Hougham & Marston Village Hall and Playing Field Committee
Secretary’s Annual Report Year 2009/2010
This report covers the period 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2010
Representative Members
Marston Parochial Church CouncilJohn Crozier
Hougham Parochial Church CouncilJudith Potter
Marston Parish Council)Simon Brown
Hougham Parish CouncilJames Burtt
Marston Thorold’s Charity SchoolFaith Ballaam
Pre-School Play GroupAlistair Ross
Women’s InstituteSybil Howard
Mother & Toddler GroupNone appointed
Cricket ClubTim Deal
Elected MembersCaroline BrownChris Butt
Valerie PearsonJune Westwood
Non-Active Organisations:
Youth Club; Football Club; Drama Group; Kids Club. The committee agreed that these vacancies be filled by co-opting other members.
Co-opted MembersGordon CannonAnn Drury
Joshua RichardsonSteve McBain (Chair CPP committee)
Hon. General Secretary/TreasurerLucille Chesterton
Elected Officers
ChairmanCaroline Brown
Vice-ChairmanJohn Crozier
Grounds CommitteeVal Pearson, James Burtt, Richard Pearson and Cricket Club representatives
As Trustees the Management Committee have carried out their duties with diligence, meeting nine times during the past twelve months maintaining an average attendance of 74%.; four members achieving 100%. However, attendance at meetings, though very important is not their only duty; they have carried outgeneral inspection of property, general maintenance, minor repairs,additional cleaning and caretaking duties and still found time to raise funds.
The sub- committeeorganising the renewal of the Children’s Play Areacontinues under the Chairmanship of Steve McBain. Other trustees directly involved are Gordon Cannon, Lucille Chesterton, Alistair Ross and June Westwood. Peter Bowes and Carole Winter complete the committee. The long process of applying for grant aid is in hand and fund rising continues.
Bankers, Insurers, Licences
Two bank accounts are held with Lloyd’s TSB Bank of Grantham; a Treasurer’s Account (current account) and a Deposit Account. Signatories to the accounts are Lucille Chesterton, June Westwood and Caroline Brown. Duncan Andrew of Duncan & Toplis continues to provide auditing services. Insurances for the hall are with Zurich, arranged through Neal Mapletoft of the Community Council.
The premises holda Community Premises Entertainment Licences issued by SKDC; it does not have a licence to prepare food or serve alcohol. Renewed annually are license for Performing Rights,Phonographic Performance and SmallLotteries.The Village Hall is affiliated to the Community Council of Lincolnshire and sponsors the parish magazine “Together”.
Annual Accounts
The full Balance Sheet for the financial year ending 31 December 2009is presented separately for approval at the General Meeting.
As of 1st January 2010 assets are:
Lloyds Treasurers Account£6,666.42
Lloyds Call Account£7,276.91
Petty Cash£ 138.68
(less depreciation)
Income for 2009 £10,848.12 Income£10,848.12
Expenditure for 2009£10,606.63Expenditure£10,425.77
Profit on year’s workings £ 241.49Profit £ 422.35
Once again the proceeds from the Christmas Fair were directed towards the Children’s Playground Project; therefore the balance of these designated funds now stands at £4,858.08.The general balance is £9223.93
Ingeneral income was down on last year, lettings down by around £700, bank interest down by £120. Our main fund raising of bingo, 100 Club and Christmas Fair were similar to last year. Expenditure was down by £4,500 due mainly because we spent £2,600 less on repairs. Electricity and oil down around £900 but these figures are best viewed over a two year period depending when oil is delivered; water and rates slightly increased – we do benefit from 80% mandatory rate relief as a registered charity and also receive a further 15% discretionary rate relief from SKDC. As we changed our insurance arrangements and signed a three year contract with Zurich our policy was reduced and will be held at this level for a further two years. Other expenditure roughly the same as the previous year.
Hire charges were reviewed as usual, in June, but due to the state of the economy in general is was decided that no increases would be levied this year. The committee strive in their endeavour to treat all regular users fairly and keep hire charges to a minimum, and as the hall is a registered charity the policy of “everyone pays for hire” continues. Historically the running costsof the hall have not been met from income from lettings so there is a definite reliance on fund raising to “balance the books”.It is essential that fund raising continues and I would recommend that the proceeds from the Christmas Fair revert to the main account in order to halt the deterioration of general funds.
Copies of the Balance Sheet together with the Auditor’s report and Secretary’s report are forwarded to the Charity Commissioners in accordance with the legislation required of Registered Charities.
