Barton Mills Parish Council
Clerk to the Council:
James BercoviciClerk: James Bercovici
Barton Coach HouseHome (01638) 510803
The Street
Barton Mills
Bury St EdmundsChairman: Mr R Lewis
SuffolkHome (01638) 713325
IP28 6AA
Minutes ofthe Meeting of Barton Mills Parish Council
Held in the Village Hall on Friday 13thMarch 2015 at 7.00 pm.
Attendance:Cllr Robert Lewis (Chairman)
Cllr AminHarji (Vice Chairman)
Cllr Kay Blanchard
Cllr Pamela Boura
Cllr Garry Flack
Cllr Frances Lewis
Cllr Steve Mullender
Cllr Charlie Peachey
District Cllr Tim Huggan
James Bercovici (Clerk)
0.Opportunity for members of the Public to speak (3 minute limit, not statutory part of meeting).
1.Courtesies. Apologiesand Signing of the Register. Declarations of Interest.
Apologies: Cllr Keith Fuller
Declarations of interest:None
2.Police Matters
None reported.
3.Minutes of the meeting held on 13th February 2015
Cllr Boura proposed agreeing the minutes: all in favour.
4.Matters arising and pending
a.Play equipment. Cllr Bourahad enquired aboutclimbing equipment for Under 7s. Funding has been provisionally agreed (subject to actual cost). Cllr Boura met with a Proludic representative to discuss possible options. Following an initial set of quotes, the Clerk put these forward for funding in the region of £16,000. At the meeting, Cllr Boura outlined further possibilities and recommended obtaining quotes for a smaller unit suitable for the 2-5 age range (rather than 3-7 as previously quoted). Cllr Huggan said requests for finance should be sent in before the end of the financial year. Cllr Mullender wondered which age range should be catered for; most councillors thought the 3-7s. Cllr R Lewis proposed that if funding can be obtained for most of the cost of a suitable unit with a shortfall of no more than £2,000, a suitable unit for 3-7 year olds should be purchased: all in favour.
b.Footpathboardwalk. The Clerk was asked to find out when the section between Hassall's Corner and the boardwalk would be raised: Claire Dickson has advised that she is waiting on final year end spend from Highways. The Clerk has also been asked to advise on a necessary repair to the chicken wire on the boardwalk.
Cllr Peachey reported complaints about the barbed wire fence, problems with pushchairs passing each other and that the chicken wire was not appropriate. Cllr R Lewis said he would look at these specifically but other councillors did agree that chicken wire was usual to prevent slipping when wet or icy.
Cllr F Lewis said someone had reported that FHDC had cut down trees and hedges elsewhere and left clippings in ditches. Cllr R Lewis said it was not clear that FHDC or its contractor had been dumping anything and enquired where this was happening. Cllr F Lewis was unclear; Cllr R Lewis said the Parish Council needed more information before it could pursue this.
c.Standing Orders.Cllr Boura suggested a draft could be prepared for approval at the Annual Meeting in May. Cllr F Lewis thought this should not take place in May. Cllr R Lewis outlined the current position and said the Parish Council needed to agree an efficient way to decide on any amendments to the model standing orders. Cllr Boura thought it would be best to appoint a small group to go through the model and make recommendations to the Parish Council. Cllr R Lewis thought this should be left to the May meeting for the new Council to appoint a sub-committee which can later make recommendations to the full Council.
d.Footpath to Bury St Edmunds - Cllr R Lewis outlined a suggestion of a coordinated path connecting Barton Mills to Bury St Edmunds (and, in effect, West Row to Bury). He suggested a dialogue should be started with other parishes along the route. Cllr Huggan thought this a fantastic idea which would require linking different organisations. He thought it would be a medium to long-term project and it would be necessary to bring in private organisations for funding. Cllr Mullender said many existing paths would simply need upgrading and connecting but the route would be fantastic and very scenic. Cllr Huggan pointed out that future maintenance would have to be considered, hence the need to include outside organisations. He added that the Forestry Commission which owns some of the land concerned does not always see the commercial potential but he thought it would be good for local businesses as Barton Mills would be an ideal overnight stop between Cambridge and Bury. Cllr Boura thought the first stage for development could be from Barton Mills to Lackford Lakes. Cllr R Lewis suggested including this on the February agenda and wondered which FHDC department would be able to offer advice on this. Cllr Waters thought Community and Leisure and suggested emailing him and Cllr Huggan in the first instance. He said a caravan park was being considered for West Stow and other commercial projects were being discussed at St Edmundsbury
ei.Football coaching in the summer holidays for school children. Cllr R Lewis reminded councillors od the scheme from 2013. Cllr Waters was unsure whether funding would be available again but Cllr Huggan said there are other groups which may be able to help; the Clerk observed that the Football Club would be able to apply for Cllr Huggan's locality budget for funding. Cllr R Lewis suggested the Parish Council may be able to contribute. Cllr Waters wondered about s106 funds; Cllr Huggan said he could help through his locality budget and that the terms had been revised so that, where the population is under 1,000, the Parish Council could apply. However, it was decided that, for now, it would be better if the application came from the Football Club.
