Moss Street Surgery
Notes of the Patient Participation Group Meeting held on
26 September 2016 at Moss Street Surgery
Nicki Haywood(Chair) Patient Representative
Doug Smith Patient Representative
Helen Stead Patient Representative
Brian Heathcote Patient Representative
Wendy Heathcote Patient Representative
Geoff Husselbee Patient Representative
Dr A Q Mir GP Partner
Clive Cropper Practice Manager
Tina Taylor Assistant Practice Manager
Apologies for Absence: George Adamson, Kay Rimmer, Pam Smith - Patient Representatives
1. Notes of the Meeting held on 30 June 2016
These were accepted as a correct record.
2.Matters Arising:
a.Patients’ Comments and Suggestions
Geoff Husselbee stated that no completed forms had been left in the waiting area. Clive informed the Group that 2 messages had been received via the Practice website, both of which had been complimentary about the Practice. He read one out to the Group from a grateful patient.
b.Cannock Practices Network – Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund
Clive informed the Group that from 1 July 2016, patients from the 2 remaining Network Practices were included in the service. This had increased the patient population served by the Network Surgery from 48,500 to 65,500.
To date the Surgery had now given appointments to around 6500 patients.
As the number of Nurse Practitioner sessions had been increased from 1 July, the monthly appointment total was now over 700 per month. The number of patients not attending for their appointments (426 in total) was holding steady at around 6.5% of booked appointments.
Feedback from patients attending remains very positive, with overall satisfaction rates running at 98%. The satisfaction survey forms were still being summarised by a representative of a Patient Engagement Group.
Supporting the survey’s patients’ indication that between 20% and 25% of them would have gone to the MIU or A&E department if they had not been given an appointment at the Network Surgery, the CCG had now provided data from the various Provider organisations supporting an overall reduction in activity in those departments. Clive had also received confirmation that the number of ambulance attendances in Cannock had also reduced compared with other neighbouring CCGs.
As reported at the previous meeting, confirmation for the Project to continue in 2017/18 and 2018/19 had been received. Formal notification of the criteria to be met in order for the Project to proceed was still awaited.
It had been reported at the last meeting that Moss Street Surgery was the lowest user of the service. Clive confirmed that over the past 2 months, the Surgery had utilised the expected number of appointments. This was now being monitored closely within the Practice.
d. Dementia Friendly Practice
Nicki confirmed that she had been contacted by a few local GP Practices to provide Dementia Friends training.
A number of Practice staff taken part in this year’s Memory Walk on Cannock Chase which took place on Sunday 4 September 2016.
3.Clinical Commissioning Group Update
i. Cannock Practices Network PPG meeting: The next meeting was scheduled for 6pm on Thursday 29 September 2016 at St Luke’s Hall, Cannock. Clive reiterated that the Network valued the continuance of this Group to support the work it has been doing and also to support and future developments. The planned meeting was to allow Dr Murray Campbell, GP at Alderwood Surgery and Clinical Lead for the Network Surgery Project, to present the Network’s strategy for ensuring that primary care services across Cannock can be sustained and even improved on in the foreseeable future. Clive and Dr Campbell had formulated some ideas based around the national document, ‘GP Five Year Forward View’ and had already held discussions with a number of partner organisations in an effort to ensure that should promised national funding be made available, Cannock had a plan to place to bid and utilise it.
Members were encouraged to attend the meeting if they were able to.
ii. CCG Governing Body Public meeting: 2:00pm on Thursday 6 October 2016 at Aquarius Ballroom, Hednesford. PPG members were encouraged to attend if they were able to.
4.Patient Satisfaction Survey Results & FAQ Production
Members had received a copy of the Survey results along with a summary of the comments made by patients. Clive thanked Pam and Doug Smith for carrying out the summarising of the completed forms.
Their overall view was that the Practice continued to perform very well with a high level of patient satisfaction. A number of comments had been noted varying between positive, negative and constructive.