Fund Raising
General - The Christmas Fair in 2009 differed from previous years in that stalls were hired to crafters and proved to be successful. Also successful was the draw, once again sponsored by Ian McBain Garden Designs, but with hampers for prizes. All the hampers were donated either by organisations of the Village Hall or individuals. It is planned to continue with this format for 2010.
The fortnightly bingo sessions continue on Friday evenings, thanks to the small group who organise this event. 100 Club continues to run from March to February each year with 100% membership last year. This year we have four spare numbers.
Playground Equipment – Last year an treasure hunt around Marston was held and raised £97. Plans are in hand for a sponsored bike ride to Paris being undertaken by Gordon Cannon. It is anticipated that the CPP then will have sufficient funds to ensure the maintenance of equipment for at least the first year or two.
Annual servicing and maintenance of the security system and fire alarms is undertaken by Allsecure Systems of Grantham, withother checks being undertaken by Caroline Brown. Fire Uk are contracted to inspect and replace fire extinguishers on anannual basis. An annual“walk-about” inspection is carried out in July by the Management Committee and minor problems dealtwith. The servicing of the central heating system is undertaken by Roger Barker of Complete Service Engineering recommended by Nick Critchley. Unfortunately a break down early in the year resulted in a bill of £502 and some loss of income. The annual electrical check of portable appliances was again dealt with by electrician Dean Wright of Hougham at nocosts to the village hall.
Once again the window in the changing room has been damaged by vandals and currently being repaired. Consideration was given to permanently bricking up this windowthe consensus was to leave it as a window.
Playing Field
The Cricket Club continue to cut the playing field grass; the field edges and trimming around the trees is undertaken by James Burtt. The dyke on Frinkley Lane side has been cleared at a cost of £143.75 and road chippings purchased at £198 and spread on the car park by volunteers. Litter clearance and hedge trimming has also been undertaken by volunteers with no cost to the village hall.
Under the terms of the insurance the children’s adventure play area has to be checked on a weekly basis; a log kept, signage replaced, weeds cleared and repairs carried out when necessary. There is a monthly rota kept with Steve McBain, who has the necessary expertise, carrying out the check on alternate monthsand other members of the committee filling in the other months.
Slabs have been laid on the footbridge at the playground end of the field to overcome the problem of the slippy muddy surface; thanks to Steve McBain for this work
Cleaning of the hall is carried out once a week by a contract cleaning service (No Problems) and windows outside quarterly by Diamond Bright Windows. Organisations are expected to keep the hall tidy after their hire; at other times we are grateful for the voluntary services of our two unpaid caretakers Ann Drury and Val Pearson. Without these caring members of our committee the cleaning bill would be far more costly.
Key Holders
Keys are held by Caroline Brown, Lucille Chesterton, Ann Drury, Val Pearson, June Westwood and Stephen Pullinger (Doctor) and there is a policy in place which will be renewed annual at the Annual General Meeting.
Regular Users
Pre-School Playgroup, Women’s Institute, Local History, Cricket Club and badminton continue. Mother & Toddler Group meet intermittently. Marston Parish Council meet on amonthly basis and the Grantham and District Young Farmer’s Club started up at the beginning of 2010. Also new is the Art classes held by local artist Rachel Connolly.
Dr. Pullinger continues to hold his Monday surgery at the hall, a service which is greatly appreciated by many villagers.
Casual Users
Children’s parties continue to be popular and there have been a few other parties this year but no weddings. The hall is occasionally used for meetingsand elections.
The system for booking the hall appears to work satisfactorily with Alistair Ross responsible for taking bookings, Lucille Chesterton sending out contracts and collecting payment, Ann Drury, Val Pearson and June Westwood have the task of opening and locking up the hall or giving out the key to regular users.
The trustees mindful of their duty to the community have drawn up policies for Health & Safety, Equal Opportunity, Child Protection and Vulnerable Persons, Environment, Lettings, Hire Charges, and Key Holders. These are kept in the Log Book or displayed on the notice board and reviewed either annually or biennially as required.
The hall survives through the dedication of the Management Committee who give freely and willingly of their time to ensure We also pay tribute to all those villagers who do not wish to be “committed” to running the Village Hall but nonetheless give their support by their attendance at fund raising events, by donating prizes and money and reporting anything of a suspicious nature.
Lucille Chesterton
Hon. General Secretary/Treasurer
April 2010
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