f.Street lights. Cllr Boura said she is chasing this and asked the Clerk to follow up the permission needed for Walnut Tree Farm. Cllr Boura said there had been no progress as written permission was needed but the Clerk had received no response. Cllr R Lewis asked the Clerk to forward the letter as he knew the owner slightly and would approach him direct.
g.Dip in corner of the field. Cllr Boura asked the Clerk to arrange the delivery of gravel for this.
h.Hastoe houses. Cllr R Lewis asked the Clerk to investigate a complaint/comment residents in the rental houses:
1. They are paying a service charge but little in the way of works being done
2. They have been told their rents are going up but have not had a satisfactory explanation
The Clerk outlined the response from Hastoe. Cllr R Lewis said he thought this is not really a matter for the Parish Council except, perhaps, as the last resort. It was agreed that Hastoe's response showed great efficiency.
i.Fiveways Farm. The Clerk has requested an update from the police. Cllr Huggan said the Forestry Commission has not taken action and needs further encouragement. Cllr F Lewis enquired about the rubbish on the site; Cllr Boura said it would be the landowner's responsibility. Cllr Huggan advised that, if necessary, FHDC would clear up after the eviction and charge it to the Forestry Commission.
j.SALC report from Cllr F Lewis (filed with the minutes)
k.Lark Valley Association AGM report from Cllr F Lewis (filed with the minutes)
5.Report from the District Councillor
Cllr Huggan went through his report (filed with the minutes). Cllr R Lewis asked if the changes to s106 requirements would have an impact on the FHDC budget and, in particular, funds available to parishes for local projects. Cllr Huggan thought it likely.
6.Finance - Standard Payments for approval (inc. VAT)
a.£294.00 Clerk’s net salary (February 2014) – chq. 1330
b.£73.50 HMRC (PAYE February2014) – chq.
c.£34.64 Clerk's expenses (February2014) - chq. 1330
The standard payments were proposed by Cllr Boura: all in favour.
Special Payments for approval (inc. VAT)
d.£3,302.60 Suffolk CC (Street light maintenance and energy, year to 31/03/15) - chq. 1331
e.£1,153 Hayward Building (field entrance) - chq. 1332
f.£30 Community Action Suffolk (subscription) - chq. 1333
g.£110 Rainbow Playgroup (donation, agreed in February) - chq. 1334
The special payments were proposed by Cllr Boura: all in favour.
f.The Mildenhall Support Group of Eastern Savings and Loans Credit Union has requested a donation of £50 towards its annual rent of £562.50. There is £74 remaining in the 2014 budget. Cllr Boura declared a prejudicial interest but explained the request before leaving the meeting. Cllr Peachey expressed surprise that they were being charged rent; other councillors concurred. Cllr F Lewis proposed a donation of £50 towards the rent, as requested: all in favour. Chq. 1335
Note - ITALICS: Parish Council comments passed to Forest Heath DC. Bold: Forest Heath DC decision
General and for consideration:
a.DC/15/0275/HH - 12 Mildenhall Road. Two storey side Extension and Alteration to existing car parking arrangement. Cllr R Lewis observed there are no railings proposes for the balcony but thought it looks better than the existing set-up. Cllr Mullender proposed no objections: all in favour.
b.DC/15/0298/VAR - Fiveways. Variation of condition 33 of planning permission F/2010/0527/FUL (to facilitate alterations to the internal road layout of the scheme, alterations to the car park arrangements of the scheme, the realignment of the drive-thru access to McDonalds, the reconfiguration of the proposed petrol filling station canopy and the repositioning of the proposed car (jet) wash without compliance with condition 31 to allow the fast food restaurant to be open for 24 hours.Cllr R Lewis suggested 'no comment'.