A number of misconceptions had also been noted and after discussion it was agreed that in order to clarify some of these, the Group would produce a Frequently Asked Questions information sheet that would attempt to clarify some of these. For
example, a comment had been made suggesting that as a non-computer user, they were being discriminated against because they couldn’t book on the day appointments. Likewise, comments had been made regarding an inability to organise an appointment outside normal of the normal surgery opening times as work commitments prevented them from doing so. Doug Smith agreed to help to produce this and Clive asked other members to let him know if they were interested in getting involved in this piece of work
A number of negative comments had been received regarding the reception staff and it was agreed that these should be discussed in more detail at the next Receptionists’ meeting. PPG members expressed their support and appreciation of the Reception staff but felt that the comments received merited discussion within the team. Clive agreed to discuss with the Reception team at the forthcoming Staff Meeting.
It was noted that a completed questionnaire had been received from an 11 year old patient. Anonymity was acknowledged, however, it was agreed that this should be mentioned in the next Practice Newsletter.
It was also agreed that in the gender section, ‘Transgender’ should be added to future surveys Questionnaires.
5. Chadsmoor Development
Clive gave a detailed report on a proposal that he had submitted to Cannock Chase CCG to develop a health and wellbeing centre in Chadsmoor. The business case, submitted at the end of May 2016, was to secure sufficient funding from the national NHS Transformation allocation. If successful, the funding and the building would have to be utilised and completed by 31 March 2019. The CCG had approved the submission and made it their highest priority and have forwarded it into a National adjudication process overseen by NHS England. The outcome from this was expected in September 2016.To date, no response had been received.
The proposal was to develop the land occupied by the existing Surgery and the adjoining land next to the Council car park. This was currently owned by a developer.
The bid had had to satisfy a number of requirements, for example, a number of Practices working together, sharing resources, offering extended hours appointments and partnership working with other NHS and non-NHS organisations.
Two other local Practices had indicated that they would be interested in moving to the new building which would be a two storey one. It would have sufficient accommodation for community teams to use, some diagnostic, treatment and community based secondary care services (such as the current NOU Service, podiatry, physiotherapy, antenatal, elderly care) and local community groups along with a community café.
A provisional outline plan was presented.
Members were very supportive of the proposals and Clive confirmed that they would be kept informed of progress.
6. Complaints and Significant Events
i. Electronic Prescription Requests for Controlled Drugs
Discussion took place regarding a recent complaint from a patient, who was dissatisfied at arrangements for requesting and taking receipt of the controlled drug part of his wife’s prescription. He was unhappy that this was not possible via the electronic prescribing system and that he had not been made aware of this. The result being that he had made an unnecessary journey to the Pharmacist. He had raised this with the Practice and after discussion with the Practice Manager the matter had now been resolved. He had been informed that the EPS software had been developed nationally and therefore the Practice was unable to re-write it. PPG members agreed that this should be escalated through to the Cannock Chase Commissioning Group’s Medicines Management Team in order to firstly highlight the problem and secondly to ascertain if there are plans to update the software in the near future. This would obviously resolve the problem.
In the meantime, it was agreed that steps be taken to inform patients about the process for requesting and collecting CDs from local Pharmacies using the Practice website and the message screen in the Waiting Room which Clive agreed to action.
8. PPG Chair
Nicki Haywood informed the Group that it was with regret that she would not only have to step down as Chair of the PPG, but would also have to leave the PPG following the current meeting. She explained that she had been successful in securing a post working for NHS England (Staffs and Shropshire) working to assist GP Practices who were struggling and needed support. She had been advised that there may be a potential conflict of interest with her PPG role, hence her decision to resign and leave the Group.
All present were sad that Nicki would be stepping down after many years of supporting the Group and the Practice, not last, the work she undertook to steer the Surgery to become the first Dementia Friendly Practice in Cannock Chase CCG. That said, everyone was pleased to hear the news regarding Nicki’s exciting and challenging post and wished her every success in her new role.
On behalf of the Practice, Clive thanked Nicki for the support she had given and her enthusiasm and wished her well for the future.
In terms of a successor as Chair, Clive asked those present and those who were unable to attend to consider if they would like to take on the new role, probably to take effect at the first meeting in 2017. If anyone was/is interested please contact Clive in the first instance.
9. Date of Next Meeting
This will be held at 6:30pm Thursday 15 December 2016 in the Surgery Conference Room.