
1.4.  Building level liability issues included in safety committee meetings (attach last meeting minutes, attendance list and agenda). / 2 pt

As the law requires safety committees anyway, they make a perfect vehicle for the district to address liability issues as well. By using this existing requirement, the district can bring all buildings and functional departments together on a regular basis to discuss worker comp safety, student injuries, to review accidents, and liability safety related items on a building and district level.


/ Max Pts / YR1 / YR2
1.5.  District representative attended at least two Pool training sessions in the past year: ______. / 3 pts

Attending training sessions will either prevent or reduce the impact of a loss, or at least provide a good faith defense that the district was trying to address safety.

Accountability Comments / Tot Max / YR1 / YR2
10 pts

2.  Claims Reporting


/ Max Pts / YR1 / YR2
2.1.  Incident reporting and documentation procedure (attach copy) that includes reporting and gathering information on:
2.1.1.  Vehicle accidents
2.1.2.  Injuries to the general public, including visitors & students
2.1.3.  Personnel wrong-doing
2.1.4.  Property damage & security incidents
2.1.5.  Centralized review of all incidents / 2 pts
2 pts
2 pts
2 pts
2 pts

A formal incident reporting procedure ensures that incidents are documented and reported in a timely manner to the Pool so coverage is not jeopardized. A procedure also helps preserve critical information that is vital to the defense of the district.

Claims Reporting Comments / Tot Max / YR1 / YR2
10 pts

3.  Risk Transfer


/ Max Pts / YR1 / YR2
3.1.  Participant waivers / hold harmless agreements and/or inherent risk forms are required (attach example copy) for:
3.1.1.  Field trips
3.1.2.  Athletic participation including extra curricular activities
3.1.3.  School-to-Work
3.2.  Systems to ensure that the District reviews all field trips for risk exposure (attach copy of review process). / 1 pt
1 pt
1 pt
2 pts

Participant waivers and inherent risk forms at least prove that the student and parent were aware and conscious of the risks involved and still voluntarily decided to participate.


/ Max Pts / YR1 / YR2
3.3.  Indemnity clauses protecting the district and insurance required when appropriate, with district named as additional insured (attach example copy) in contracts with:
3.3.1.  Vendor contractors performing work for the district, including construction, maintenance or repair projects
3.3.2.  Outside users of district facilities
3.3.3.  School-to-work site agreements
3.4.  System to ensure that contracts that the district signs are reviewed for indemnity agreements and signature authorization. / 1 pt
1 pt
1 pt
2 pts

Indemnity clauses in contracts are the best way to transfer risk off the district and on to the party in control of the risk. By requiring insurance, the district makes sure that there is funding behind the indemnity promise to pay. Contracts that require the district to hold someone harmless must also be carefully reviewed.

Risk Transfer Comments / Tot Max / YR1 / YR2
10 pts

4.  Vocational Education


/ Max Pts / YR1 / YR2
4.1.  System to ensure that all shops and agricultural programs have written safety tests and student skill level tests that are documented and kept on file (attach example copy) / 2 pts
4.2.  System to ensure that all vocational programs have safety rules developed, posted and enforced that include:
4.2.1.  Properly guarded equipment per WISHA standards
4.2.2.  Personal protective equipment provided and use enforced / 1 pt
1 pt
4.3.  System to ensure that all vocational programs have:
4.3.1.  Emergency procedures,
4.3.2.  Master or hands-free shut-off switches,
4.3.3.  Direct access to 911 and
4.3.4.  First aid kits / ½ pt
½ pt
½ pt
½ pt
4.4.  System to ensure that all vocational program equipment is regularly maintained to manufacturer specifications (attach example equipment maintenance records) / 2 pts
4.5.  System to ensure that:
4.5.1.  Vocational education teachers are vocationally certified and
4.5.2.  Non-certified substitutes use alternative lesson plans that do not involve the use of power tools. / 1 pt
1 pt

Shop accidents, particularly in wood shop, are an increasing loss trend for the Pool. As these cases are tough to defend, the district must concentrate on control measures to help prevent and minimize these losses.

Vocational Education Comments / Tot Max / YR1 / YR2
10 pts

5.  Unusual District Risk Exposures

Criteria / Max Pts / YR1 / YR2
5.1.  District provides service to or makes their own products for consumption by or sale to the general public (like auto repair, manufacture of vehicles, boats, houses, science kits and/or furniture) (not concessions, nor sale to student or employee population) / -5 pts

These unusual loss exposures put the district at risk above and beyond what are considered normal, typical school operations, as compared with the other member districts in the Pool. Point criteria can range from –1 for an unusual exposure that is well managed to –5 for a poorly managed unusual exposure.

Unusual Exposure Comments / Tot Max / YR1 / YR2
-5 pts
Area Scores / Tot Max / YR1 / YR2
Accountability / 10 pts
Claims Reporting / 10 pts
Risk Transfer / 10 pts
Vocational Education / 10 pts
Unusual District Risk Exposures / - 5 pts
Total Points Available / 40 pts