c.DC/15/0326/ADV - Barton Mills Service Station, Fiveways Roundabout. Advertisement Consent - (i) 10 no non-illuminated number signs (ii) 3 no non-illuminated koala signs (iii) 2 no externally illuminated blade signs (iv) 2 no externally illuminated breaking wave signs (v) 2 no non-illuminated end cap signs.Cllr R Lewis suggested 'no comment'.
d.DC/15/0397/HH - 16 Worlington Road. Extensions and alterations including a front extension to create a double garage, a rear infill extension (with balcony area) and raising of roof to create habitable rooms in the roof.Cllr Mullender proposed no objections: all in favour.
e.CTIL 114836 Parish Pre Application Consultationfor a proposed ‘4G’ base station upgrade at (114836) Five Ways Garage. Cllr Bouracould see no objections to this.
Awaiting Forest Heath decisions and pending appeals
f.DC/15/0071/HH - Hive Cottage 3 Worlington Road. Two and single storey rear extension (following partial demolition of existing extension) (householder application). Cllr Boura proposed an objection to the weather-boarding but no objection to the pronciple of the application itself: all favour.
g.DC/15/0223/FUL - Land At Corner Of Bridge Farm Close And Worlington Road. 4 no. two bedroom apartments (revised scheme of DC/14/1071/FUL) (applicant: Bellway Homes)c.. DC/15/0225/FUL - Development Site Bridge Farm Close. 3 no. dwellings and associated parking (applicant: Bellway Homes)
These applications were considered together. Cllr Boura proposed objecting the both applications because of the loss of existing parking spaces; however, if one is to proceed, a preference should be expressed for DC/15/0225/FUL on the grounds that it is less intrusive and would have a slightly lower impact on parking: all in favour.Both applicationsRECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL subject to conditions
h.PL\0245\14 (F/14/1862/CMW) - Barton Mills Quarry, Herringswell Road. Siting of storage container beside storage building to house generator to power chalk processing plant located within the building.Cllr Peachey proposed no objections: all in favour.
i.F/2014/Variation of Condition 2, 9 and 10 of Planning Permission F/2011/0278 - Barton Mills Chalk Quarry, Chalk Hill.
j.DC/14/2346/ADV - Proposed Mcdonalds Land To NW of Fiveways Roundabout. Advertisement Consent - Various site signage. APPROVED
k.DC/14/2347/FUL - Proposed Mcdonalds Land To NW of Fiveways Roundabout.Advertisement Consent - installation of customer order display. APPROVED
The above items were considered together. Cllr Boura proposed 'no comment': all in favour.
l.DC/14/2377/FUL - 36 Mildenhall Road. Revised scheme of DC/14/0146/FUL - Demolition of existing double garage and pole barn and erection of single storey one bedroom dwelling and new garage for existing property. Cllr Boura reminded the meeting of the earlier proposal and its outcome then highlighted the differences in the new application. However, she thought the fundamental objection remained and proposed objecting on the grounds that the layout of the proposed development would not be in keeping with the rest of Mildenhall Road: all in favour except Cllr Peachey (abstained).REFUSED
m.Memorandum of Understanding. Cllr R Lewis thought that for larger developments, by the time the application is submitted, it is almost a done deal where there has been pre-application consultation between the developer and the Planning department. He thought the Parish Council should be involved at this stage so it had more opportunity to have input in the process and that this should be set out more clearly at 6.1.3 of the Memorandum. Cllr Huggan said the local knowledge a Parish Council could provide is extremely useful in planning.
8.Any other business (with consent of the Chairman)
a.Annual Meeting/AGM. Cllr F Lewis asked if anyone had had any thoughts about any suitable topics. Cllr Mullender suggested discussing the closure of the base and its impact on Barton Mills. Cllr R Lewis thought a display of the proposed new play equipment may be of interest and said a decision could be made at the April meeting.
b.Election. Cllr R Lewis wondered about the timescale for the forthcoming election. The Clerk said he would chase this. Cllr F Lewis asked if the Parish Council would have to pay for this and, if so, how much. Cllr Harji suggested changing the day of meetings as that may attract more participation from the community.
9.Date of next meeting: 17th April 2015.Cllrs Blanchard and Flack gave their apologies.
Signed (Chairman)...... 17th April 2015 Page 1