Tshwane University of Technology Policy
Date first issued: 2 March 2004
Date reviewed: -
Date recommended by AIC: 19 May 2004
Date recommended by AIPC:
Date recommended by ICT Executive:
Date approved by the EMC/Senate: 12 July 2004
This policy and its rules, guidelines and procedures replaces all previous policy and/or circulars pertaining to Technology Interventions and the Introduction of New Technology into the University.
1.1 The introduction of new technology into any organisation is for the express purpose of improving the business. New technology however, imposes a major risk to any organisation that introduces new technology.
1.2 The purpose of monitoring and investigating the introduction of any new technology to Tshwane University of Technology is:
- To ensure the technology will integrate into the University’s current infrastructure;
- To minimise, mitigate or avert any business risk posed by the introduction of the new technology;
- To ensure that current infrastructure is adequate to support the new technology;
- To ensure Tshwane University of Technology derives the most benefits by the introduction of the new technology.
It is the policy of Tshwane University of Technology to utilize technology to the advantage of the institution. Fundamental Information and Communication Technology interventions can only take place with the approval of the Executive Management Committee (EMC), as recommended by the Information and Communications Technology Executive Committee (ICT), where such change will have an impact on the infrastructure and resources of the University. All such interventions must be done in a properly managed fashion according to the change management principles laid down in this policy.
2.1 Objectives
The objectives of the policy are:
2.1.1 to ensure that the University can survive and thrive on the introduction of the new technology;
2.1.2 to ensure that a proper needs analysis is done prior to the introduction of new technology, that all stakeholders are properly consulted and that appropriate experts are consulted were necessary;
2.1.3 to prevent loss or damage to Tshwane University of Technology, an individual or external organisation through the introduction of new technology;
2.1.4 to minimise the risk of excessive costs of integrating new technology into the current infrastructure of Tshwane University of Technology;
2.1.5 to ensure that adequate resources are applied to implement the intervention;
2.1.6 to inform all staff of their responsibilities and obligations toward the implementation and use of the new technology;
2.1.7 to ensure that all infrastructure, both internal and external to the University is sufficient and adequate to support the new technology.
A technology intervention is deemed to be the introduction or enhancement of any technology supporting the activities and business processes of Tshwane University of Technology
4.1 Executive Management Committee
The Executive Management Committee (EMC) is responsible for approving all new technology interventions upon recommendation of the Information and Communication Technology Forum (the ICT Forum).
4.2 Information and Communication Technology Forum (ICT Forum)
The ICT responsibilities include:
4.2.1 Advising the ICT Executive on the sufficiency and effectiveness of its Technology Intervention Policy and drafting any necessary amendments for the ICT Executive to consider.
4.2.2 Ensuring the implementation of the Technology Intervention Policy.
4.2.3 Ensuring that the business cases for all interventions are thoroughly investigated and presented in an orderly and manageable way.
4.2.4 Ensuring that all technology interventions are aligned to the Integrated Technology Plan and the Corporate Goals and objectives of Tshwane University of Technology.
4.2.5 Ensuring technology standards are established, recorded and communicated.
4.2.6 Ensuring that all technology standards are met during the purchasing process and the appointment of a technology and implementation partner.
4.3 Directorate of Information and Communication Technology Service (ICT Services)
ICT Services’ responsibilities include
4.3.1 Assisting Managers in the preparation of business cases for technology interventions;
4.3.2 Coordinating the preparation of a business case for an intervention that spans multiple functional areas;
4.3.3 To manage any new intervention as a project.
4.4 Managers
4.4.1 Managers of sections are responsible for the preparation of business cases for technology interventions in their areas.
4.4.2 Managers of sections are responsible for informing the ICT of proposed interventions for the alignment to the ITP and the adherence to technology standards.
4.5 Staff
All staff members must understand and comply with the Technology Intervention Policy.
4.6 Directorate Human Resources
Human Resources have the responsibility for taking any disciplinary measures against staff that fail to comply with the Policy.
4.7 Business Case Preparation and Presentation
4.7.1 All Business cases must be thoroughly investigated in order to assess the risk associated with the intervention, enable pro-active planning to be taken and to evaluate the effectiveness of the possible intervention.
4.7.2 All Business cases must be submitted to the ICT Forum for final evaluation and submitted to the ICT Executive Committee who will consider, approve or recommend for approval to the EMC.
5.1 The Preparation of a Business Case
5.1.1 The procedure for a business case provides for:
- Adequate measures to ensure a thorough investigation when introducing a technological intervention, including a feasibility study, defining the adequacy of infrastructure and risk analysis.
- Controls to ensure the technology intervention is aligned to the ITP and adheres to the technology standards of Tshwane University of Technology.
- Controls to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the business case proposal.
- See ICT Services Quality Manual on how to “Prepare a Business Case”.
5.1.2 The Presentation and recommendation of a Business Case
The presentation procedure provides for adequate measures to ensure that the business cases are distributed to ICT Forum members with adequate time for evaluation.
5.1.3 See ICT Services Quality Manual on how to “Submit a proposal”.
5.2 Support and Guidelines
5.2.1 There must be adequate measures to ensure the availability of the technology standards, templates and examples of business case proposals.
5.2.2 ICT Services should endeavor to ensure assistance in the preparation and presentation of business case proposals.
5.3 Monitoring and review of policies and procedures
5.3.1 Business Case proposals shall be kept and managed by ICT Services to ensure the integrity of revisions and good document management
5.3.2 The Technology Intervention Policy will be tested for overall compliance at least once annually. This annual review will be coordinated by the Head: ICT Services and shall utilise internal and external expertise where appropriate
There are no specific documents defined at this stage.
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