Tad MaciejewskiInstructional Technology

Roosevelt Middle SchoolNew Bedford, MA

Information Technology Video Project

For 8th Grade


The purpose of this assignment is to have students, as a team of three, select a topic from a school activity (basketball game, school dance, classroom presentations, etc) and created a five-minute DVD movie on the computer.

As a team they will: use a digital video camera to record a 3-minute sequence and use a digital still camera to take 10 pictures of their chosen activity. The students will also have to choose two songs that relate to their topic.

Upon their return to class they will download the video, still pictures and music into appropriately named folders on the computer. To keep track of their progress they will use a video documentation worksheet. The team will then access the installed computer software package to complete the project.

I. Step 1

A. Equipment needed

1. Digital Video Camera

2. Digital Still Camera

3. Music from CD's converted to MP3 files

4. Windows 2000 or higher computer

5. NERO 7 or Windows Movie Maker or equivalent software package

6. Video Documentation Worksheet

7. Rubric Grade Sheet

II. Step 2

A. Computer folder names needed






III. Step 3

A. Student team will attend activity and record 3-minute video

B. Student team will attend activity and take 10 digital pictures

C. Student team will decide on 2 songs that relate to their topic

1. One song for the movie menu screen

2. One song for the picture show

IV. Step 4

A. Student team will download video to VIDEO folder in WMV or MPEG format on computer depending on software

B. Student team will download pictures to PICTURES folder in JPG format

C. Student team will transfer 2 songs to MP3 format and download to MUSIC folder on computer

D. Student team will use Microsoft PowerPoint to create slides that will become titles for the movie and save them in the TITLES folder

1. One chapter title needed for video

2. One chapter title needed for pictures

3. One title needed for ending credits - include:

a. The names of each team member

b. Your class period (ex. Class C2D2)

4. Apply custom features to titles (fonts, colors, backgrounds, etc.)

5. Slides need to be saved in both PPT and JPG format

V. Step 5

A. Start a new project using the movie software package

1. In properties feature, under Author, add all team member names

B. Create movie on storyboard

1. Select video title slide from TITLES folder and add to storyboard

2. Capture video from VIDEO folder to storyboard

3. Select pictures title slide from TITLES folder and add to storyboard

4. Import Pictures from PICTURES folder to storyboard

5. Select credit title slide from TITLES folder and add to the end of the storyboard

6. Save project in MOVIE folder using activity as filename

C. Add effects for title slides (how slides will appear during movie)

1. Open Project from your MOVIE folder

2. Select editing features for your movie

3. For each TITLE slide in storyboard:

a. Choose video effect needed to Fade In and Fade Out

D. Add transitions (transitions go between each slide)

1. Between each picture slide in storyboard:

a. Choose video transitions needed to Fade In and Fade Out

E. Add music

1.Select the timeline option of the software

2. Import music for picture slides from MUSIC folder

3. Select the automatic timing feature to match the number of pictures with the length of the music

4. Save project in MOVIE folder using activity as filename

VI. Step 6

A. Finish movie

1. Select the Menu Screen Layout feature if available on software

2. Design opening screen layout (background, color, fonts)

B. Render final product into DVD format

C. Save movie in MOVIE folder with activity name as filename

Video Documentation Worksheet

Team Name: ______

Project location (use movie title as folder name)______

Slides (PICTURES folder) (JPG format) / Animation (Intro) / Animation (Exit)
Chapter slides (TITLE folder) (PPT/JPG formats) / Color / Shape
Picture song title (MUSIC folder) (MP3 format) / Artist / Time/Number of Slides
Movie (VIDEO folder) / Movie (Capture. & Edit) / Movie.MPG (Final)
Intro -. / Exit -
Movie song title (MUSIC folder) (MP3 format) / Artist / Time
Menu Screen
1. / Layout:
2. / Background:
3. / Header:
4. / Footer:
5. / Font:
6. / Buttons:
7. / Song:

Instructional Technology Video Project

Rubric Grade Sheet

Team Name: ______Class: ______

Assignment / Possible
Points / Points
Picture Selection / 2
Transitions (start/end) / 2
Title Slides Selection / 2
Video Selection / 2
Music Selection for Slides / 2
Music Selection for Movie / 2
DVD Menu Setup / 2
Documentation for Title Slides / 2
Documentation for Overall Project / 2
Presentation / 2

Points Legend:

0 = not done

1 = not completed

2 = completed